Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Perhaps I’ll wait for more of you to assert this was never posted, then find the link. So far Kate and Sonny’s Mom.

It was not that USEF actively posted an official finding of no sanction. In a news article on the bullying of Kanarek, a reporter spoke with someone at USEF, and a spokesman said that there had been an investigation of Kanarek for bullying, and that USEF decided to take no action.

I understand your position that you don’t remember this.

Now back to the discussion of cat feces.

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Let’s just assume that certain members just love to stir the pot, rile people up, then refuse to substantiate anything they suppose.

What if we were totally ignore them, not even acknowledge anything they say. How long could we conduct this social experiment for? One day, two days, more???

Today is DAY ONE! Let’s see how successful we can be and if we can influence change!


Here’s what happened.

  1. I make a simple factual statement about the actual topic.

  2. Eggbutt blasts me for saying something unsubstantiated .

  3. Someone else posts a link to the published article.

  4. Eggbutt doesn’t apologize, but says she didn’t think I would remember what was posted previously!

  5. 40 pages go by

  6. Eggbutt again challenges the validity of my statement about the USEF investigation.

  7. I point out that the link has already been provided when she questioned it the first time, but decline to find it again.

    If your policy of ignoring what I post, which I heartily endorse, actually included the elimination of steps 2 and 6, these 2 cycles would not have happened! It is Eggbutt “stirring the pot”, not me. As in previous threads, I’m not the one making this about me, it’s the posters like Eggbutt who can’t help but challenge my posts who are making this about me. 
    So, yes, please get the discipline to not respond to my posts!
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   It was reported in the October 15, 2019 NYT article by Sarah Nir. Statement by USEF spokesman that the investigation was conducted, includes the actual names of the two complainants, says USEF declined to impose a sanction. 

   This article has been linked numerous times in these threads, including this one. 

    As examples of victim blaming, it quotes both SW and comments by Eggbutt in the first thread.
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Another beauty…


“I apologize, I apologize”, ad nauseam. And then many times it’s no apology, but just completely ignore and hope nobody notices. It has been happening all along on all of these threads. Or else, find a tiny thing that is pretty much irrelevant and latch onto and twist it to look like a major issue.

You know what I believe? I believe someone is goading us to get every.single.thing that can be used as a defense out there so that the prosecution has a chance to figure out a way to mitigate every angle.

I hope both sides are monitoring these threads and formulating answers and strategies, and not just one side.

If th

There is no mitigating Lauren Kanarek’s past actions and history of harassment along with the effects of that harassment on targeted individuals. A prosecutor can do everything in their magic bag to make a skunk not stink but that skunk will still reek to a common-sense juror.

  If by “someone” you mean me, I deny that I have a motive of inducing Barisone partisans to propose defenses so that the prosecution can be prepared to better pick those defenses apart. I think such a motive is ludicrous. Laughable in fact. 

  I don’t think the lawyers on either side are wasting time following any of these threads.  

  I hope Barisone has the benefit of the best possible defense, and receives a scrupulously fair trial.
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Does anyone on this tread find it likely that a spokesperson for USEF confirmed a confidential investigation and provided a name to a reporter for an article filled with discrepancies? So much for confidentiality. I don’t buy it.

As far as one of my posts being mentioned in Ms. Nir’s article, I stand by that post. I wonder what Ms. Nir’s opinion would be now 8 months after the fact? Let’s ask her for an update, shall we?

   I said that it was reported in the a news article, and that the news article was posted several times in these threads. I provided a clear reference to the Oct 15, 2019 article by Sarah Nir in the NYT. 

     You seem to be now acknowledging the existence of the published article, which has been extensively discussed in these threads, and which quotes you, albeit anonymously. 

      So now you simply want to say that you don’t believe what was reported, even though there was a direct quote attributed to a specific, named spokesman for USEF. 

      This is the first time that you are stating that you don’t believe what was reported on that issue. But you can’t deny that it WAS reported.
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I sometimes I hear the echoing of a yap, yap, yap. Just like a pesky non-descript little dog, that just will not quiet down. It is barking at absolutely nothing, but refuses to go take a nap.




Indeed…that certainly can’t be denied. :lol:

So far we have cats and their poo, stinky skunks and now yapping dogs in this thread. Oh, maybe also tigers and snakes, I just can’t remember with my senility increasing! :D:D

 This looks like the type of bickering and insults that could get the thread shut down. I have NOT flagged it because it’s still pretty mild. 

   Since the April court date is postponed, it is not clear when there will be a new opportunity to open a “new” thread, but your call if you want to keep bickering.
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Oooh, the threat of the Big Flag. Our lives will be over.


I wonder if losing his mom a few years back had anything to do with MB’s ability to cope. That’s super-tough to endure, and guys tend to hold that in a lot more. She was very prominent in his life, I’m sure. Seems like MB has been through a lot of stressors in recent years.

It doesn’t excuse shooting anyone. But could have contributed to his level of anxiety.


I have heard he was not at all close to his mother. She was also an equestrian if I recall correctly. I “think” his sister is too? Not sure.


The irony in all these Barisone shooting threads, the Safe Sport threads and the Peronance threads is that it’s the apologists who protest the mistreatment of the principals that actually give the threads their life and longevity. If you took out all the back and forthing with Yankee Duchess, this thread would be perhaps 12 pages long, of interest to maybe that many posters and would have died a natural death with the news cycle. (Same as removing all the people defending GM’s legacy, RG’s legacy or defending NP as harmless from the other threads mentioned.)

In case I wasn’t clear; I think YD isn’t defending the perceived victim as much as she’s continually breathing new life into this thread.

If this thread is shut down; another will open with the next new development and the process will start all over.

Lather, rinse, repeat.


Mother, Peggy Barisone was very active in NY dressage. Sister runs a dressage barn in western NY.