Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

The barn aisle, the barn aisle! She wants to plant that in your heads, people.

My barn is made up of lots of rooms, not just an aisle.

Don’t fall for it.


It’s possible the only reason these particular recordings are in evidence because they are the 20 or so that have LK in them as well? Since, she knew she was making recordings it would fit the 1 party criteria and she has stated you can hear her in some of them.


LK has already posted that on Jan 1st. She says the police have everything. All phones, computers, camera files; everything.


But when did SHE retrieve them to give to her Bestie to keep for her? Where did she get copies if they have the originals of everything? Something isn’t adding up. How could she give someone something she shouldn’t have?

  The post of mine that you quoted was addressed to@IdahoRider  ,  not you, KM.
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Don’t know, don’t care. Anyone familiar enough with this stuff could have set it all up to backup remotely to a cloud somewhere else. My very limited bugging experience is limited to monitoring my kids internet activity.


Go back and read @Angela Freda’s excellent compilation of 911 calls and police reports in post 1000. There are quite a few discrepancies regarding 9/11 calls, where RG was, etc. Interesting read to be read carefully. Thanks to @Sdel for listing a condensed version as well.


Has anyone else noticed that her BFF, Shelley Albea Lilly of the “I LOVE YOU, GERTIE!” Lilly’s, has mysteriously disappeared from SM regarding LK?

Previously, LK couldn’t breathe on SM without SAL galloping up squealing “I LOVE YOU, GERTIE!” on every utterance - now it’s crickets.

I’m guessing they’ve already had a falling out …


But remember, LK’s version of events has always been “consistent”. :lol: Love how this whole post was quoted but the inconsistencies were conveniently not addressed. Talk about how when facts don’t align with a certain agenda they are ignored or there’s a “pivot”.


This is a really good point.


Regardless of who it was, clearly she did.
And yet, she didn’t move out, even when she thought hit men were sitting there looking for her.

{Not that she should have been shot}


That is why when I had a few minutes I went and found them, and put them in chronological order, because too much was being misunderstood, misconstrued or mis-remembered.
I tried to read them with an eye towards who the source of the info was cited as.

For Example:
When you read ‘police’ or Police Reports, cited as the source you have to assume the source the police are citing themselves or in their reports is LK/RG, as is the case of the others, besides MBs att’y, because who else has been talking?

And yes there were quite a few things that jumped out at me at this recent review of it all.


I’m not sure what you mean by the portion I bolded, can you clarify @FitzE ?

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YD has been pushing the view that LK has always been consistent in her version(s) of events. But your chronological timeline showed many discrepancies. YD then quoted the whole timeline and never even acknowledged the discrepancies. Yet YD and LK are constantly accusing others of not addressing facts that don’t fit their agenda or “pivot”-ing away from direct questions. It was just another instance of eye roll worthy double standards that I was noting.


Since no one really commented on this…she literally contradicts herself. First RG came running down the stairs because he heard shots. Then she had to go upstairs to get RG because the sound of the guns did not get him.

Which is it? Did she go up the steep winding stairs to get TG after she was shot? I thought she had said before he was just inside, then she went inside to talk to him when MB showed up, then she went back outside while he was just inside and that’s when she was shot. But now he is upstairs and managed to barrel down the stairs, out the door, and tackle MB AFTER he had shot her?

Also, I feel like if MB really wanted her dead, he could easily have kept shooting her in the time it took RG to get downstairs and out the door, to make sure she WAS dead, since from her stories she was obviously still moving around. It just all sounds so weird.

Not to mention, if RG was inside upstairs, he wouldn’t have seen what actually happened. I mean I guess if he was standing at the window watching? But then it wouldn’t have been the sound of the gun that got him downstairs, it would have been the sight of LK getting shot. So if he wasn’t watching, then the only ones that know what happened are LK and MB.

Huh? The police will have talked to lots of people, not just LK and RG.

MB and his friends csn decline to talk to reporters or to post on SM, but they can’t decline up talk to the police.

but they can’t decline up talk to the police.

Yes, in the US you absolutely can decline to talk to the police.


Clearly some people have not watched any Live PD or First 48 or such.


Yeah, I’ve also noticed double standards, FitzE.

You really can decline to talk to the police. The ACLU has even helpfully put out a guideline about it. Don’t be a jerk about it, but you don’t have to talk to them.