Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Yes, it will come up in the criminal trial along with all sorts of other minutia. But “proving” that there was a broken bone in RGs hand that occurred after the shooting, won’t be relevant to proving or defending against the attempted murder charges.

I didn’t realize you were privy to what either side will present as evidence, nor did I realize you were privy to who will take the stand and what they would answer questions about.


Indeed, the sequence of events and the outcome of that sequence, including how and by whom the parties suffered those injuries would be all part of that.

What if RG injured his wrist holding back the dog/s?

What did LK say? Forensics, duh? Something to that effect. She’s such a wordsmith.


I’m not.

So how can you say what details either side will care about?



She had the gun first. That would be a reason to lie.

I just don’t see that being possible. If there was a question about who had the gun initially, I don’t think MB would be in jail right now. At the very least, bail would have been granted.

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She had the gun first. That would be a reason to lie.

I just don’t see that being possible. If there was a question about who had the gun initially, I don’t think MB would be in jail right now. At the very least, bail would have been granted.

I never said it would be possible. I said it twice in that post but you snipped it out.

I said it would be reason for someone to lie.

ETA: In fact you snipped that post to the point that it looks like I was saying something entirely different.


“someone” said LK never lies. Okay. I don’t believe that. I don’t believe RG “seriously broke his hand requiring surgery” and it doesn’t make a difference if that fact is brought up in the trial. Either trial. I think she’s out and out lying about many things. Does it make any difference what I think about any of this? Absolutely not, but some sure seem to care about what I think and post here. It makes me believe I’ve come too close to the truth on occasion.

Did I delete a post regarding Rob’s arm? Nope.

BTW, yoga has been great and my knitting is improving. Only 5 dropped stitches so far.


Why on earth would I delete that post??? His injuries (if any) WERE FAR FROM SERIOUS. There, I stated my opinion once again. How else can I say it to you?


Why would she delete the post?

   Show me a quote in which the “someone” says LK “never lies”.  If someone said that, it wasn’t me. 

   What I said was that her own posts on what occurred that day have not been “widely varying”, also that I didn’t see the incentive from her point of view to lie about the exact timing of when RG came down from the upstairs, and/or from the first floor. 

   Glad your knitting is going well.

Really? Which “3 adults,” were living in the club room? Explain this.
Every single staff member was moved to the barn upon arriving in NJ in APRIL of 2019. Including Justin. At that point, and only that that point, did MH & MB decide to move into the house. The4 years prior, they lived upstairs in the barn. All staff plus RG & me were living in the house. This means, (to make things clearer for you) MH & MB, only decided to move into the house AFTER the pipe burst. They then jammed all staff members into the upstairs of the barn. Again, including Justin. MB put US in JH apartment & moved themselves into the apartment we occupied since April 2018- and Vera before that- and only once we all returned from a Fla.

Now, given there were 0 “other,” adults living in the premises, it begs the question, which imaginary adult was sharing the club room with MB & MH when they suddenly & out of nowhere, decided to move there from (roughly) July 30 to Aug 7? Bc… RC came on (Roughly) August 3rd … and she slept on a mattress in front of the cross ties. And yeah… that’s not legal. Yet, didn’t stop her! In fact, nothing illegal stopped anyone there (aside from us) from breaking the law. I’d use shooting people as an example, except, too easy. Guess you’ll have to wait until the trial to learn the facts. Unless, you were there? You do sound as if you’re really trying to get there… right wrt pushing a story which seem particularly favorable to the defense. Just speculating… but, you could be MH or JH. That would be severely dumb. Though, I suppose, if during the trial it is alleged by the defense that “3 adults were living in the club room,” I will have my answer.

Until then, keep trying to get there. That’s positive! Not negative… “Trust me Michael, stop being negative - I can be negative. I can be negative too. But sometimes I’m actually being real. Let Ruth do it. She’ll be here tomorrow, let her do it. ~ MH
“I don’t think she’ll be able to do it. I think it has to be me.” ~ MB
“One thing at time, one thing at a time. You just need to trust me Michael. I know what I’m doing.” ~ MH

To be continued…

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Lauren, if you were too drugged up to actually know who was staying where leading up to the shooting that is not MY problem. I am fully aware who was living where and when. I don’t have to explain any damn thing to you!
Yet again reading for comprehension does matter!
I don’t have to wait until the trial to know the facts, but I sure can’t wait to see you on the stand!




Oh and… @tryingtogetthere
No, the Fire Marshal did not declare all buildings “uninhabitable.” I know this Bc, I was living in one of them. However, there were violations in the house. Leaving that part- right there.

The barn was literally, uninhabitable, including multiple fire hazards & countless code violations. Get your facts straight. You can be certain these facts will be set straight in court. Your crusade will have to end, but you will get over it. Or, maybe, you’ll still be “trying to get there?” Who knows? Maybe you’ll BE “there” by then? Coin flip?

I imagine LaLa was gifting us with a memorized transcript of what she thinks sounds like a murder plot and I’m guessing it’s from the illegally obtained tapes coming from illegally planted recording devices.

i do not think it sounds like a plot at all.

I have to add it makes no logical sense that all this went on while MB was taking her to clinics 10 days before the incident. Who even has those recording devices hanging around? Even an Amazon order takes time to come in.

Lauren, the more you write, the worse you look.

And you don’t even see it.


If the barn was literally uninhabitable why didn’t you remove your precious horses from this terrible awful hazardous countless code violation situation ESPECIALLY when so many people offered you and your horses both refuge and transportation?

I know if I thought my horse was in such a place I’d have him out in a heartbeat. But then again, I love my horse.


So we are to believe that this is a conversation between MB and MH, concerning having RC kill you??? In which they conspired to kill you???

And you have a recording of this conversation, yet everyone else on the farm was running around doing illegal things BUT YOU???

And you had explicit permission from the owners to set up recording equipment on the farm???