Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

I wonder if the mysterious black SUV was the private investigator and LK blew that out of proportion to say that it was hitmen.


Speaking of, is it even legal to install cameras and recording devices all over someone else’s property? I feel like that would seal the expectation of privacy argument.


A private barn, with the recorded person standing in an area where there is no other person/people than the ones that they are talking to? I think there is a very good chance that all those recordings will be deemed inadmissible.

Shoot, a quick attorney might even look at LK’s posts here where she used quotation marks to discuss the recordings that might be illegal? That is getting very close to publicly sharing illegal recordings.

But really? Who knows.


Turned off and on for digital audio, yes. Edited…difficult but not impossible. An audio engineering expert could filter out everything but the background noise and find the pattern(s) in it, and then do a fourier transform on the digital file to find where spikes (anomalies) occur, or just record the pattern and look for abrupt changes in the background pattern.

Digital video without sound is very difficult unless there is an abrupt blip, but those can be smoothed out.

But because of the ease of editing, digital video and audio are also easy to discredit in court

Analog video and audio are easy to edit, but it’s also easy to detect alteration.


“Do it” could be anything. They could have been talking about going over and having a talk with you.


She reads You can bet your last dime.


From page 60:

Hasn’t left FL yet.


I understand your position, but I’m not convinced.

If it were obvious to Barisone’s lawyer that the recordings would be inadmissible, why would he say in the hearing that he still needed to review them? The fact that Bilinkas said that he needs to review the recordings suggests to me that he is not certain they will be ruled inadmissible.

You seem to say you have better information than Barisone’s criminal lawyer on the admissibility of the recordings.

Or fixing the toilet…


Not true. You yourself said you were talking with the mods. What did you do…phone them?


If you read the newspaper article on the latest criminal court proceeding that you used as a pretext to start the thread before this one, you would know that Bilinkas was quoted as saying that he had not had time to fully go over the “secret recordings”.

That’s how.

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I misspoke. I meant to say that I had never PMed Lauren.

When things really nasty and tedious, I do sometimes flag posts for the mods.

OMG!!! Threats of … TAUNTING!!! 🤣😂🤣😂


Of course, you do. I wonder who makes things tedious?


There was a post in one of the older threads that mentioned that this is a claim she made years ago in another one of her “totally normal, everyone has them” highly contentious relationships in another state. I speculated at the time of that post that if it is memorialized somewhere that she has claimed this exact scenario in a previous incident it should be slam dunk false police report territory.


My barn owner installed cameras and did not tell any of us she did so. But she owns the place, and I wasn’t doing anything I was not supposed to, so no biggie for me. I just happened to look up one day when I was sweeping and caught the red light. We had a bit of a “borrower” in our midst as well as a morning feeder who thought supplements were optional. We all pitched enough of a fit that she finally installed cameras. Tried to tell us that Smartpak was mailing out early each month. I pulled up my account and showed her that they were shipping 28 days apart on the nose each and every month. That feeder did not last long.

I don’t know how NJ case law views it, but I would have a expectation of privacy at a private boarding barn. That conversation could have been anything from, the vet or farrier not willing to work on her horses, to not speaking to the kids, to firing her as a client, to she needs new boots or show jacket.

From a legal standpoint I don’t know how I feel about a one party consent rule, but I recognize that it is the standard that a majority of states follow.

I don’t care how many ways LK tries to justify what she did - she was looking for drama and to “destroy” MB. There is literally no other reason to stay. Not when she is of “unlimited means”.

Standard disclaimer - this doesn’t justify being shot.


We have security cameras everywhere on our property. Everywhere…hidden and wide open. Every person who is supposed to be on the property knows about the cameras and there is no issue, no privacy issues, no problems, but definite security. It’s called informing your clients. Imagine if the client was the one surreptitiously installing surveillance equipment on private property!!!


For sure!!! It would be a non-starter for me as a property owner to have a client install them without my knowledge/approval.


To quote Monty Python, “Not something like, exactly like.”

This was the point of my previous post. I am gobsmacked that she quoted an incontrovertible accusation of conspiracy to murder based on an illegal recording and did so in a public BB. If her lawyer doesn’t fire her after that, he’s insane.

I looked him up. That his first instinct is to note his media-worthy appearances, well, that speaks volumes. And his described specialities are classic ambulance chaser stuff even to the point that he uses the euphemism “transportation accidents” because to use the straight forward “auto/car accident” is so obviously the dictionary definition of ambulance chaser and he realizes it and doesn’t want to be that obvious. Not to say that there isn’t a legitimate need for representation in all areas of the law. Just that in this profession it is easy to spot the ambulance chasers and media seekers.

“He specializes in complex litigation including serious personal injury, class actions, medical malpractice, birth injuries, transportation accidents, and business disputes and has obtained over $1 billion in settlements and verdicts for his clients. Many of his high profile cases have been featured on Nightline, Good Morning America, Today Show, Inside Edition and in print media throughout the world.” [sic]

This is the kind of write up that makes those of us less prone to chasing the spot light cringe and feel embarrassed for our profession.


Admissible or not, he needs to hear them. It would be pretty stupid of him not to, since they are part of the discovery phase.