Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Agree. She was EXTREMELY demanding and bossy in the setting I knew her from. (dressage)

His sister seems better.

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interesting…may explain him a bit. A therapist would have a field day with this.

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AmbitiousKate, I believe you are the reason we had to reset to 1. Scroll on by, while singing “Walk On By” by the…Charelles? Nancy Sinatra?

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Oh you…you didn’t!!! For your listening and walking pleasure.

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Too bad we don’t have a virtual jar to toss in a quarter whenever we slip up. Myself included.


Whatever, it seems to be working!:slight_smile:


This is why I’m following this as well. To me, this is the Tiger King of the dressage world. :smiley:


Yes, and it was particularly pointless since I had already cited the specific NYT article documenting my claim. Embarrassing.

Eggbutt, you respond to me all the time. Perhaps not by using the quote feature or my using my name, but you’re constantly responding. Kate probably thought she was supporting you by repeating your claim that there was no such news report. She just didn’t notice the NYT article had already been cited.

Too bad!


I would like it if some people would learn the art of multiple quoting.
It is not hard.
Even with this format, that is not as user friendly as the old format when it comes to multiple quoting…it is still very doable.
Each response does not need its own post.

Sorry, just wanted to vent about something and this seemed like the right place for it. This vent applies to other threads (I assume). Was just reminded of it here.

On topic, my mind keeps going back to the claims about gun charges against someone else.
Not asking people to go hunting them out since I know that has been done and not been successful.
It falls under the whole - there has to be some bit of truth to the claim that someone is/was/will be charged, right?


Awww…things were going so well.

@trubandloki RC was charged with gun charges apparently for not keeping her gun safely away from others.


I thought we never found that information to confirm it anywhere? Did I miss a post? Darn it, that is the topic I keep asking about, so I feel bad having missed it somewhere.


I saw his sister perform his GP [?] Kur to Looney Tunes tunes… it was brilliant choreography and well ridden and she seemed nice.
Her mom was as you describe.


Not quite the same thing as a conspiracy to commit murder charge.


Yeah, I don’t think we ever saw the details of the arrest or court appearance for the weapons charge for RC. I don’t think it was publicized.

Edited to add the info on RC’s rebuttal to LK’s suit against her (LCV2020608745) on the link:

    Like you I have not seen anything other than the statement by LK to the effect that RC was charged with a gun related violation, with no public record verifying the claim. 

     Even based on LK’s statement, I have not seen information asserting that the violation was simply failing to secure the gun, as opposed to knowingly handing it to MB. 

    Perhaps Eggbutt could explain where she got that information, or cite the previous post that contained it.
So what is the basis for your statement regarding the specific nature of the charges against RC?

Wonder if the timeline matches up there. LK’s father calling 911 is puzzling. He said her lawyer told him LK had been shot which, as you mentioned, makes no sense. The police wouldn’t have notified her lawyer. Either she or RG would have had to tell the lawyer who then decided he should immediately call LK’s dad. Would be interesting to see what time the shooting happened and what time LK’s dad called 911.