Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Nailed it! Excellent post!!!

So, there’s no other suitable place to go, and somehow calling the Fire Marshall, SafeSport and CPS is going to mend that soured relationship and everything is going to be fine and suddenly inhabitable for humans and animals?


LK could have easily moved her horses in the Long Valley or surrounding area. There are plenty of facilities that could have easily accommodated her horses including, but limited to Snowbird which isn’t too far from MB’s.

  Posters keep referring to “illegal recordings”. By “illegal recordings”, do you mean that by making them, LK committed a crime?

  Since the police and the courts are aware of the existence of the recordings, if a crime was committed in making them, why is there no evidence that LK has been charged with a crime?

Refer to the next article I posted. I posted three for a reason.


Yes. In the state of NJ you are not allowed to record conversations unless one party of that conversation gives consent to do so. So if LK recorded all her conversations with MB that would be legal. However she has stated that she recorded conversations between MB and MH. If neither party gave consent it’s illegal.

Maybe they will press charges at a later time. People can allege the commission of a crime all day long. People are not going to be arrested until there is evidence.


Once more. Noted.


uh…RG? Or was he in a coma, too?


He is an abysmal president.


Why would anyone help you find such a link, if it exists? Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, BEETLEJUICE!


Please keep political commentary out – this thread is contentious enough already!


LK has stated previously that her BFF SL has copies or has heard the tapes and that if they are deemed inadmissible in court (which is likely, aside from conversations with LK or RG) she will release the recordings anyway.

So I guess one way or another we will be hearing them, though it’s entirely possible she will leave out some of them if they indicate that she was in fact harassing MB&co.


FitzE, Netflix does not use the oxford comma in the title of the show.


I’d hate to be her bestie if she (the bestie) releases them. Interesting she gave these illegal recordings to a SM friend rather than her attorney, family member, etc. Sounds like she is well aware they are illegal and condemning to her and her boyfriend.


With all the stay at home orders in my state, I have had plenty of time to clean house, do laundry, prepare a weeks’ worth of meals, groom all the horses, play with the dogs and cats, plant a small garden, remove some small trees, mow the grass several times, and I STILL have time to check in on this thread and other SM. Funny how getting out of bed and being productive gives one lots of time to do many things!


Calling CPS is surely a great way to fix the barn! The child welfare workers often moonlight as unlicensed contractors.

Also, as far as MB not being scared of LK enough to go to TWO events prior to the incident:

Can’t the same be said about LK? While she was secretly and illegally using recording devices because she was so “frightened” she was also going WITH HIM TO NOT ONE, BUT TWO EVENTS.

This does not make sense if one is “in fear for their life”.

There are plenty of barns in NJ that can accommodate 4 to 6 horses TODAY. I’m sure they could have then, too. That is at least for someone who wasn’t otherwise busy reading on a porch waiting for the drama filled result of their handiwork, installing illegal devices, contacting CPS, calling authorities on anything, going to shows, going to clinics, posting on FB, etc.


I don’t think it’s a matter of accommodating 4-6 stalls. I think it is a matter of accommodating LK.


The attorney won’t release them. He is smart enough to know the legal ramifications if he does. No, the friend will be set up to be the patsy who will be screwed legally. In NJ it’s a felony.

LK sure is a good friend to set up her friend to be charged with a felony and face criminal and then civil punishments.

"New Jersey is a “one-party consent” state, meaning that under the New Jersey Wiretapping and Electronic Surveillance Act, it’s illegal to record a private, in-person or telephone conversation unless one party consents. This means that if you are a party to the conversation yourself, you can record it without telling the other person or people involved. But without the consent of at least one of the people involved, it’s illegal to record it and to distribute or use the audio recording. Anyone who violates these parts of the Wiretapping Act is guilty of a third degree felony and may also find themselves sued for money damages and legal fees.

Our courts, though, have held that where the parties to the conversation did not have a “reasonable expectation of privacy,” it may be recorded without breaking the law. So one court decision found that a conversation between two police officers during a traffic stop alongside a highway could be recorded without their permission, because they were talking in a place “more akin to an open, accessible place than an enclosed, indoor room.” Another example is making an audio and video recording of a public meeting."


When you are in fear for your horse’s lives, you go.

And IMHO realistically, NO WHERE can accommodate LK for very long.


Maybe Europe??? Somewhere in Europe with lots of foreign languages.