Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Tatum O’Neal, for example, remained beautiful during her crack and heroin years. During the 1930’s heroin (aka “horse”) was used by some movie stars to preserve their youth. It slows the body down. It is partly the hustling for the drug that causes druggie face.


Heroin users can blend in well. It’s not always so obvious and some can come off as fairly functional. I dealt with it with a member of my family. Well off, had a decent life, but got sucked in (self medicating mostly). He looked quite healthy (for him) and normal, not so sunken or ill looking. I’m not sure how often he used, but when he passed away (OD) I did find many needles/syringes. The thing is, you cannot help these people unless they want to help themselves. So sad and frustrating.

*I’m not saying anything about LK here, this is just my own experience on the subject.

Part of me wonders if it is more prevalent in equestrians than we know. Think of all the aches, pains, and mental stress that can come along with being a pro in the horse world. Self medicating may become an attractive option to some. Especially those that cannot afford (money or time wise) professional help and proper medication.


I’ve always endorsed random drug testing for competing riders as well as horses.


The main reason we filed a civil suit is because WE WERE SHOT /shot at & almost killed, after a protracted campaign to harass, bully, torment , lie about and intimidate us. Which is exactly what OUR complaint - also public- does state. The motion to freeze assets occurred well over a month ago- but 6-7 months AFTER the near double homicides- when we were given information of the defendant attempting to sell off his “assets,” and hide the funds- an illegal act mid lawsuit.

Newsflash- when you shoot people- nearly killing both of them- lawsuits ensue. Common knowledge. Believe me, we would have been much happier NOT having been almost murdered. It truly is amazing how much “info,” you people seem to believe is real, not having been there for any of it. It apparently causes hallucinations also! Like… the non existent “eviction,” paper “stuck to our door.” I mean, even Eggbutt made the cryptic claim/not claim she was “hiding in the back of MB’s dually when the shooting took place!” Wonder why she didn’t report a shooting, if that was the case.

The UC Davis toxicology researcher who coined the term “designer drugs” in 1983 did much of his research at the racetracks. If it worked on horses, the users would try it on jockeys and vice-versa. Then onto the streets it would go.


Locally people tell me that cocaine arrived via the local race track in the 1970s. Used as an analgesic I believe. From there the track workers started using it.


They must be youngsters! Coke has been used in racing since at least the 1920’s. Not so much anymore because of the testing available. Hence the drive (the researcher found) to develop new drugs that do not test, yet.

ETA: Sorry for the sidetrack. Back to our regularly scheduled train wreck.

 You posted the “proposed order” of Barisone’s lawyer proposing that the judge deny Lauren’s motion to freeze MB’s assets and falsely represented it as the judge’s actual order. 

  You seem to consider the issue of whether an order has been signed, dated, and filed BY THE JUDGE vs “proposed” by a defense lawyer as a trifling detail. 

   As of today, the PUBLIC RECORD still does not have the signed document filed by the judge. OK, so there is a delay between the judge signing and the document being PUBLICLY available. 

    Posters who knew that the judge had signed the order prior to it being posted online, like Eggbutt, Knight’s Mom, and LK, I presume are insiders. No need to confirm or deny, but anyone who has knowledge of the judges’s ruling before it is posted publicly has to be an insider.
     Given that the motion to freeze assets was denied without prejudice (according to various insiders), the motion apparently can be refiled at any time, for example if MB does start to sell and disperse horses. The purpose of the motion, even though it was denied for now) may be to put MB and the court on notice to watch for the selling of assets.

I remember hearing an interview with Nicole Richie in which she people were surprised to hear she had a herion problem b/c she didn’t look awful and “live under a bridge”. She said, I always looked good and wore cute shoes! I also know there are many famous people who were functioning heroin addicts at some point. But I never noticed anything particular about their faces. I do know they are often thin.


I mean, even Eggbutt made the cryptic claim/not claim she was “hiding in the back of MB’s dually when the shooting took place!” Wonder why she didn’t report a shooting, if that was the case. [/QUOTE]

PLEASE cite this post!!! Can’t recall seriously making that comment anywhere!

You had rumor info about selling anything or you would have provided evidence to the court!




Have I been clear enough now?


The motion was denied because LK is not yet a creditor. That’s what the POSTED ORDER SAID.


For whatever reason cocaine only turned up as a recreational drug here in the 1970s.

We had opium in the 1890s, marijuana and heroin stsrtung after world war 2, hallucinogenics in the 1960s, cocaine in the 1970s, crack and meth stsrtung up late 80s. Following general trends. It’s always been a big drug use city. I don’t know why cocaine didn’t leach off the track into being a party drug earlier. It’s possible it’s form changed or it became cheaper or an older generation of grooms were drinkers not pharmaceutical users.

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I have personally known trainers (yes, more than one) who self-medicated before rides on potentially explosive horses.


This is a really good point. I posted it too, only having read Eggbutts account of what she believes to be “FACTS.” (Post #2 of hers. ) I, myself, have seen no actual evidence from my own attorneys that motion (b) was denied.

The very first element of her partial posting of pieces of this document I pointed out to her- was the fact she removed the date of the proceeding. Additionally, whatever the ruling - there is a reason for the “without prejudice,” add-on.

Of course, by now, it’s really not so shocking Eggbutt (whom identified herself by referencing a comment I made to her on FB) would open yet another thread, again, twisting words used in “answer,” to my complaint, and calling them “facts.” She is known for doing the same thing to others -with her small group of lackeys, (IRL) in NC. Arguing with her is pointless. Her agenda is clear. Anytime she is called out- she pivots to “recipes.” Therefore, her interest is not in this case- rather, her interest is far more along the lines of proving her undying loyalty to her “very good friends,” - which she has named as being “MH’s family & MH “- since she has “known MH since she was a teen.” Disclaimer- That does not make her the “friend,” she believes to be she is. Though, I suppose, as long as SHE believes it… she can be as much a lackey for MH as R.C was for both MH & MB- by providing the gun used to (attempt) to murder us.

Lastly, she must have forgotten her post claiming she may have been “hiding,” in MB’s dually at the time of the shooting. That’s a bold claim. Random, I know. But thought I’d remind her 5 (ish) “comment boosters,” we are keeping very close track of her rantings- for obvious legal reasons, during an ongoing criminal investigation.

Doesn’t the criminal suit cover that? And I’ve read every single COTH post on this topic and have never seen a post by Eggbutt about hiding in the back of MB’s dually. Do you have a legit screenshot of that?



I don’t know Eggbutt, but can’t EVERYBODY read your Facebook comments to people? Several people on COTH have posted screenshots of your FB posts, so there must have been lots of people on your friends list. Any one of them could have read it, right?


Yes. Of course we have a screenshot of that. It’s not on this thread. Without searching our files, I believe the quote was this: “And if I told you I was hiding in the back of MB’s dually, would you believe me then?”

Others saw it too & called her out in it as being cryptic. That said, I can assure you, the only person in mbs truck was MB. Which is not to say, no other parties knew exactly what his plans were that day. I’m not allowed to post screenshots here or anywhere else- of posts/comments from these forums. Though, by typing in a few key words - the post I mentioned shouldn’t be too difficult to locate.

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