Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

This post says a lot more about you than KM…and it’s not pretty.


Plus the photos show at least one tack room that probably has more square footage than the average college dorm room!

Question for the legal eagles: purely hypothetical. If LK has an illegal recording of MB speaking with his attorney, does the attorney also have grounds to sue her? I bet MB has grounds. She wasn’t part of the conversation so legally can’t record it, I think.


Woman Shot thread
#1,863 -first mention of a set up to avoid paying for renos and snide comments about MH.

#1,869 -claims all employees knew the plan

#2,116 -claims MB didn’t want evict just placate MH.

#2123 -claims can’t answer a question legally, though there were reasons beyond knowledge (in ref to being asked why didn’t they leave and take legal action against the debt. Now know RG is unlicensed and there is no legal recourse)

#2129 -claims she called FM&BI. Specifically about the barn because her horses were in danger (and nothing to do with the people living in the barn? but not the house where she was living?)

#2236 - MH is still campaigning against me as hard as she can while I can’t do a thing to defend myself (possibly meaning I can’t get close enough to make her pay?)

That’s a Twist thread
#58 -Fire hazards in the barn can’t be ignored so we called the FM and BI; short span of 6 - 7 days when this all transpired (The latest thread says MB and MH were only living in the barn for about a week before all this went down)

#67 -sets up reasonable doubt on murder charge for RG. Says the bullet that was aimed at RG’s head and hit the window may have actually just been a miss on a bullet aimed at her. (Her need to be center of attention got the better of her on this one.)

#70 -lots here but: She approached MB claiming it was because she wanted to know that after the last 6 - 7 days of torture how he was going to fix it (hmmm the 6 -7 days where they were out of her grasp by living in the barn and maybe expecting him to agree to move back in for her to continue the torture?)

#119 - reasonable doubt about her story. She’s discussing asking him to fill in the gaps for her.

#243 - more ranting about MH; specifically that she is responsible just isn’t in the spotlight yet (probably twisted logic in her mind from MH and MB refusing to move back into the house)

#479, 761, 870, 878 - all vague references to there being a “plan”

#970 -references to the recordings of having a plan that required both LK and RG to be together. (probably references to an eviction notice. as individuals they’d have to be notified separately and good luck getting to the other once one was notified.)

#1053 - claims the employees agreed to lie about things.

#1141 - MH had been working on setting it up for weeks and weeks (hmm…maybe leaving for FL without LK?)

Current Thread
#145 - RG was begged to Reno both the barn and the basement

#304 - complains of the micromanaging of MH, MB, and Jon L (John L as in one of the members of Sweet Grass LLC?)

#1026 -claims there is something else no one knows about that she alluded to in her account of the shooting in the other. (Could that be related to the fact that her father called 911 and reported an attorney called him about her being shot? Might make sense as to why she couldn’t get 911 to dial. The phone wouldn’t do it until the lawyer hung up first.)

#1117 - suddenly out of no where they [MH and MB] decide to move there [the barn] from roughly 7/30 to 8/7. RC came on roughly 8/3 and was sleeping on a mattress in front of the cross ties - and not legal. then relays what is supposed to be a conversation between MH and MB about confronting them (probably already had a plan to leave and not take LK with them and wanted RC to present it to her)

#1121 - however there were violations in the house (hmm…RG’s unlicensed, un-permitted reno?)

#1200 - The fire issue was not a problem until we noticed something extremely alarming. (the issue was MH was too far out of her grasp? And LK knew she was losing her control?)


The second barn features eight oversized box stalls, some with direct access to fields. This barn has a large open storage area and can also accommodate more stalls should there be a need

This may be the barn Lauren is referring to as only having an aisle. Still, she placed recording devices in a barn that she didn’t own, without notifying the owner or operator of the business. In an aisle rather than her own horses’ stalls? Sketchy.

Also, as I have never been arrested or charged for anything, let alone for possibly instigating or at least participating in a bar fight, I darn well do judge her. I wouldn’t want her anywhere near me, my family, horses or property. Even if I were someone whose services she would entertain hiring (I’m not as I am not an attorney, nor is my career horse-related) her money isn’t tempting enough to invite that much potential trouble into our lives.

We make judgements about people and situations thousands of times a day without realizing it. Reading the body signals of a driver who failed to use a turn signal, but whose head kept moving, so we slow down before they move over and clip the car, or broadside and roll us.

It is old, but Gavin de Becker’s book, “The Gift of Fear” is still worth reading. Particularly if you run a service-based business.


Ok ok, since my life is super drab and I’m ugly and stuff, and have nothing better to do…

So, LK is in the barn at all hours of the night. This is extremely rude and aggravating, seeing as how MB and MH are living in the barn. RC begins sleeping where LK can’t get in the barn at all hours of the night without an instant confrontation. This pisses LK off, because how else is she going to get the information off all the bugged recording devices if she can’t sneak around?

She calls the fire marshal, because you can’t have someone sleeping in a barn aisle (plus, ulterior motive, need to get to those recording devices). Fire marshal finds WAY more than she bargained for, and now “her horse’s lives are at risk,” but really RG is about to get his pants sued off for shoddy work. Oh crap, the house she’s living in got flagged, too! Ding dang it, this is way too inconvenient and wasn’t what she planned on happening. etc etc

^^ total speculation ^^

I can’t wait for the trial. Some weird stuff is going to come out…


You are a real piece of work, Lauren. You’ve been asked before and I will ask again since you’ve decided to bash someone for having a real job, what EXACTLY have you accomplished in your life that is meaningful? What employment have you held that has contributed to anything? There are lots of rumors, of course, but nothing concrete about anything you have accomplished or any work you’ve actually done. I’m positive every single poster on this thread can cite a list of meaningful accomplishments and contributions to society, but what about you? You continue to sink lower and lower with your hateful posts.

Your personal attacks are unbecoming and indefensible. You continue to show who you really are and how you behaved last year. You really should be doing anything else other than posting on Social Media. Yoga, as you’ve told me, is quite nice.

By the way, your last paragraph screams “projection”. I know it and you know it. Bring it on, Lauren.


Hilarious! Thanks for the best laugh in 3 weeks! And well thought out and plausible speculation…


Your comments are spot on, Eggbutt. I can’t wait for the trial. What a show that will be!

  LK has provided a timeline in her own words in posts on this forum. 

    MS posted a very useful compilation of events based on media sources they relied in part on police sources and statements about police reports. However, I have never seen the content of any police reports posted here or elsewhere. 

   The timeline and details provided by LK is not 100% consistent either the timeline provided my MS based on a larger set of sources. 

    To the extent the two accounts disagree, that disagreement is not an internal inconsistency of LKs. Sources such as MB, MG, JH, etc, who were interviewed by the police may have provided different accounts. The reporter could have misunderstood some details. 

    Please be clear on whether you are criticizing LK for
  1. Writing things herself that are internally inconsistent
  2. Providing a detailed timeline of events that differs from the one provided by MS based on a larger set of sources, which necessarily is reported second or third hand.

There’s a difference between a witness and a criminal defendant.

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Constitutional refresher: 5th Amendment: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.


I usually just mostly lurk, but in this instance, I need to jump in. It’s about the value of time spent doing things and the value of work. This is all just my view:

LK has identified herself only as a consumer of goods. She has money, and won’t say where it came from other than some version of “worked hard in youth” with no further information/explanation.

Is being a consumer of goods the only thing a person should offer to others in the earth to our fellow humans, never mind the animals we share the planet with?

Again, just my view, but I will say that simply consuming is a very small thing in the grand picture.

IMV, we all need a reason for being. That reason is (or should be) to become better people, and helping others is one way to do that. Why is helping important? Because society would perish without it. Besides, honest work, in and of itself, is very fulfilling.

Amid this pandemic, the governor of my state has determined my work to be “essential”. So, in that I’m going to work like normal, my work contributes to my society get through this and that makes me feel good.

If a person only consumes, and belittles, ridicules and thinks themselves above all that, I would invite that person to go live in the woods in a little Unabomber shack. That person should see how far they get without the help from the work of others.

PS: @KnightsMom, I love your posts.

   GrandPrix has posted definitively that an unlicensed contractor cannot pull permits for a renovation, so if RG is unlicensed, no building permits were obtained by him. 

   This leads me to conclude that either
 1. Someone else like another partner in SWG as owner, pulled permits, or
  2. the renovation was done without permits. 

Which do you think it is?

6th Amendment??? For such a legal scholar to make such a mistake is unacceptable. 6th Amendment: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

  Let’s hear about your own “meaningful accomplishments and contributions to society”, Eggbutt. I don’t think you need to worry about listing them compromising your anonymity, as that shipped has sailed (IMHO). 

   Seems unfair to challenge someone else on their “contribution to society” without anteing up with respect to your own.

Yes, any and all of them can decline to talk to the police. Nor can the police compel witnesses to give statements.


Beautiful weather here today in the South. The flies are terrible already and the horse hair is flying!

Seems like it is time for a reminder. The more we ignore people who seek to provoke, the better off we are. Let them be as obtuse as they like! Let them spin, spin, spin!

We are above this people!


Don’t forget that RC was sleeping in a barn aisle with a loaded gun under her pillow, per Eggbutt. I find that super duper weird and can’t help but wonder how Eggbutt knows such a thing for a fact.

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I thought maybe because she could count up to it on one hand she’d get it right… but no…


That fact that RC felt the need to sleep in the barn at all should alert your spidey senses, and not just against eggbutt or MB. What motivation would someone have to sleep in the aisle of a barn? What would drive them to do that? What did they think was going on that they needed to physically prevent?