Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

But but but but!!!
@Wilbury Pie honestly you’re more irritating than YD. At least YD contributes to the thread with some rather good posts. You on the other hand come rolling in complaining.


Excuse me? I’ve lost two jobs to this epidemic. I have been in self quarantine since mid February. I am a neurophysiologist, and I travel for my work. I know how to be careful and I know ther’ea an effing “pandemic going on”. My sister and her daughter are ICU nurses, on the front lines. My friends are repiratory therapists I have worked with for years intubating and sourcing product for their patients. Who are you to come on here and shame us for supposedly not paying attention to the health issues of the world? You have no clue what you are talking about. I have neighbors and relatives who have already died from this disease. You don’t know WHO you are talking to. [edit], telling people on this thread to do “something good” with our lives? Telling ME to wash my hands? [edit]


Sorry Wilbury Pie, but you really earned that.:mad: We’re not all as frivolous as you imagine us to be.

Now go away or we will taunt you a second time.
Or you could apologize…:yes:


Then again, you don’t have 6 horses. You don’t even have 4, which I do, who were all in the same place. Know who fixes code violations & fire hazards??? The Fire Marshall & building inspector. Because I love my horses, and they could NOT be moved sooner, I took action. If that offends you, too bad.

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Pretty sure making threats violates forum policies. You have been reported.

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Monty Python has been reported! :lol::lol::lol: Oh dear, I think you must be one of the few people on earth that doesn’t remember that line.

It is a quote familiar to most every person with a silly sense of humor, of which you, apparently, are not one.:wink:
Here you go…


I’m only going to say this once more. No one on this thread is related to me in any way. I post as myself. Who you think you are to accuse anyone of being an alter for me, is beyond me. Further, just because you have the unlimited time to post on this subject constantly, does not mean no one else has a life. It only suggests that you, yourself, do not.

Really? No one would have helped you out or taken your horses? Even if you had to split them up to 2 places or something temporarily just to get out.

That’s a bummer.

So you took action and called the Fire Marshall and building inspector so they could come and assess the stable and write up whatever wasn’t up to code? Then hopefully MB & Co. Would then fix these things to bring it up to code? No problem there. Am I understanding this correctly? I just want to make sure.


Yes! Read that!
I will say, it seems that, regardless of what mods confirm, news confirms or even that which a live video would confirm, trying to have any semblance of a reasonable conversation with this specific crowd, is no more than a tedious exercise is futility.

When they can’t stay on topic, they attack you. When their “points,” become impossible to prove, they pivot in other ways. Newest form being, attacking RG. You and I both know, we are not related. Not by family, business or any other type of association, IRL or virtually. Frankly, after reading just a small amount of content on this thread, I’m fairly certain the OP herself, has forgotten the topic & never really had one of interest, to begin with. Don’t let the attention seeking, victim shamers with a very clear agenda, unsettle you. It’s Bc you make valid points, their drive to pivot & attack personally, is at its highest. Consider the source/crowd. Then, try to view their personal attacks as I do- comic relief for the soul & the deepest form of flattery. (If only they poured this laser focus & energy into something more positive- rather than a shooting which should include zero comedy, flattery or further attacks of any kind- they would probably be happier people.)

Keep being you. You’re one of the good one’s.

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All I can say is this: there were other factors at play which I can’t discuss. They will all come out. Those whom offered help, were unfortunately located extremely far away. Also, kind as they were, I had never met any of the two people who tried to help. We needed a training facility nearby. MB & co had spent many weeks attempting to make that impossible, while smiling in our faces.

We didn’t know until we did. When they learned of what we knew, things became incredibly hostile (towards us) incredibly quickly. 7 days later, the exact fear I expressed became a reality, as a murder attempt was made on our lives.

I, myself, called no one. Only SafeSport. But, the Fire Marshall was an absolutely necessary measure. Especially, given the situation we were put in. I believe the building inspectors accompany fire Marshall’s to be sure everything’s up to code. I could be wrong. Believe me, I wish I could share specifics. And, you are, in fact, understanding it correctly, from the standpoint that, yes, the assumption was that fire Marshall’s would assess the situation & make a decision. Their decision was posted in bright orange all around the premises. BO could’ve fixed the issues & carried on. He opted not to. Same thing with the building inspectors’ findings.

There was no action we took at any point to cause harm to anyone. Harm was being caused to us & potentially, to the animals of other boarders, of which there were few. (Board paying clients, that is, there were other horses & animals which did not belong to clients, as well.) This was a safety matter. Not a personal matter. Despite the actions of the other parties.

Then again I didn’t have dozens of people offer to move the horses and take you and them in. You did. Post after post folks offered to move them. We all saw the posts.

But still you would not go. Your precious 4, 6, 12 horses in a disaster area barn and you would not go. People who love their horses would go.

Your reporting was not for the love of horses. It was for the love of drama.

It is abundantly clear you stayed for drama’s sake.

Ten days earlier you went to a clinic with MB. Guess the barn had Sudden Onset Violations.

Seriously, stop posting. It’s not helping you.


@Wilbury Pie I have to agree with you. Not so much your singling out of YD. She has the right to contribute & has made numerous logical & many times, unarguable points.

I agree that there is a far, far greater & more concerning topic at hand right now. People are dying. Dying! The US government (more accurately, the WH) has done nothing. Nothing!!! There are currently bidding wars between states for PPE supplies which the fed has in enormous stockpile. Americans can’t even get tested for this virus.Not in the way that other countries are testing. A large majority won’t even take proper precautions to keep OTHERS safe from the asymptomatic. Spring breakers wouldn’t listen. Trump supporters believed him- when he called Coronavirus “nothing more than a common flu.” They didn’t listen. Look where we are now.

People (like myself) who are following instructions & staying inside - except to grab supplies & tend to my horses until I can get them out of Florida safely, are not living on this long dead thread. I MAY pop in once a week & only Bc this topic is directly about me. Some comments & specific posters maybe called into question. Aside from that, We are thinking of our families & adjusting to this new way of life- where everything around us is a potential contagion. Our parents, siblings, children, grandchildren etc, are all potentially at risk of literally, dying alone a terrible death. We, ourselves are all at risk - despite precautions. Please don’t stop reminding people to wash their hands & wear a mask & stay inside as much as possible. If they listen, you could be saving lives. JMHO.


Would you care to explain further about the bolded? Why would your father call 911 and make this statement? I can’t fathom how it could have been made in real time and I don’t see the point of making it after the fact.

I do believe this is what you were referring to in your post #70 of the That’s a Twist thread when you stated:
“I remember running over to them and trying to dial 911 from my phone but my hands were soaking wet with blood, it wouldn’t dial… 911 got called though. (That part I can’t disclose.) 911 was called Also by me - apparently. But I don’t remember speaking to 911.”

Bolding and italics my emphasis.



I’m boggled that RC, an elderly woman who thinks repeatedly sharing a photo of a sad dog on FB is good because “one share equals one prayer” can even vaguely be considered a mercenary cold blooded murderer. Yet here we are …


Seriously, I couldn’t care less what you think is “helping me.” Nor, do I care what you think the situation was. You’re making things up. Stop yourself. Not only do sound ridiculous - you sound delusional.
I went to a show with MB. Ten days earlier.
He must not have been in fear for his life then, right? Nor, during the clinic he hosted AFTER that with Mike Poulin, where I rode twice both days. People who are being “constantly harassed,” typically don’t bring their “harassers,” to a big horse show then provide them 4 clinic spots in the following days. I can feel it… your idiotic theories have failed you & you know it. Give up. You’re getting nowhere.

You’re clearly addicted to drama & lead a fantasy life in your head featuring you- today, as a self proclaimed detective. Yesterday, a lawyer. What will tomorrow bring for you? Get a grip, lady. You’re nobody to me. I wouldn’t give you the time of day if my life depended on it…
@tryingtogettthere was right about that.( Except in the cases of friends I have already.)
Just as you are right. No, the fire issue was not a problem until we noticed something extremely alarming. Not that it’s any of your business, but, we actually had no idea there were so, so many other problems - many of them worse than the alarming thing we learned. Good thing the FM & building inspectors caught these violations. Perhaps, Mb should have taken better care to ensure the safety of the animals & staff than he ever bothered to, before. Perhaps, you can be his advisor on barn safety when he is released from jail/prison. Or… maybe, by then, you ll have found a life? Anything’s possible.

If you consider “personal attacks” the “deepest form of flattery” you are not thinking clearly, at all.


To be fair, just because people are posting on this thread, that doesn’t mean they they aren’t taking proper precautions and protective measures re COVID-19. In fact, that could draw more people to the thread and forums in general as they are not leaving their houses, not working (or doing less work), and some aren’t even able to/allowed to go to their horses that are boarded. So I wouldn’t make a broad statement that people are not caring about the current pandemic. I’m not sure a correlation can really be made there.

If your (general) horses are in full board with turnout and/or exercise, one has no true reason to be at the barn right now during this time. That in itself could be considered selfish, or not carrying about the risk that comes from asymptomatic carriers.

The USA seems to be a bit of a CF at the moment, and it’s incredibly frustrating when you (general) take it seriously while others don’t.

It’s kind of a problem here too. In that the weather is nice so people want to be out in groups for BBQ’s and whatnot.

Those of us that can still even see our horses, should consider ourselves fortunate and observe the proper procedures for sanitizing…everything!

Yeah, it’s a buzz kill that a majority, if not all (because who knows, really) of the competition season has been cancelled, along with clinics, but there is a bigger picture and effort here.

From what I have heard, Florida really isn’t taking it seriously based on the goings on at Wellington and the beaches.


I forgot. I apologize. Can someone please lmk it it was Sonnys mom - or Knight’s mom who informed me I had better go away or she ll “get rude,” with me and I “won’t like it.?” (Paraphrased slightly.)

Pointing out that RG is unlicensed to do contracting work in the State of New Jersey is not “picking on him”. It is stating FACT.


QFP- This answers so many questions.