Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

 Other cohorts of yours had subsequently referred to it as a “timeline”, even if you originally did not.
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  How is what you quoted inconsistent with what she said?  Were you expecting the 6th amendment to specifically include the word “Miranda”?

Are you accusing her of having 6 digits on one hand?

Do schools no longer teach reading comprehension? Public or private?


You can lead a child to school, but you can’t make them think.


Not. My. Problem.
Nor my fault.
Again, inconsistencies, even if through lack of diligence… are that of the person making them.

Dressage is a sport of details. Diligence. Paying attention to all the lil things.
Mastery of steps before moving to the next. Proficiency demonstrated, is then rewarded.


I’ve slept in the barn on only a few occasions: Foal watch, and when my horse was very ill and I thought I would be putting him down the next day, and was worried he might go down in his stall in the night.
IOW emergencies or situations of grave concern.

Yes, that she slept in the barn is VERY telling.


I don’t think what she said was inconsistent with your cut and paste of the wording of the 6th amendment.

If you think it is inconsistent, perhaps you could explain why. Again, any obtuseness on my part is not intentional.

Sorry I got you in the pedantry cross hairs by my choice of terminology. I trust all but 2 people understood (or at least didn’t willfully misunderstand) that I was describing your chronological presentation of information.

You’ve so much more patience than I; I simply won’t read those posts anymore, at all. Even (nay, especially) the ones in which I am quoted.


I think this makes you smart!


I suspect done without permits. That says nothing about MB, though, as most homeowners automatically expect the contractor to pull permits, since that’s the common practice.

For any of you contemplating work: please make sure that you contractor is licensed. Don’t just look at his license, but write the license number down and verify that via a phone call to the licensing agency, and make sure that the license is current and not set to expire in the middle of construction.

Also, get copies of any permits that your contractor pulls, and file them.


There was a method to my madness. I did consider JUST offering the snippets and links to news articles with the big details, or the most details. But honestly, reading them in order as the information unfolded/came to light is an interesting facet of the whole thing.


I recently had roofing done and the township also comes out and inspects the work at the end and mails you a report. That’s another way to know it’s all legit (though after the fact, so NGPY’s pointers are the best practice before and during work). My roofer posted the permit visibly on my property while doing the work.


Now I am thinking of Dorothy Parker and her off-the-cuff “definition” of horticulture while at a dinner party. It is mentioned in “Harpo Speaks” too. I loved that book and read it many times while growing up. As an adult I recognize points where he skipped over or brushed off troubling points, but I still enjoy it.


Particularly as she is not a young woman and it was probably very uncomfortable physically, as well as emotionally.


Oh, DP was VERY much on my mind when I wrote that!!:lol:


What does SWG stand for? Is this a reference to the LLC that is RG’s remodeling company?


Hurray! I have her complete collected works. Have you ever read “Horsie”?


Sweet Grass (Farm)

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It is the FIFTH Amendment that has to do with answering questions, not the 6th.