Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Wrong. Again you pretend to know law, but you don’t.

Btw my job is writing and interpreting law. A job you yourself could never have as one cannot have a record.

Clearly, I’ve hit a sore spot.

Let me hit another. At least when I show MY horse, the entire horse show world won’t be rooting against me.

You should not have been shot. But clearly you are not capable of thinking clearly if you think a well paying 9 to 5 job is something to belittle and make fun of.


Let’s do it! You post this “time line,” that some stranger made up herself by using news articles, which directly state “sources said.” I’ll bite. Even though you have no idea of what the actual police reports read, I’ll play your game. Post the made up time line. I won’t be “pivoting.” That’s the style of Eggbutt, Angela Freda & Tryingtogetthere etc… But, not mine. So, let’s go! You point out an inconsistency from a reliable & reputable source- and I ll explain exactly how it’s not an “inconsistency.” Mkay? Mkay.

one small thing to consider- the police & state of NJ , after taking statements from everyone except me, arrested, charged & indicted Barisone. They must think our accounts are more than satisfactorily consistent. Duh.

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What’s your profession again?

I cannot recall. You’ve talked about these 6(?) horses that you own, training with BNT, competing, working and so on. I’d love to hear how you’ve made your way. It’s always interesting to see how people get so far. It seems like we only know the negatives here. Totally fine if you don’t want to share, just figured I’d ask as it’s been brought up.

Those are some big assumptions and insults, which I get where you’re coming from, because I’m sure some have been thrown in your direction, but it’s sad to stoop to that level if you can be better than that. But to each their own.

*I’m not telling anyone what to do. I’m just expressing an opinion and asking a question.


Well, with the current “Corona crisis” or whatever you want to call it, I suppose all of these “I told you so’s” will be delayed. I’m curious about the truth simply because of how big this has gotten and how murky the waters seem to be with various “facts” and opinions.

Also kind of sucks for those (not referring to MB here) incarcerated or waiting on a court ruling for something important, whether it is freedom or money. But I get it, because COVID-19 isn’t something to play around with, no matter what certain politicians may say.


The police only get statements from people before miranda, when those people are ignorant about the law that allows them to be silent, whether under arrest or not. :wink: They can only hold you for questioning for so long…You are babbling incoherently.


It’s been posted. Please scroll back, you’ll find it.


@FitzE What has been posted?

I do not understand why having a desk job is something that should be insulted. Isn’t the father in this story a lawyer? Doesn’t that mean he has a desk job too?

I am one of those silly people with a desk job. Sure, not the best job in the world. I can not afford six horses or going to Florida to show or anything. But it is a job. I work hard. A different hard work than people who work with their hands, who also deserve a pat on the back for having a job and working hard. This whole desk job versus manual labor job thing is another huge example of different is not bad. Different is just different.


I think it is ridiculous to insult someone over their job. A job they do legally. With proper credentials and nothing nefarious. At least they are working for a living. So to insult someone over their occupation, when you (in reference to LK) have never actually said what it is that you do for a living, is also odd. Insinuating that you are “better” than someone you do not know. There are all sorts of jobs in society and without most/some of them, we wouldn’t be able to live the lives that we live. There are people far more successful than LK on this board. People far more successful than myself…but it also depends on how you define success, as that is an individual thing, generally.

Believe it or not, we’re not all miserable curmudgeons. We enjoy our drama and crime free lives. We live happily with our horse(s), work for a living (or not, doesn’t matter), and come here to witness this dumpster fire…I mean situation… because we have never seen anything like it.

In respect to being a court reporter/filing documents; someone has to file all of the petty lawsuits that people bring to the court (not saying this is Knights Mom - just in general).


She dramatically threw down a challenge that I should post a timeline that’s been posted and then quoted multiple times already. I may have one of those dreaded, belittled, and mocked desk jobs (:lol:) but I’m not Her Girl Friday and will not scroll this thread to find and repost things for her. So I simply mentioned it was posted already and she could go find it.

I agree that mocking people with jobs is a new, bizarre twist in the flame wars. Especially as she continues to dodge the question of what she does for a living (even though she brought it up with how hard she worked in her 20s to afford many horses now).

Pivot, dodge, repeat!


Thank you for clarifying @FitzE .


Just for info this is a quote from the property details:
The lounge has a full kitchen, dining area, recreation area and office and leads directly to the main barn. This center aisle barn has 24 box stalls, high ceilings, tack closets, three tack rooms, a full bath and a half bath, grooming stalls, a wash stall, laundry room, a covered loading dock and a feed room.


There’s nothing wrong with working a job. Especially a job that helps keep civil society functioning. There’s also nothing wrong with not working and living off of savings or family money. There’s nothing wrong with interacting with people online on a forum or Facebook or any social media.

There is a lot wrong with mocking someone and disparaging them for ANY reason. Most of us live a very different life than you, Lauren. Most of us will always live a very different life than you. Doesn’t mean any of us is better or worse than you or that you are better than us for not working. Just different.

You can’t stop people from poking through this case and trying to figure out what happened and what went wrong. People are naturally curious. And the more analytical among us are going to pull loose threads and try to piece together a theory and discuss it here. If you don’t like it, don’t engage. By constantly engaging and “clapping back”, you keep fueling the fire. Maybe you want that? I dunno. All of this is in the public sphere so it’s not like it’s going away any time soon.


The other thing that bothers me now…the newly renovated barn had code violations? They weren’t fixed during RG’s renovation work?


5th Amendment and you are wrong. Witnesses do not have to give statements at all. Suspects don’t either and certainly not without an attorney present.


In New Jersey there is no financial threshold. Robert Goodwin is unlicensed and therefore no money is owed to him. He can be sued for any work he performed.

In addition, I doubt the elderly couple would hire an unlicensed contractor, one who was involved in the situation that led to the sale, to perform any renovations at all. Plus if you are saying he did renovation work BEFORE the events in August transpired, you have already stated the Fire Marshal (and building inspector - I don’t recall at the moment) said it wasn’t up to code. Did he do the work? If so, he didn’t do it properly.

So any renovations done since August 2019 were done by a licensed contractor. One who could have hired anyone to do the job, while being supervised.

If someone felt inclined, I bet any building permits are available and could be viewed in person, if not online.

The gibes about her job, then the comments about whether or not she is in a relationship and that value is conferred by one’s looks and relationship status is telling. Very immature and most people, particularly those closer to 40 than 15, wouldn’t remark upon it. Let alone try and score emotional hit points. You rolled a 1 there, Lauren.

It is Covid19 and it is no joke. Despite what too many US politicians have said and continue to say.


Maybe Bob the Builder actually created them?
Its one reason to use licensed contractors, well credentialed architects, etc… So they don’t muck it up.


Now I understand why you were on the porch ALL DAY reading… Clearly you struggle.

Why you’re quoting the word “timeline” when what I wrote about my posted compilation of news stories was:

“I’m not sure if this will post with all the links, but here is the news info on the incident that I have copied/pasted”

So wrt your inconsistencies, your obvious manipulation of details to suit… There’s the most recent example for you. :wink:


Come on, it is obvious she is being deliberately provoked by a certain group on here(I am not saying you). When it starts to slow down here you can count on someone bringing up an old charge against her, or opening a new line of questioning/attack, asking her questions or for an explanation of her actions, even saying “why won’t she answer me”. Whether or not it is the smart thing to do, she has every right to engage. It is not particularly productive in this arena, just gives
her detractors more ammunition.

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The code violations she reported were the people that were sleeping in the barn. If they found anything else it wasn’t something she planned for.