Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

I’m wondering how much the crime rate has dropped with “shelter at home”. You would think there are no more bar fights!

I’ve read that police are worried about increases in domestic violence, though.

Someone claimed that LK was the one who “started”
the huge SM discussion about the case. On that point, the discussion was about SM, not news media.

From the latest spiel the victim posted I am getting the impression there is video or audio of the porch and front lawn area, anyone else catch that vibe?


So why on earth would you quote me talking about news articles?

Who is someone?

And yes she kinda did when she made PUBLIC posts on Facebook about being afraid of MB, her guns and needing a place to go but then turned down every offer. Yes LK posts publicly about her drama. Yes she posted Publicly about everything before and after the shooting.


Who are the news accounts relying on?


From her numerous posts about it, it sounds like she wired the whole place up for sound. Can someone tell if audio and video was edited or if it was turned off and turned back on?

I was responding to your post #1085.

@eggbutt is merely entertaining the idea that there was no broken arm.

Ever watched « Anger management »? Jack Nicholson wears a thick neck brace to win a case for assault; yet he hails a cab and removes his brace to get in.


So yeah… The court will need real evidence of the injury sustained.


You don’t say? I must have missed that with you quoting it and all. Again, why would you respond to my post that was talking about NEWS ARTICLES written by JOURNALISTS, with a post about internet strangers on social media?

Your response had zero to do with anything that I had written.


If there is audio and/or video of the actual “event”, perhaps that is one of the bombshells expected to explode at the trial.

Well, because your post # 1085 was a direct response to my post talking about SM discussion, perhaps?

Oh okay. So you are the only one that missed the boat that we were talking about news articles. My bad. I didn’t realize you didn’t understand what the rest of us were talking about since the post I was responding to was your response to Knights Mom. Knights Mom specifically said interviews in that post. We all assumed you were tracking since people don’t interview each other while posting on social media.


Because I think you forgot what you typed.


Not at all. I don’t think he was injured at all.


What court will need evidence of injury sustained by RG? He’s not a plaintiff in the civil suit. I think the criminal case is about the bullet allegedly fired at his head, not about a broken bone in someone’s hand.

Whether RGs hand was broken of not is irrelevant to the civil or criminal trials. IMHO, Eggbutt volunteers her claim that LK is lying about the injury just to disparage LK.

So have you deleted the post in which you claimed your point was that “his injuries were far from serious”?

Or she was shot trying to take the gun MB had with no intention of shooting her and only had it as protection from her dogs.


It will come up in the criminal trial because it’s part of what happened that day. IMHO you have some weird one sided online grudge with Eggbutt


And the police.


Hmmm. Is this where in the info about her shooting at the bf and heroin use came from?