Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

About those renovations…

At the Trulia link eggbutt shared above, it talks about renovations being done to the “lower level”, that would include “direct access to outside”. For some reason, this description sticks out to me.…53–2088609438

Disclaimer- I have never lived in NJ, am not an attorney nor did I sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night, but as someone who has bought and sold some real estate over the years and has been following this saga, this raises some questions.

Many times basement square footage cannot be counted in total square footage unless there is a legal egress, nor can it be used as a bedroom without a proper egress.

This house is an antique colonial, built in 1870. While I am sure it was originally built with a basement, that basement would not have been intended as living space when the house was built. It most likely did not have had an egress leading directly to the outside.

I owned an antique farmhouse across the river in Pennsylvania that was built in 1863, and while it currently has an egress to the outside via steps and “bilco” doors, they were not original to the house when it was built.

If anyone was living in the basement of this house back in August 2019, it could have been totally illegal due to no proper egress. The fire marshal would have been involved as in the end this is a hazard- in the event of a fire people could be trapped in the basement and not be able to get out.

Would the owners of the property, including MB, been aware of this? Maybe, maybe not depending on what their experience is with real estate and zoning.

What does this have to do with MB, LK, the shooting or anything else for that matter? I’m not sure, but could it be used in some way to exert pressure over the owner of the property? “Do not evict me or I will call the fire marshal, zoning office, township or XXXXX. I will get your business shut down if…”


Not sure how I feel about this from the realtor site… "Front porch is a highlight of this home. "




Yes, I asked about egress being one of the problems that caused the FM to shut it down.
Makes sense.


Yikes. Was intended as a silly, slightly sarcastic observation in light of the alleged questionable renovations and such. Sorry.


Nothing to be sorry for. That is how I read it.


The house currently accommodates multiple living situations which can be continued or convert back to a single-family home.

So it was recognized as a multiple unit at one time? The house I grew up in had two kitchens and two baths. During WWII two families lived in it. One downstairs, the other upstairs. My parents had it zoned single family again (pity). Kept the kitchen & bathroom of course. Very handy when cooking for big get togethers. It still has the coal chute (sealed). I am surprised it didn’ t have the milk box built into the house which was a very common feature at the time (late 19th - early 20th C.).

Anyway, interesting to get a realtor’s perspective.


Viewing those photos does put Barisone and family moving into the barn in a slightly different perspective. Still evidence of how bad the situation had become, but not exactly the hardship I had envisioned.

I wonder how they will make the basement open to the outside. It does not appear to be a bank construction. That property is very flat!

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Digging. Adding stairs.

It is not an overly rare construction project.


Except reportedly they weren’t living in there either, as it was unapproved as well.
Again, per one narrative.


My point was, I have slept in a fair few tackrooms for a variety of reasons, usually foaling mares. Some had kitchenettes, some just had coffee makers, some had half baths, some didn’t. None of them looked remotely like the facilities in that barn. I’m sure it was still infuriating and unnerving to move out of your actual home because of someone else’s actions; but…not quite the hardship I was picturing.

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The seating area and kitchen/dining areas are very nice but with all those windows it is not the most private situation. I personally don’t watch TV but with children and for most people having a TV is important. I think I see a small one in the corner of the dining area but it is in an odd place to be a TV. With the viewing windows there isn’t a good place for one and they may not have cable run. Maybe not a hardship compared to other barns but still a bit unsettling.


Imagine explaining to your clients why you moved into the lounge to escape a 100 lb woman and her boyfriend. Not too macho I expect, but they were also familiar with LK’s antics. He left his home to escape this woman!!! Would you?

The photos only show one exterior side of the house. Does the other side also have a porch?

Hopefully all the cameras and recording devices have been removed from the property.

Michael definitely had a good life.


I had the same reaction. Not discounting the stress of leaving the main house, but from the pictures it looked like pretty comfortable living quarters.

Wasn’t it
who said the barn was ruled uninhabitable by the Fire Marshal?

Yes the clubroom is very nice for having lunches during clinics or barn parties, but having 3 adults and one of the minors (for a short time) sleeping in there on the floor, with as much of their clothing that they could bring up to avoid going back into the house, is not comfortable.
They were living in the clubroom for a week before the fire marshal came out on August 6th and declared all of the buildings uninhabitable.


Screw that. I can’t imagine having to move from my home because of some boarder. I don’t care how shiny and sleek the indoor is. It’s uncomfortable. I slept in a lounge for one night in the winter. Burned horse mags in the fireplace to keep warm. Put down horse blankets to sleep on. It sucked. And that was out of necessity. Imagine day after day, night after night, because of the antics of one person!

  Another legal issue involving the basement remodel is that an extensive remodel creating a separate dwelling unit (for MG’s mother?), and egress to the outside would have required a building permit. 

  Lots of people do unpermitted remodeling in order to avoid  hassle, save money, and make changes that would not be allowed. 

  It looks like RG was probably an unlicensed contractor. But if as the property owner you want to do a major remodel, creating a new unit, you probably need to go with an unlicensed contractor because a licensed contractor would probably refuse for fear of losing his license. 

   Even if people think that MB bears exactly zero responsibility for hiring an unlicensed contractor, he would be breaking the law by undertaking unpermitted construction. 

    Can MB sue RG for treble damages for being an unlicensed contractor if he hired him for a substantial remodeling project without pulling permits?

    The real estate listing said that the parcel

came with the right to build one additional residence. I’m wondering if neither the granny flat in the basement nor the “lounge” with full kitchen in the barn had permits to function as dwelling units.

     Was it LK who called the fire marshal?  If she blew the whistle on known, unpermitted construction, that is an very unkind thing to do. Was it in retaliation for MB saying he wouldn’t pay for the renovation work?  

      Surely, if MB decided to not pay the agreed $50,000 on the grounds that RG couldn’t sue him for it, LK should have simply said, “no problem, MB, we’ll just leave tomorrow”.

Just want to clarify something that seems to be missed by some - Uninhabitable to the fire marshal is different than ‘this place is a mess’. It all has to do with a place being up to codes for someone sleeping there over night.
My clean tidy basement is ‘uninhabitable’ as an over night living location (there are not two forms of egress).

This room is lovely. It wasn’t built as a living space though. And I agree with @tryintogethere that as lovely as it is, it certainly would not be a good place to live for any length of time with a group of people, even though it is a million times nicer than my tack room.


Another day, more unsubstantiated supposition against MB. It just never ends, does it?