Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

I did not say that or anything close to that. If you are going to accuse posters of threatening you please make sure it is the correct poster.


Let me rephrase. Just because MB and his friends have chosen not to speak to the media or post on SM does not establish that they have not provided information to the police. The police will have also interviewed lots of people who are not principals.

Ok I thought that’s what you meant.
And they keep going, and going…

My review of all the news was an attempt. though I haven’t finished doing it myself, of reviewing what we think we know and what we know and from whom we know it… as I suspect much of what we know is biased and from one ‘side’.
For now.

As one can see from the news timeline I posted, I focused on primarily media reports from very early, ending on 8/8… iow only a few days after the events [for those not paying attention to the actual content of the post I carefully presented].

Those reports would rely largely on people very close to the case, and would likely not have yet included interviews with sources not as close to the incident for obvious reasons.

Even the one from much later after the incident, the one from Oct., was largely an interview with the victim.


Never heard:

« You have the right to remain silent… »

Look up Miranda warning and read again your Fifth and Sixth amendments.


Yep, and still going!! Note above how my pointing it out is noticed but STILL no acknowledgment of the inconsistencies your timeline laid out. Deny, ignore, pivot, repeat. It’s like Strictly Ballroom here. And they get tetchy about recipes.


What I said was that I, in my own little mind, have found that Lauren’s posts on this forum tell a largely consistent story. I don’t know about what she posts on SM outside this forum. What she posts may not be fully consistent news reports which rely on other sources and are not first hand.

If you find her own posts to be inconsistent, fine.

If all of us have found inconsistencies, imagine what a well educated, highly respected criminal attorney will find.

By the way, the “big trial” that LK has mentioned we must review that Bilinkas “lost” has been overturned and a new trial ordered.


Girl Joey was banned not only for the cursing but for the vicious horrible things that were directed at me when she thought I was LK. This was because I believe LK is a victim(whether a likable one or not, don’t care)and much of what goes on here is victim shaming, as well as extremely prejudiced and one sided. GJ offensive comments were deleted after I reported them. She came back under a new identity and was banned again. Her words towards me were just as bad as anything LK has said but GJ is ”emotional”and “passionate” and LK is______(insert any of the negative names or attributes LK has been given on COH). LK and GJ both post much which is not pleasant, to put it mildly. But I guess that is what you gals do on SM.
MB(and SW)dragged GJ into this mess and people here encouraged her rage. I find that a sick thing to do to a person that could have emotional problems. The Times article just made her look nuts (her contacting Trump about LK).
I feel bad for GJ. She was used and played by certain people for their nefarious ploys and/or sick idea of entertainment. And so it continues…


Isn’t there a court date for today? April 6?


I agree with almost everything you’ve said, except GJ was attacked repeatedly by a woman she did not know, for YEARS after the death of her son. LK seemed to enjoy the emotional impact her taunts had on GJ. This seems to be SOP for LK for those she finds vulnerable or envious of. I will not judge GJ’s mental state after being attacked in such a horrible, horrible way after the loss of her son, but I can’t imagine what that would have been like. Yes, I would have blocked LK, changed my number, and issued every warrant I could sign to stop her. GJ did not have anyone in her life at the time to advise her apparently.

I suspect she will be called as a witness for the defense at the criminal trial, particularly since MB contacted her for info and help.


Just to clarify I believe she said her son died about 20 years ago, little boy from drowning, not when she and LK got into their conflict. I want to be clear I am not diminishing in any way how a lost like that would affect a parent for life. I am not sure when her and LK’s back and forth began but I believe it was much more recent, although don’t think there has been any contact for the past several years… until GJ was brought into all this. And LK for the most part, wisely, has left her out of the conversation except to mention, if I remember correctly, they had an online conflict, concerning someone they both dated years ago, they didn’t know each other and had never met. If she said what GJ accuses her of saying(GJ just posted it on DH recently)then of course it is absolutely despicable to use the death of a child in an online battle, no matter when the lost occurred.
But really doesn’t have anything to do with this case.


I do believe the whole point of the GJ information is that it shows a pattern of behavior by LK.

So directly having to do with this case…no.


I disagree. Telling the truth is not victim shaming. Trying to figure out the timeline of events is not victim shaming.

We have said repeatedly that we did not excuse the shooting as a legitimate way to handle their dispute if that’s what happened.

Had LK not paraded through in the manner she has, this post would not have the longevity its had. Is saying that victim blaming? No, it’s not. And that’s a fact.

In fact I will dare to say this “victim blaming” spiel is just another way to embarrass people away from commenting further. From challenging her version of the story.

In life, every action causes a reaction. When LK comes here and posts it causes others to post as well whether it’s to defend themselves, correct the facts, offer further insight, or whatever.

Usually in discussing crimes, the parties to the event don’t insert themselves into the conversation. To do so is odd. Irregular.

This is a conversation about events that happened. A tragic set of events to be sure. But to try and shame people from a conversation that happens ALL THE TIME with other similar crimes is disingenuous when surely there will be similar news articles, documentaries and all sorts of speculation in media.

And dare I say, the victims don’t come and try to dictate the narrative in those instances.

LK has been told multiple times that commenting is not prudent on her part. She’s chosen to comment anyway. So the responsibility for the direction of some of the posts is on her as well.

We did not shoot her. We did not wish her shot. We are not glad she was shot. What we ARE doing is trying to understand what happened, how it happened and why it happened.


So I don’t know GJ but after GEE’s post I went to Dressage Hub’s page and I’m curious why GJ talks about how LK harassed her over the death of her child in one post, then in the other she posts screenshots that have nothing to do with that.

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Some of us believe that her pattern of online behavior is completely, 100%, irrelevant to the criminal trial.

On Barisone’s countersuit in the civil case, possibly it is relevant to establish that she used SM to harass and defame him.


Both COTH and articles from March 3rd indicate Barisone is due back in court today. Not sure if the pandemic has impacted that.


There was a previous post (not going to go look for it) that said all in person courts are on hold.

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GJ has never posted the actually screen shot of the thing she accused LK of saying concerning her son. The things she has posted don’t look that great for either of them. Looks like a stupid fight over who guys like better. Just like some of you wouldn’t put LK as a witness I can’t imagine the defense using GJ or SW as a witness for MB. The prosecutor would just have to pull up their SM to discredit anything they would say as it is obvious they willingly participated and “bullied” right back.
This post below is from someone else under a DH post accusing LK of using drugs. DH “liked” this post.

“WISH SHE WOULD’VE DIED! God bless MB!!! Horrible people DO NOT BELING HERE “


DH is a hot mess. I’ve never seen anyone in this board (or elsewhere) support anything on there.

There are skeptics and those asking questions in this thread, but DH takes it to a whole different, and disgusting, level.


So for all we know all GJ and LK did was catfight. Those are bold claims with no proof.

That’s despicable. I was once a follower of that page and I commented on several LK posts in the past but I stepped out of the arena. I don’t like LK. She’s a bully. I can provide evidence for that, as well as personal experience. I have no trouble discussing that. But comments like that one are abhorrent.