Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Someone explain/clear something up for me, please. Someone posted on this thread that LK was on the phone with her lawyer during the shooting - is that right? If that is right, are we to believe she was on the phone with her lawyer for whatever reason, MB pulled up to the house, got out of his truck, shot her point-blank in the chest with her dog attacking him, Rob comes running from “somewhere”, LK STILL has the wherewithal to call 911 and then to attack MB hitting him with her phone in his face to the point of breaking the phone while Rob finally shows up and gets shot at then launched himself like a rocket to subdue this man much larger than him. Did the lawyer hear everything? Did he call the police instead of LK? Or did Jonathan’s father call 911 to report the shooting while the lawyer was still on the phone with Lauren? Did MB just stand there after he immediately shot LK in the chest allowing her time to call the police or whoever, attack him with her fists and phone, sic her dog on him and THEN shoot at Rob and stand around waiting for Rob to pounce? It does not compute to me.

Maybe @Sdel can give us a detailed synopsis about this like she’s done on other areas in this thread.


I agree with you almost totally. My post was directed to another poster, yet I appreciate your post listing the subject of the conversation. :slight_smile:


And we have reset the clock to zero.

In 24 hours, we can chalk a 1 on a column somewhere.

Sorry FitzE, I thought the reporter had spoken directly with his mother. Which threw me for a loop since she died years earlier.


I recall reading the timeline of the shooting posted by LK. The one that started with ‘reading a book on the porch.’ I searched through her posts but can’t find that timeline.
Anyway, I don’t recall anyone posting that she was on the phone with her attorney when MB showed up. Maybe I missed it?
It was not in LK’s telling of events.


This perfectly sums up my interest in this story. Plus, having seen one or two LK-like personalities in my life, it is “fascinating” to see one of these dramas play out this way.

It’s very sad that the lives of so many who were not involved (boarders, clients, service providers, animals, MH’s kids, etc.) were completely upended. I hope they are all recovering from the trauma of being around all this insanity.


No, no worries. A COTH member PMed me to tell me that she had met MB’s mother who bent her ear about how awful her son, MB, was even though she was a complete stranger. This COTH member also stated MB’s siblings didn’t get on with him, either. She didn’t state when this occurred, but obvi before the mum died.


I am the one who made the assumption that she might have been on the phone with her attorney (or someone) at the time of the shooting.

My reasons are:

  1. A 911 call about the shooting was released in which her father called 911 saying a lawyer had called him to tell him she was shot. I thought this was incredibly weird. If he’d been notified from a lawyer/authorities on an after the fact basis…why call 911? My assumption was someone was listening in over the phone and hung up/got cut off and didn’t know the outcome. Hence, dad called 911 and reported it…

  2. Post 70 of the That’s a Twist thread…LK says the phone wouldn’t dial 911 initially. She also makes a cryptic statement about something she can’t talk about in relation to calling 911.

  3. Post 1026 of the Not Guilty thread…LK alludes to something that no one else knows about from her post 70-Twist.

I specifically asked LK about this…and got silence.


MB only has 1 sibling. It was not really a secret that MB and his mother did not get along.


THANK YOU! I was just re-reading the entire thread and got to @Angela Freda’s long post (#1000) and found this snippet from her post: August 7
The afternoon of August 7, Barisone is accused of shooting Kanarek twice in the chest and attempting to shoot Goodwin. Three people called 911: a nearby resident, Kanarek’s father, and Kanarek herself.
“Michael Barisone shot me,” Kanarek reportedly said in her 911 call, according to an affidavit of probable cause. The Morris County Prosecutor’s Office did not release the audio her 911 call, citing the ongoing investigation.”

In other news reports the 911 calls from that day, specifically the calls from LK and her father have not been released. @Sdel you are so correct…how did Jonathan Kanarek know to call 911 if not for “someone” calling him. Of course, I assume it would be client/attorney privilege if she actually was on the phone with her attorney, wouldn’t it?

Imagine the call Jonathan Kanarek received…“hey Jonathan, I was just on the phone with Lauren and listened to her fighting and being shot. Yeah, YOU’D better call 911 and I’ll stay out of it for now.”

So, my new gaggle of questions stands…how was LK able to superhuman do everything she supposedly did after being shot point-blank before passing out? Add another question, how was MB able to get close enough to her to shoot her “point-blank”? Fascinating.


Post 1000, page 50.


easy. LK has stated more than once she approached him…specifically that she moved to within 4 ft of him. He didn’t approach her at all.


He lured her off the porch and into the bushes by saying he wanted to talk and make things right between them (source: LK).


Interesting. The PMer deffo said siblings plural so maybe not a great source of info.


Yes. She wanted to hear what he was going to do to fix the last 6-7 days of torture she had endured…

Meanwhile she also gives a timeline in which has everyone suddenly moving out of the house and into the barn in the 6-7 days before the shooting.

hmmmm…begs the question as to what the torture was. The fact that she was losing control?


Thank you @Sdel. Tragic events could have been avoided in so many ways. I can only imagine the state of mind MB was in.


Definitely only 1 sibling. But like I said, it is not a secret that MB and his Mother did not get along.


It is odd because he only has one sibling, as noted in the obituaries of both parents. But long-ago conversations tend to get hazy on the details, while the big emotional outbursts are remembered accurately. Blurting out about how awful your kid is to a stranger will stick. How many siblings they have won’t. Very sad situation.

ETA: @FitzE - I posted without reading what was written before me. So I don’t want you to think I was piling on you like a rugby scrum or something. But I am going to let it stand since at least one person has read it already.


Oh, no worries. I don’t feel piled on at all. Just people talking and sorting out details. I appreciate the discussion. I have no ownership of the “siblings” information; it was just passed on. I totally believe it was a mistake as there are people posting here who knew the family and also the obit, as you mentioned.


Now we re getting somewhere.



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