Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Agree with much you say, I wouldn’t comment if I were LK either, but she certainly has the right, after all this is all about her. Also, no one is trying to shame anyone, if victim shaming/blaming does not apply to you or your comments, then scroll on by. But to say it is not happening here at all would be disingenuous. There is a big difference between trying to understand how this could happen or the legalities and just the trash talk about LK, whether the stories are true, false or someplace in between. There is a definite effort of some to turn MB into the victim and put LK on trial.
Hope the trial is not delayed so some questions can be answered.


I don’t remember that the son died 20 years ago. I’m not sure that would make sense… If they’re the same age, 20 years ago this child died when they were teens?

Anyway, IF the child did die 20 years ago, sorry, that’s even more pathetic that LK dredged it up… That she dug that far back in history to hurt someone over, as far as I remember, a dude? Again one you had a relationship with more than 20 years ago?




If that is what LK did, it’s like pulling wings off of a butterfly (throwing GJ’s dead child in her face).


I don’t see most people building up MB. That was one of the big mistakes in the NYT article. The author made it out to be an MB fan club, but most people here don’t know him from Adam. I do sympathize with what was happening to him being harassed right out of his home. But, I have no sympathy for his facing consequences for shooting her. That’s all him.

I’m not interested in making him a victim; more like they are both victims of something and both perpetrators of something. It’s not either/or, it is both/and. She has left a trail of victims in her wake so there are a lot more voices raised about her than about him. So far, she is one of two people I have seen mention any past transgressions wrt MB. That’s why it looks one-sided here. Some of her actual victims are here first hand to provide input. None of his, if he has any, have come forward.

Again, if you don’t have arrests, restraining orders, suits, and SM battles out there, no one can bring them up. I saw one thing that very early on led me to believe he was perhaps not a nice guy, but other than LK’s claims, nothing more was ever heard publicly that cast a bad light on his past. Maybe it’s there, but no other person is coming out of the woodwork to bring it up.

Sometimes bad things happen to bad people; sometimes both parties are bad people. The one thing you can say that no one can contradict: in this case, one party is just a hell of a lot more discreet than the other.


I don’t have the free time to go back and dig through all these threads, but I thought GJ did post pics of the texts/messages that LK had sent. And I believe they did start when her child died and continued at least until last fall.


I wasn’t part of the original thread so I have no clue what she may have posted there. Just what GEE posted and what I saw on SW’s page.

No one looks good under a microscope. However when you need a microscope to find something good about or nice to say about someone then they have less credence than most.

Standard disclaimer: she shouldn’t have been shot.


Thank you for the correction.

You mean, like when she argued with me about building permits and totally IGNORED two of the three articles I posted? The ones that proved the opposite of what she was pushing?


Because GJ has problems. BIG emotional ones.

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Utterly shameful. I didn’t know the DH site before the shooting. I visited it once to see what it was and got totally disgusted. I haven’t been back.


As do many people who have lost a child.


I’ve asked before about cameras at the house and never got an answer that I remember. I wonder if any of that data, if it existed, could have been downloaded and deleted remotely? If so, could data be recovered if the cameras are still there?


I would think if the cameras had any memory, perhaps if it wasn’t removed. But most cameras just relay images, and they don’t save anything. However, whatever was used to upload the images may have them still.


The screenshots she posted make them both seem juvenile. And while the conversation was certainly strange, it isn’t an example of bullying and it doesn’t back up her claim from the previous point. Why she posted them is a mystery because she looks just as crazy.


Yep. Talk about your garden-variety lather, rinse, repeat!!

I feel sorry for GJ. I cannot even imagine having to bury a child. I think it would be too much to bear.

If I’m being honest, I also feel sorry in a similar way for LK. She does not have an age-appropriate level of self-control. I think it is easy to think of her as loving and thriving off the drama. But, it must suck, too. It must suck for the DH woman as well. They put up a super tough “winning!” front, but it must be an exhausting, draining, totally empty existence to foment and maintain that kind of confrontation, negativity, and tension all the damn time. Even when they post about something they love or enjoy it’s in some sort of weird in-your-face, competitive way.

It seems a very angry, sad, empty way to live and I imagine if you have issues that make it hard to break the cycle it is super unhealthy. Lord, just imagine their cortisol levels. Always ready to do battle at full pitch, if not actively doing so. Every SM post a potential “report to the authorities” or threat of legal action. I never went back to that COTH FB thread b/c it was just exhausting to read, let alone imagining what it’s like to live that life daily.

No good can come from any of it.

I suspect MB had his share of serious issues, too, and look where it got him. Just sad all around.


Apr. 6, 2020, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by NotGrandPrixYet View Post
The barn aisle, the barn aisle! She wants to plant that in your heads, people.

My barn is made up of lots of rooms, not just an aisle.

Don’t fall for it. {Quote}

Well… Barisone’s barn aisle does not. It has two bathrooms. In the barn aisle. It has two tack rooms which two people couldn’t fit in, let alone 5. And um, fall for what, exactly? If you heard a plot to set up, frame & then murder two people, the only thing shocking to me- is that any of you would want to make sure no hears it. You will have no such luck. You’re embarrassments to the sport & embarrassments to society. You have no idea where these discussions took place. You should probably keep your mouth shut until all is revealed. Or, I suppose, carry on? The more idiotic posts you write, the more “I told you so’s,” I can dispense. So please, carry on!

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@Knights Mom No one ever said RG was a licensed contractor in NJ. You don’t have be a licensed contractor unless one total job equals more than X. Why do you think the barn was done separately? The trade off for that stellar work, was settled. You should probably google the wording on the listing. “Turn key facility with newly renovated barn.” They May have changed it by now, but, that was the exact wording & description for about 3 months. If it’s changed now, it would be very interesting timing. Again, attacking RG will get you nowhere. Just because you, yourself are talentless & sit behind a desk filing docket numbers, doesn’t mean there aren’t many, many others with skills & special gifts you will never possess. Let’s face it, if you had any, your job as “clerk of the court,” aka- (files things) would afford you more responsibility. Instead, (I can picture this clearly) you live a 9-5 existence, maybe with 5 paid vacation days - all of which you use to do something, anything, to take the boredom that is your life, away.

If this addiction to COTH forums is what “does it,” for you, cool! I’m just pointing out there is a great big world out there. Yes, I understand you’re likely a lonely soul who nobody would ever notice IRL & that probably bothers you. Maybe, you’re just not putting yourself out there? Don’t be ashamed of yourself. Give it a try. I mean, not right now. Coronavirus n all. But after. I promise, if you just try meeting people, there’s at least a 50/50 chance you will find a friend. Go get em, tiger!

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Actually, you’re incorrect. Anyone can invoke the 6th amendment & demand to be provided an effective counsel. However, this cannot be invoked unless you are officially under arrest, being interrogated & have been mirandized. This why police take statements BEFORE making arrests & filing charges.
Im still waiting for these “inconsistencies,” in one single word I’ve said. I can guarantee you are reading material from second hand sources. Since the evidence is literally, sealed, I’m rather positive you’re not privy. @Angela Freda