Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Sure. Go to one of those rollkuring, hyperflexing, trainers like Gal, Helgstrand, Kittel, AvG because yanno, loves her horses.


After this incident, I’m guessing no barn In this area (NJ) will want to deal with her baggage.


She insists she can go anywhere she wants and train with anyone she wants. She basically said that in one of these threads, maybe this one.

From Post 103: “In all seriousness, all of your “predictions,” wrt me “finding a trainer,” & “being unable to board all my horses, after this “ & so many other ridiculous predilections have been wrong. I promise, the day I’m unable to hire the trainer I want or find myself “unable,” to board all my current horses & any new horses, I will send you a message in Morse code. I wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you. But… you are right in that, my original plans to bring at least 4 of my horses to EU or stay in Fla past June have been temporarily halted due to COVID -19. Of course, the post about going overseas in the first place, was made over 2 months ago. The post re: being unable to go… was made last week. Maybe your “friend of a friend of a friend,” should sharpen his/her reading skills??”


If you are a trainer and have 4 or 6 empty stalls you might be willing to take your chances with the craycray


But they probably wouldn’t be LK’s trainer of choice. Remember, she prefers FEI/Olympic trainers because she only rides with the best. Guess Dover is preoccupied currently.


At the low, low price of one’s peace of mind and privacy. She comes with cameras after all and no compunctions about setting them up without permission. The FBI & NSA envy her collection of hidden recording devices.


Yes of course. My thought is, is LK called around locally and got told there was no room because her crazy was already hanging out.


If you are a trainer and have 4 or 6 empty stalls you might be willing to take your chances with the craycray



Funny thing…her vet dumped her. [edit]


I’m sure she has given a copy to her legal council. And I would assume LK would release them rather than the friend but who knows.

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Wow!!! I heard she tried (or threatened) to sue a vet in NC.


This has been discussed before, and my understanding was that whether the place bugged had a reasonable expectation of privacy or not was also an issue.

It would seem that the recordings themselves are evidence of recordings being made, so not sure what additional evidence would be needed.

Didn’t Bilinkas say in the court hearing that was the pretext for the last thread you started that he needed time to go over the “secret” recordings LK had made?

 Are you seriously saying that the police and lawyers for both sides are NOT in possession of them right now?

There would be an expectation of privacy there.


Where exactly? Living quarters in the barn, yes. Barn aisles in the barn - that’s for the lawyers to argue about.

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Don’t know about NC. This was in NJ. The vet mentioned this right after the shooting.


No. It’s not. I cited an example, that being during a traffic stop. But two people having a private conversation where they believed they were alone in a facility that was theirs, well that’s an expectation of privacy.

I know you don’t like that answer but that’s not relevant.

Planting recording devices and recording is a chitty thing to do. It is not complimentary to LK or her state of mind and it’s remarkable that you continue to defend everything and anything that is LK.


I don’t know what they are in possession of. How would I know what they have YD? You so enjoy twisting posts to suit your feeble accusations. It is your buddy that continues to discuss her recordings and in this thread appears to actually quote them. Throwing shade as always.

If the recordings are as conspiritory and damaging against MB and MH as LK says they are, why has MH not been charged IF they were legally obtained?


Go try to install cameras or audio recording devices in your boarding/training barn… I’d love to hear how that goes over for those suggesting it’s legal and /kosher.