Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

The mods have stated that references to psychiatric disorders are out of bounds. 

 LK has said that one reason they had not left was that MB owed them $50,000. I don’t remember that she specified what the debt was for. 

  It was already been extensively discussed that even if the work was fine, if RG were an unlicensed contractor he would not be able to sue MB for payment and might even be liable for treble damages. 

   One of MBs lawyers has said in a counterclaim that LK falsely accused MB of insurance fraud.

LK and her need to blast everything on social media. Is it true? Who knows. Because of that I don’t think RG being licensed or not is relevant to this case.


Well this must be true because she gloated about that here. Or his team is establishing credibility and it’s BS. It will be interesting to see if it’s true or not.

Or they talk, but say the statements are not for attribution.

Wow! MB had hired a private investigator for background information. How scared must you be to have to pay a private investigator to get information on your own customer?

And the private investigator had a file. I bet it is very interesting reading. Am hoping this information is all admissible in court!


You don’t know any lawyers that take high profile cases do you?


The fact that this needs to be clarified is mind boggling.


I went back and reviewed the video of the first hearing regarding bail with Sims as the attorney. (Fun fact, MB saw and spoke with him for the first time 45 minutes before the appearance. Needless to say, he was immediately replaced.) Anyway, at 19:49 of the video we see RG stand up and hug someone. His right hand is clearly loosely wrapped with an Ace bandage. Broken? IDK. Slight fracture? My point is his “injuries” were far from serious.


Can we all agree LK is her own worst enemy with her random posts? Nothing has changed with this women’s behavior and probably never will.


Thank you for your tireless defense of LK. Thank you for blindly trusting someone you don’t know just because “they were there” Is this what you want to hear?

Any decent reporter would get input from both sides, but… Not every reporter is decent, many articles carry a bias, and one side may simply not wish to comment. Would you have commented from. MB’s side? I wouldn’t have. What they did was smart and fairly normal.

But alas, my words mean nothing aside from what someone wants them to say.

What do you do when these threads close? So much more free time :lol:


Rhetorical question. Didn’t know I needed to point that out. Sheesh.

What YankeeDuchess refuses to see is the NYT piece was more about a victim of a shooting being blamed or bullied or whatever term you want to use. What YankeeDuchess refuses to see is that piece wasn’t intended to be a factual article about the shooting itself.

My only criticism of the article is that should have been made more clear because apparently the general public cannot to trusted to have critical thinking skills about what they read.

ETA: Well the above and the fact that it was written by a horse person who decided that no one else in Dressage or on CoTH could possibly actually know MB.


Except news articles have dates. All the articles while LK was in a coma were basic. “A shooting happened at this location.” “People are in the hospital.” “A person was arrested.” Basic. Then LK wakes up and hits the internet.


In LK’s defense she has help. She has plenty of people in her life that enable the behavior. If she didn’t she wouldn’t have been able to continue the pattern for so long. At least not in the horse world.

Her pattern would have stayed at the local level of continuous arrests. Remember she thinks it’s normal for 22 year old white females to get into bar fights. Clearly not a single person brought it to her attention that that is not normal.


Her poor lawyer.

“Barisone shot his student at point-blank range and intended to kill her so whatever comes out of his mouth is not to be believed,” Nagel said. “He will pay the piper at some point. He will go to jail and he will pay in the civil suit. Whatever we hear from Barisone should be thrown into the wastebasket.”

Such a weak argument.

Also… just a little detail where we were to believe Kanarek’s dog was a little pooch and Barisone shouldn’t have felt threaten by:

in your world, there is even one chance in hell my dogs would NOT have protected the door from an intruder.

I believe Kanarek to be the owner of 2 dogs which are not so little, and despite having been in contact with Barisone for a long time, they would have protected the door and considered him as an intruder (in his own home.)

I do not condone shooting anyone.


Dang, I have made it into my 50s without a single bar fight! I must not have been living!

   Huh?  You’re excusing yourself for falsely claiming that you knew LK was lying about RGs broken bone(s) because you now morph the claim into saying his injury was “far from serious”?  There are lots of breaks which are not treated with casts.

And none treated with a loosely wrapped ACE bandage.

    When she woke up there was already plenty of stuff on SM, including the statements of SW.

I thought we were talking about news articles written by journalists not posts on social media?