Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Oh, yes. And so apropos after the late night attacks on people’s looks, eh?

When I lived in Swizterland I sent my mother a letter from a goddamn alp!! :lol:


"You can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make her think." Dorothy Parker

“Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.”
Dorothy Parker

So many amazing, hysterical quotes.


So many, indeed. I can still quote parts of The Waltz from memory! :lol:


Perfect for this situation for sure.


I think Horsie is excruciatingly and sadly on point after last night’s tirades.


I did too.

I actually agree with what you’ve posted about permits. 

I also agree that a property owner would expect a licensed contractor to handle the pulling of permits. 

  IF IF IF RG falsely represented that he was a licensed contractor and falsely represented that he had obtained permits, that would be serious fraud on the part of RG. However, I have seen zero indication the RG falsely duped RG into believing he was a licensed contractor. 

  If RG could not pull the permits, then I would think it’s MBs responsibility as part property owner (via the LLC) to arrange for the permits to be obtained, or to consciously decide that he was going to contract for an unpermitted renovation. 

     You don’t think that as property owner, MB bears responsibility for undertaking an unpermitted renovation?  Not a huge deal compared to the allegation of two counts of attempted murder, but I think that if the renovations were unpermitted, the responsibility for that lies with MB rather than RG.

Sorry, I meant to refer to Sweet Grass Farms, the LLC that owns the farm.

   Fifth amendment has to do with a witness answering questions during a trial, Sixth amendment had to do with a criminal defendant answering questions of the police before the trial. 

     LK brought up the 6th amendment correctly in discussing whether MB was compelled to talk to the police during the investigation. MS gratuitously brought in the 5th amendment and confused things.

Funny, I have read this definition of the 6th Amendment and I see absolutely nothing indicating anyone is compelled to talk to anyone. Reading comprehension.

6th Amendment: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.

If anyone was referring to Miranda Rights: The Miranda rights, the U.S. Constitutional basis for them are in the Fifth Amendment and the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The Fifth Amendment dealing with a person’s right against self-incrimination, which applies not only when they’re on the witness stand in court but in any context. The name comes from a historic 1966 U.S. Supreme Court case called Miranda v. Arizona, declaring that whenever a person is taken into police custody, before being questioned they must be told of the Fifth Amendment right not to make any self-incriminating statements.


So many questions raised by the same person who had them answered directly almost 50 pages ago.

Underscoring that obtuseness wasn’t feigned.


The only thing I can think of in the 6th amendment that even remotely has to do with being compelled to answer questions is the portion about the court being able to force a person to come to court via summons. This means the person has no choice, and must go to the trial.

“[…]”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor[…]”

“The Compulsory Process Clause, the Court has confirmed, lets defendants subpoena witnesses to force them to testify at trial. This Clause (combined with other constitutional provisions) also now impliedly guarantees defendants the right to testify in their own defense if they wish. The Confrontation Clause requires prosecution witnesses to testify under oath and subject to cross-examination; except for small children who would be traumatized by the process, they must also testify in court and in the presence of the defendant.” From a Google search. Gives you an idea in simple terms.


Does anyone know what kind of work RG is supposed to have done?

Personally, I have no idea what sort of work does or does not require a permit. Painting the walls? Flooring?

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No, generally things that have nothing to do with electrical, plumbing, HVAC, or structural (moving and removing walls, footings, foundation repair, roofing, etc) can be done by the homeowner without a permit. And each location has its own rules specifying a dollar amount you can’t exceed. Licenses and permits are there to endure compliance to safety, community, and use standards.


Ooooh - I loved that book! On my one and only trip to NYC (so far) I made sure to go the Algonquin - just to stand there and imagine The Vicious Circle convening…

As a sidetrack and speaking of SW - why on earth has she suddenly relocated away from Florida and her diving and carefree tropical lifestyle to move back to Calgary, Alberta - where there is still snow on the ground??? All because of coronavirus? Coming back to a place she hates so much? There are a couple of screws loose there - something is up.


Sweet Grass Farm doesn’t have the same initials as SWG. LK says RG has an LLC for renovation work. There is an LLC for the farm. Given the mismatch, I think it is prudent to ask for clarification as to which LLC’s partners are being implicated here.

Building permits are public record and anyone who wants to know can submit a records request and receive the information. There will be no hiding behind this at trial.


Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer.

Like you, I don’t see anything that says anybody has to speak to the police about anything at all. No point in behaving like a jerk (the sovereign citizens and 3%ers are vivid examples) but that doesn’t mean you have to answer all their questions either. Including a conversation of any sort.

These apply to suspects, witnesses, passengers in cars at traffic stops, etc.


Can you still go to the Plaza, pick up and listen to Kay Thompson voicing Eloise?

Where did she say that? As I understand it, Robert Goodwin can’t have an LLC for renovation work because he isn’t a licensed contractor.

SWG has been used to refer to Sweet Grass Farm in several threads. I don’t recall seeing it used to refer to anyone else, or another business.

Maybe the listing agent has that information handy. Probably replies faster these days too since I hope the county/township people are at home. May make it a bit harder to pull any paperwork.…epartment.html

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It has been said was avoiding trouble with the police for repeatedly letting her dog run loose.