Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Oh really? Which “account,” was that? The Faux news account? Reliable.
Surely, by now, you all must be pretty bored with yourselves. You’ve been wrong each & every time something comes out of your “mouth,”/fingers. You should probably assume you’re source knows less than the police.

Let’s go over your scenario.
MB pulls up. Shoots me twice in the chest. From ALL THE WAY upstairs, Rob hears shots & has enough time to realize the shots were coming from the backyard, make a choice to leave the bedroom to dash down maybe 25 -30 steep & winding stairs… to come outside & …??? What? Find mb standing somewhere holding the gun still, dreaming of his future?? While I lay on the pavement, bleeding out??? Or… in your scenario, does Michael come running into the house to shoot Rob … only, he decides to first fire a random bullet onto the porch first- where no one would have been standing at the time, according to your scenario? Did the “scuffle,” better & most accurately known, as ROB HOLDING MICHAEL DOWN to ensure no more shots would be fired - happen INSIDE??? That would be a crazy surprise to the cops who arrived on scene within 10 minutes (ish.) Cool. Wonder how our dog got out if that’s the case! I guess MICHAEL let her out after all… Bc… in your world, there is even one chance in hell my dogs would NOT have protected the door from an intruder. I’d suggest you write a book. (Hire a ghost writer, though, so your story will at least, some sense!)

Seriously, do you even hear yourself?? There is NO scenario whatsoever, which would allow the time for your theory to be possible without defying laws of physics. I just happen to check this forum, a week later & here we are on page 52 - (roughly 35 pages more than I’ve bothered reading) to find THIS as the most recent idiotic comment on this thread.

You do realize they have this thing called “ballistics,” & even “forensics!!” Oh… and of course, that other thing no one knows about yet, which i alluded to during my account of the day in question- on the other thread. I wasn’t discussing it then. I’m not discussing it now. But, be sure, I will be here when it is all disclosed, to specifically flip you off & say “I TOLD YOU SO,” while hiding behind my screen name. (Oh wait. I’m not hiding am I? My identity is known.) Then again, so are several others’ by now!

And FTR- I went upstairs to get Rob. Me. The “sound of gun shots,” did not. Those can be heard from basically anywhere - and they’re usually fire crackers. Rob wouldn’t have bothered checking out sounds we hear frequently from surrounding farms. But… please… carry on. You guys must be really pissed that despite your united sureness my involvement in this sport would be either over, or, would be made “extremely difficult,” (quoting Eggbutt I think but wth knows) - we have defied your misguided predictions. And… you know it. Cheers! See ya here next week sometime! Or not at all! (The later being most preferable, of course!

Do stop, for your own sake.


Once again the reading comprehension on this thread does not disappoint. :lol:


So let me see if I have this right: the person who made sure every moment of this case was ON social media is upset it’s being discussed ON social media.

Do I have that right?

Oh and the account I stated and asked a question about came from the victim herself.


Yes, LK did say that Rob went back inside the house. And you said nothing about him being upstairs in a bedroom, or even upstairs at all.


Who should pull a permit?

If you are paying any professionals to work on your project, pay them to pull permits, too. Some cities even require contractors to pull permits for paid work. Homeowners may only pull permits themselves if they are performing the work alone or with “friends and relatives who are unpaid.”

For other projects, paying a contractor to pull a permit can save time and money. City officials likely have a long list of questions that contractors are best qualified to answer. Paying a contractor for two hours of work at the city building can save you hours of text messages and voicemails between the city and the contractors. After the project, it will save even more time if there are inspection problems to address.”


This Better Business Bureau article basically corroborates everything that I said about pulling your own permits.


From NOLA:
[h=2]Who Arranges for the Permit?[/h]
If you hired a contractor for your project, it is customary for the contractor to arrange for – or, in contractor lingo, “pull” the permit. This is a good idea because typically the person who pulls the permit is responsible for construction following code.

If you pull the permit, you will be considered the contractor (at least in the eyes of the city) and liable if there is a construction problem. Contractors are also often familiar with the process and the city’s inspector(s). The contractor’s preexisting relationship with the city may work to your benefit.

On the other hand, if your contractor is charging by the hour, you may save money by completing the permit paperwork and submitting it yourself. The scope and complexity of your project will help you decide the best way to work with the city and obtain a permit.


These are declarative statements: as of today Robert Goodwin is not and never has been a licensed contractor in the state of New Jersey; Lauren Kanarek is not a licensed contractor in the state of New Jersey.…on/Search.aspx

No speculation needed.


And frankly, preferable to us, as well.


What is the status of the court system in NJ?


It appears that in-person cases are suspended.
[TD]All courthouses are closed to the public except for certain emergent matters. See our vicinage page for more information.[/TD]

No, you quoted an early newspaper account of what happened, which was at odds with what Lauren had posted several times. I was aware that in her account, she went into the house to get RG before talking to MB.

“Fascinating” that many things were ignored by LK such as Rob’s license, the photo showing no apparent injury to his hand, what she does to support herself, etc. Simply more random, late night, dramatic ramblings of little substance. Of course, she is not obligated to explain or even post, so why do it?


100% agree with this. In my case, as the property owner, I spent several hundred hours over the course of 6 months to get all the building permits for a new house, which saved significant money. However, most people have the contractor pull permits (assuming the contractor is licensed). Note that it doesn’t say that the advantage of having the contractor pull the permits is that if you do it yourself as the property owner that the liability for workplace accidents transfers to you. It’s mostly a time and hassle issue.

Again, I was just raising the possibility that no one has obtained a permit for the granny flat renovation. But perhaps MB did have a permit. I don’t claim to know one way or the other.

Ones recollection of the details of the incident as relayed on COTH and in the news, sadly rely on the widely varying accounts from the one very unreliable source.


Lots of things are at odds with what LK states. Funny.


You were the one who stated that the photo with no apparent injury to his hand 20 days after the shooting showed that, according to you, there was never an injury.

Then when someone posts news accounts saying it was a broken bone, he was treated at the hospital, etc, indicating you were WRONG, you come back with a cutesy “Dang, Marines heal fast!”

You incorrectly accused her of lying about the injury. Instead of apologizing, you now criticize her for posting a photo with no apparent injury (20 days after the shooting).

She never said RG was a licensed contractor, that I’ve seen. Why do you think she owes it to you to disclose whether he was or wasn’t licensed?

Wait, wait. RG did NOT come running out of the house to tackle MB when he heard gunshots?

Wait, wait. RG did NOT become alarmed hearing gunshots, and in fact did not associate these sounds with gunshots, one of which was aimed at him in the house, but missed? So LK went upstairs to get him? To tell him she was shot?

LK went Upstairs to get RG? Before or after she was shot?

I thought she was reading a book on the porch, content in the damage she did by calling CPS, and everything, peacefully minding her own business, when MB pulled up to the house, got out and shot her, and also shot at RG into the house. But she says he was 20 or 30 steps upstairs in the hosue, so how could MB have shot at RG in the house? What, aiming up overhead into an upstairs room? OK. But that didn’t bring him downstairs. LK had to go upstairs and get him?

So, that didn’t hppapen. MB pulls up to the house, LK puts herh book down and goes upstairs to get RG. They come outside together, and THAT’s when MB pulls a gun and shoots LK, and THAT’s when RG tackles MB. But it doesn’t account for the bullet being shot into the house aimed at RG. Because after the two were upstairs and a bullet comes through the window and misses RG, they both come downstairs to face, unarmed, a man with a gun?

But wait. No, because

I knew the story wasnt’ what she said it was. I knew the story would change. I knew it.

   I have not found her accounts “widely varying”, I have found them pretty consistent. There are sometimes differences between her accounts and stuff in the news accounts, especially when the news accounts are quoting MBs lawyers, but that’s to expected.