Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

  On this particular, specific issue, I believe her account because
  1.  She was there
  2.  I see nothing gained by her by inaccurately describing the timing of when she called RG relative to being shot. 

   The newspaper account would be at least second hand.

So where did the newspapers and media get the account of what happened? Not from us. Not from MB. FROM HER.

My comment stands.


What Knights Mom said. Only one person has been talking constantly.

ETA: Not that I think this is true but to answer what could she be gained from lying about the account…

She had the gun first. That would be a reason to lie. Again not saying this is true, just saying there are many reasons why someone would lie about the time line.


IMHO her account has not changed, although the news account was not entirely consistent with her account. She was there and the reporter wasn’t, so everyone can choose whichever account they wish to believe.

She was the one who talked to the reporter. How are you not comprehending that? She did.


The newspaper reporters were interviewing her in the hospital when she was in a medically induced coma? Lots of newspaper accounts have quoted MB lawyers (no not MB himself), so clearly they were getting information from his lawyers.

How many have had a broken bone in a wrist heal within 19 days? Statements that can so easily be proven to put us in our places are completely ignored by the only person talking.


So, if LK went inside upstairs to get RG, and they came down together, and THAT’s when LK got shot, what accounts for the gunshot that went into the house aimed to kill RG upstairs?


So, the gunshots did not arouse alarm in RG because he hears that kind of popping sound all the time? LK had to go upstairs and get him?


Good Morning y’all! Beautiful spring day back here in the holler. The grass has greened up, the barn swallows are back, and we are practicing “safer at home” to keep ourselves healthy!

Just remember there are people who would love to get this thread shut down, just like they did other threads. They will tell you that is not their goal, but actions speak louder than words.

We know we have the ability to ignore certain tangents and comments designed to incite, and we are grownups who can do it!


Yeah, we are to believe Long Valley, NJ is some red neck dreamland of daily shooting that happens so regularly that everyone ignores it. That is certainly NOT a description of Long Valley!


Were you? What account was that? So she went into the house to get RG, and came back out together to be surprised at the shots? Why did MB aim to shoot RG in the house, if RG was outside talking to MB?

Surely MB didn’t shoot at RG when he was in the house with LK who was coming to get him to come out and talk to MB? Who was impatient for them to get outside, so he shot at RG (not at them, at RG) while he was in the house, so both of them run outside to meet a man who was now shooting at them?

Interesting semantics. I wonder if either of them has given a deposition, yet.


Correct. To my knowledge, no one from MB’s team spoke with Sarah Nir. It was more or less a poorly written piece about victim shaming from the standpoint of LK and her friends. Very few actual facts corroborated by anyone were presented.


So you are criticizing her for not “disproving” your claim that his wrist was NOT broken by what, posting the x-rays?

Can someone refresh my memory? Where did the $50,000 figure come from?

If that was an agreed-upon amount between MB and RG (assuming of course that they actually did have an agreement for RG to do the work), was the agreement truly for “renovations” or was it only for repair work involving certain specific issues? If that latter, how did it turn into a $50,000 job? Miss Lollipop has hinted at insurance fraud on the part of MB, but were she and her paramour trying to defraud MB? If so, did the relationship sour when MB realized he was being scammed? Were they all three in cahoots to commit insurance fraud but the relationship turned toxic for other reasons? For instance, if MB realized the work RG had done was substandard and refused to pay him, I can easily see that being enough to push Lollipop over the edge (given her, um, tendencies to exhibit signs of extreme NPD).

 But any decent reporter would ask people on MB’s team for comment, and apparently most or all declined. Perhaps because they didn’t want to be associated with the victim blaming. 

   But you were quoted for your victim blaming post on COTH as the anonymous Eggbutt.

Deeep breaths folks, lotsa deep breaths!

Our mantra should be “don’t take the bait”!


Here’s a decent article I missed along the way.


Or they are smart and say no comment. Either way, ONLY LK is talking. Can you at least agree with that? So if the stories change in the news accounts and only LK is talking, where do you suppose the changes come from?


If you’re in a coma, you are unable to be interviewed.