Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Someone not active on this thread has told me in PM that his mother was not a fan of his at all, nor his siblings. Seems like a problematic guy in many ways even before the shooting.


He and his sister have a fine relationship. He and Peggy did not have a good relationship.


I can’t remember ever hearing his name before this incident.

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So, this is interesting, because in the Colbert video when they shake hands, MB has a typically handshake used by very dominant people, where he forces the hand of the participant to go palm-up. And I was taken aback on the tapes by him telling the 911 operator “I want them warned” instead of asking if the police could come out and issue a warning.

I’m not saying that he was domineering, but I am saying that I think he may have been used to being in control, and it’s speculation based on other people whom I know.

MB and LK were definitely not a good mix of personalities.


This. One of the reasons I thought the NYT article was so bad was that the reporter acted like people disliked or didn’t believe LK b/c they were fans of MB. I, too, never knew he existed before this.

Interesting he had a good relationship with his sister. Many people have problematic relationships with a parent. That his mother bent a stranger’s ear to say how awful her son was I think would say more about the mother than the child.


His mother died years ago. Long before August 2019.


If people judged me on my relationship with my mother, I would be considered an axe murderer, which I can assure you I am not. My mother would gladly tell you how I am going to hell because we do not share the same religious beliefs or political views.

Relationships with parents should not be the barometer used to judge anything about a person.


His mother reminds me of a dead relative. Horrible person to the kids, kind to pretty much everyone else. Heartbreaking when the adult kids were told by complete strangers how wonderful T was to them, their kids, etc. T’s kids had no similar anecdotes or memories of kindnesses received by T.


You made it up. You created a false narrative. Nobody has seem any news report about KANAREKs results from a USEF investigation. You can obfuscate, gaslight, dance around a fire, but i think the one basic skill you lack is how to substantiate your claims. There is no such news report about LK. There is a comment from his atty that he found daya about LKs charges against MB, but he’s specifically said he had NOT received anything about LK… so you are making it up. You never saw a report from USEF that a complaint was made against her, and you never saw a report from USEF that she was exonerated. Even his lawyer can’t get any comments from them about a report about her. You made it up.


He HAS a good relationship with his sister.

    Plenty of people have read the Oct 15, 2019 NYT article by Sarah Nir and it has been linked numerous times in these threads, including once in this thread. 

    Rather than go through all 90 pages to find the link, I found it by Googling “Kanarek USEF investigation bullying”.
 Plenty of people have read the October, 15, 2019 NYT article by Sarah Nir, which has been discussed and linked numerous times in these threads. 

  I did not bother going through all 90 pages, but found it in two seconds by googling “Kanarek USEF investigation bullying”.

Excerpt from the NYT article dated Oct 15, 2019.
by Sarah Nir

“Ms. (Joey) Stagaard was one of several women, including a North Carolina-based horsewomen named Kathryn Parkinson, who filed a complaint last spring to the United States Equestrian Federation and SafeSport, a nonprofit organization that investigates various forms of misconduct in Olympic sports. They accused Ms. Kanarek of bullying.

The federation said the complaint was investigated and found not to merit any action. “It seemed to us more like a personal matter,” said Vicki Lowell, a spokeswoman for the federation.”


Apologies. I don’t know why I put that in the past tense. It was unintentional, I assure you. Blame it on quarantine brain.


To believe a spokesperson for USEF/SS commented on a pending, resolved or thrown out investigation including listing names is unethical and totally against the rules of confidentiality and can open them up for a lawsuit. It is so funny how we will believe something a reporter wrote that screams in the face of logic, isn’t it? It is also funny how some posters on this forum will continue to beat a dead horse even when others have moved on. This reminds me of discussing today’s politics on SM. Ridiculous and filled with BS.

Ironically, in a March 3 article posted by, both USEF and SS refused to comment on any complaints against either MB or LK. “A spokesman for SafeSport declined to comment. The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF), which oversees the sport in America, did not respond to NJ Advance Media’s request for comment”. Hmmmmmm…

As many edits as were done to that article after Nir published it the first time, one may as well toss the entire thing in the trash.

Whatever happened with the much-touted “Good Morning America” interview LK announced on SM that never took place? I recall her stating something about booking all these various interviews and “the truth will come out” mantra. I wonder if the Nir article was such a useless mess, other outlets backed off.


The person did not state WHEN his mother lectured her on how awful he was, just that she did. Since she has passed away it is obvious that it must have happened before the shooting.


It is sad that his dad died last year and he was prohibited from attending the service. :frowning:


She passed in 2015.


I met her a couple times. She was odd, imo.


Just wanted to clarify that I posted the excerpt and the link only to stop the back and forth nonsense about whether or not the statements had actually been printed.
My personal belief is that I don’t believe much of anything that’s been posted in these LK/MB threads, much less the less than stellar articles published on this topic.

So why do I read them and follow the posts? It is so bizarre and unlike my own life that I just can’t help myself. I’m such a black and white person that this circus seems like something from another dimension.