Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Again, but there also goes your contention that you were being harassed and bullied and feared for your life. You cannot have it both ways. The same action disproves the claimed fears of both parties or neither party.


I guess you can keep telling yourself all this.
But had you spent the $$ you’re now spending on lawyers to instead move yourself, you wouldn’t have to deal with all that, all you’ve done dealt with.


But when you did know, when the FM ordered you two leave, you sat there. Literally. Reading a book on the porch all day.

Incredible. That you think people aren’t smart enough to see the obvious choices you made here that were not the choices if someone of means, who is alarmed at the dangerous situation they find themselves in.


Sorry, what?!
When the sh!t hits the fan, and animals are at risk, people are at risk, you GTFO as fast as possible.
I don’t give a damn what kind of horses you have or think you have, you don’t NEED a training facility. If things are headed downhill, you leave whenever and however you can. 1 horse, 2 horses, 10 horses, whatever. No, logistically and emotionally it isn’t ideal, but neither is staying in a place where animals and people (on both “sides”) are in danger. Ridiculous.


Dear me, you had been training at that facility since spring 2018 and it took you that long to notice code violations? And that’s when you decided to call the Fire Marshall and building inspector? After MB and company had fled to the barn to escape you and RG? My goodness - you’re a hero!


In a case of life or death, holding out for an appropriately situated training facility is definitely the most appropriate priority. Tops all other concerns.


This is called projection.


Malarkey. Always excuses. You were offered places to go and people to move you.


What I love about that post you quoted is that it starts off with “I don’t care what you think” then she just HAS to explain why your wrong. Even better she says she wouldn’t give you the time of day if your life depended on it, followed by more paragraphs.


Kinda the same way each post starts out with, “I can’t discuss the details but” and follows with 5 paragraphs of random details?


Oh my, you went “off topic” on MY thread. Oh dear. See, that’s how threads work Lauren. They twist and turn and sometimes specific attention seekers post to keep the interest going and directed back on themselves. “I wish I could say more. It will all come out in the trial.” Always your way to back out of your claims.

You didn’t leave because you enjoyed what you were doing to the big bad man and his family. That’s a pattern of behavior for you…taunting and harassing and obsessing over specific people for whatever reason…envy? Jealousy? Pure meanness?


Interesting post. Lk doesn’t want to give her the time of day, yet posts this diatribe.

Is it possible RG also did damage to the barn when he was installing all the illegal recording devices?


Wait a second let’s back train wreck up a bit. The house was too dangerous to live in so LK being a decent person <sarcasm> calls the Fire Marshall.

Didn’t she say in the first thread or on Facebook she was going to go back and live there? How was anything brought up to code in time? I mean according to LK the crime scene clean up company hadn’t even been out yet.

Curious and a clear demonstration of a changing story line. Also let us not forget that LK posted herself in the “Twisted” thread (page 61 or 62) that she doesn’t remember posting on the very first thread.


Ummm, no. They CITE code violations and/or fire hazards, but licensed contractors have to do the ‘fixes.’ Except, where something like a light switch plate is missing–that work can be done by the home owner/tenant or the work that needs to be done is under $500 (Michigan).


Recall the post @La-LaPopRider made on this thread with quotes from the illegal recordings indicating MH and MB were caught on record planning their attack and potential murder of her and RG? Assuming the prosecution has those illegal recordings, why hasn’t MH been charged with conspiracy to commit murder? I guess it will all come out in the trial as LK likes to say.


With the amount of Python references this thread produces, wouldn’t it be epic if they could make a movie? Monty Python and the Dancing Horses.

Lordy reporting Monty Python… :lol:


Also the post in which it is noted that LK and RG were the only ones not doing anything illegal ends with a transcript of one of her illegal recordings. The mind reels! You cannot make this stuff up.

I’m also shocked someone would post a very clear accusation of conspiracy to commit murder on a BB, let alone post the content of an illegal recording at all. That should open up a whole 'nother can of legal worms.

This is starting to sound very Pony King: Murder, Mayhem, and Madness

Does Netflix use the Oxford comma? I guess I should have checked rather than risk a certain poster turning this thread into a long-winded holding forth re: comma usage! :lol:


I think you clearly don’t understand what is a bully/bullied dynamic… maybe because you don’t see how you are one yourself?

Let me get that straight for you.

A bully is asking stuff from the person being bullied.

Let’s pretend we’re in high school…

Bully wants a sandwiches, money, shoes, essays.
Pick on another kid he sees daily and harass him constantly for stuff.
Bullied is scared, doesn’t seem he can do much, and in order to be left alone, or to soothe the Bully, gives away his sandwiches, money, shoes, essays.

Bullied is ashamed of what’s going on, and/or try to report but it is unsuccessful.

So it goes on and on and on. The Columbine.

Sounds like you wanted to go to the show and to the clinic.
Being professional and trying to soothe his bully, you, he gave in and brought you to the show and the clinic with all his other clients.
Having a successful business, it was a normal move, maybe to try to fix things up, but surely to pretend everything was fine in the face of everyone.

And you kept on in full harassing mode.

Doesn’t that sound more realistic?

You, on the other hand, had the choice to leave if you felt as threaten as you keep saying. You had no business to run, no clientele to attend to, nothing. Just pack your stuff and go.
I’ve moved more horses then you could ever afford, trust me, it wouldn’t have take long to get the fck out if I had overheard someone making dead threats.

Nope, no one deserves to be shot.

Bless the souls of all the students who died.
May we teach our kids better manners/values so they don’t become bullies.


This is the best post of the thread. Kudos!



Excellent Post!!!