Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Doesn’t it suck to have people nit pick your word choice? You could have taken it upon yourself to ask or be more clear in your statements. Ask eggbutt, her and I went several rounds over this shooting. We can converse in a civil manner now because I don’t really care about previous threads. She clearly doesn’t either because we both settled down and had time to think. LK doesn’t need you to defend her.

Many on this thread will tell you I am not the nicest poster at times. I get aggressive, I am blunt, heck I get out of line. The thing is, is to not hold grudges and realize people may be close to situations. It’s like the SS threads. I have no use for lawyers who want to practice their arguing skills on those threads when I have a former friend serving concurrent sentences for pedophilia. That person is up for parole in 105 years. SS hit home with me. This case hits home for others. NO ONE in that situation wants to hear people practicing their legal arguments.

   Here is the post by Eggbutt. She demands evidence that ”USEF investigated a complaint against LK and found it was unfounded”. 

    It seems unlikely to me that the system is that bullying complaints against adults are sometimes handled by SafeSport and sometimes by USEF, but EVEN IF THAT WERE TRUE, it was a very precise and documented statement concerning an actual investigation by USEF of LK that she demanded evidence on.
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Dionne Warwick for your listening pleasure.


Yes well here is the problem. We all know what she is doing. She probably forgot and you won’t supply the evidence. We understand that. YOU take it personally because of some weird grudge. Eggbutt and I were not exactly nice to each other on the previous threads. Especially the first one. You would know this had you read them. However eggbutt and others that bumped heads with me are fine here because we are adults and realize emotions were running high. Further more, because she forgot she is going to battle semantics with you because that is your favorite game. If you don’t like that game don’t play it.

And really, I get hammered ALL THE TIME on this BB. I also think you have a lot to contribute. You just have to realize that we are all connected even if we don’t know it.


You’re ridiculous and I love it!


Thanks for the explanation. They do look so similar in some of the pics it is interesting to know they look nothing alike in person.

 “... because she forgot she is going to battle semantics with [me]”? The statement she challenged as false was a very straight forward, simple statement of fact with no slippery, squishy words.  Not all that much different in structure from “the sky is blue”.  I frankly don’t see any room for semantic maneuvers.    

    I also don’t think I am playing “semantic games” in simply pointing out that the facts that I reported in the statement had already been documented in a news article linked earlier in the thread.

:tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink::tickled_pink: That’s not how this works! That’s not how ANY of this works!

Oh yes, Isaac Hayes! Incredible, incredible version. If you have little time, fast forward to 5:21.

Is this better than recipes???


Some comic relief and good memories…

and tears…:cry::cry:



So the cats were not being fed, but they were still crapping so much it was overflowing the litterbox. Huh?


Were they barn cats? Is LK talking about the beds in the house or the makeshift beds in the lounge?

Nobody has seen any such news report. You need to provide proof of these claims, or are you unwilling? If you are unwilling to prove your claim that there are news reports that USEF in the past has conducted an investigation on bullying by LK, and proof that USEF has Reported that they were not issuing any sanctions against her, then you are making this up and spreading false rumors. WHAT NEWS Reports? WHere has USEF reported they are NOT issuing sanctions against her? Or are you unable and unwilling to back up your assertion? This sounds like something Kanarek would say. Are you posting what she has told you to post? Quel surprise.


Nobody knows. She was making it up, so probably even she doesn’t know.


YD doesn’t understand this about making claims… that the onus on proving it is on her when she makes them.

She thinks I made some claim, she mentioned it a thread ago. I forget what it was, frankly.
Unfortunately, her mis-remembering is pretty clearly evident in many posts she ends up backtracking in… so that’s what I assume happened in that instance.
But she doesn’t seem to understand that when g-you make a claim, the onus is on g-you to then prove it to be the case, when someone disagrees with g-you.
If it’s something worth claiming, it’s worth standing behind with proof/evidence.


If they are crapping to overflow a cat box… then it seems to me that they are also trapped in that space.
IME cats will start to refuse to use a full box, and wander out and poo outside, in a stall… anywhere, but that overfull box.

The neighbors cat who lives with us refuses to poo in the catbox in the house… she goes outside to do #2.
She’s an interesting lil thing.


I thought we were ignoring her. She likes to poke poke poke until she gets a reaction that gets the thread shut down.


I have read all of these threads. I don’t remember proof that USEF put out anything about not issuing sanctions. Amazing how so many of us that have read all the threads don’t remember USEF putting out anything like this. Do they do these notice of non-sanctions for all reports they receive? Or was LK special???


It doesn’t really matter because no one with a lick of sense puts cat litter boxes above beds. Above anything, really.

Plus barn cats of my acquaintance usually go in the arena, a stall, the great outdoors. If put in the feed room at night, people still put the pans on the ground. Ammonia may be less dense than breathing air, but used cat litter is heavy.

Ugh - can you imagine trying to take a full cat litter pan off of a platform above a bed and not spilling a grain?

If there are photos, I suspect LK snuck into a kids’ bedroom without permission (creepy!) and I bet she staged the photo herself. Again, who authorizes a BOARDER to enter their kids’ private space or bedroom? Particularly one with whom you are feuding? What if she set up cameras in the kids’ rooms, well, that is a whole new level of low. I wouldn’t put anything past her.


House cats, not barn cats. No cats allowed in the clubroom.


I am able but unwilling to go back through 89 pages and find the link for you.

You are now on record as saying that “Nobody has seen such a news report.” Did you see the post by Denali that acknowledged the existence of the information, and suggested Eggbutt had forgotten? You just need to go back a couple pages for that one. You can get the link to the article if you go back through the whole thread and find the first exchange in which Eggbutt challenged the statement.

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