Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

 A news article that’s been linked to earlier in this thread, as well as other threads.

Lord help me if that one time I tried to house train a male barn cat was ever investigated. despite MANY litterboxes, He was sure the only place to pee inside was on carpet, bedding, or Legos. OMG when I found the Legos in a giant tub, reeking of cat piss…that cat got to learn to be an outside cat. which he was anyway. It was a foolish mistake, thinking I could change who he was.


Prove it, @YankeeDuchess YOU find the post. Obviously I and others are too senile to remember the post.


Find it and post it.


Thank you @cutter99 Good sense prevails. Thank you.


(((((HUGS))))) eggbutt! You got this!


We finally have a warmish day here in SoCal. Really thought this place was warm. I did not pack for oddly cold weather. Today, however, is glorious!!!

I am enjoying watching attempts to not split hairs by the person who splits hairs.

Sorry about your snow squall!


Weirdly enough, it hit the other end of the county from us, but we saw pictures and it came through Nashville.

It was 86 freakin’ degrees here last week, and we have a freeze warning tonight with a predicted 28 freakin’ degrees overnight! For the love of all things holy, this is the freakin’ South!!!

WHEW, I feel better now! Thank you for letting me pitch that hisser!


Depending on the nature of the complaint, Safe Sport can and will kick complaints to the USEF when it is between adults. YankeeDuchess is right about that. The complaints about LK went that way as well. I will try to find where it was documented.

That being said, YD stop making blanket statements because when you are proven wrong you say it doesn’t matter. While I agree with you it doesn’t matter, you insist upon picking arguments over word choice as if you cannot use context clues. So if being accurate and precise is import to you, I suggest you be accurate and precise in your posts.

We all get what each other mean even though its not expressed well at times. If we don’t understand we ask for clarification. What we DON’T do is nit pick word choice and get into a battle of samantics. If you like that battle, then I suggest you make your posts as accurate as possible. I also suggest you don’t say “It doesn’t matter” when you are not precise.


I feel you!! My god if it was 28 when I drove through your state last month I would have been whiny as all get out.


My claim is that if someone calls them to report a complaint of bullying by an adult against another adult, they answer the phone and obtain preliminary information to determine if there was sexual harassment involved, and if there is not, rather than do a full investigation, they refer to complainant to USEF.

I’m not going to go back and provide the link to the article on this that was posted earlier in the thread. 

So if you want to retreat to a semantic distinction between “take reports” and “investigate”, yes they do answer the phone and ask questions to determine whether the complaint is appropriately handled by them or by USEF. The only actual investigation of bullying of an adult of which I am aware was REPORTED to have been done by USEF, not SafeSport.


QFP That’s rich. Does it occur to you that eggbutt is speaking about personal experience and not what she has read?

I too believed they kicked everything non-sexual related between adults to the USEF. Clearly not.


I had one who would pee in the gas stove burner…

     I was not wrong that LK was investigated for bullying by USEF. I was saying that I didn’t understand why it mattered TO EGGBUTT whether bullying investigations are handled by USEF or by SafeSport. 

     Eggbutt has picked a battle with me over the well documented fact that USEF conducted an investigation into bullying by LK, TWICE, in one thread. It wasn’t about semantics. 

   Thank you for offering to find the link. I’m not going to.

@eggbutt 🤣😂🤣😂, she’s going to flag your post for “calling people senile”. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂. She QFP’d you in case you delete it.


Because you argue semantics all the time. If you just asked for clarification instead of latching on to poor word choice no one would care.

   It occurs to me that she may not have remembered what she read, and therefore challenged a straightforward, factual statement that I made. Whatever her personal experience is, I’m not sure how that would negate the facts documented in the news report.
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You made blanket statements about who handles bullying cases and said SS kicks them to the USEF. She argued with you because she is aware of a case that she has a connection to that is being handled by SS. WE KNOW LK’S CASE GOT KICKED TO THE USEF. However it is apparently untrue that all bullying cases between adults goes to the USEF.

I thought her post saying she doubted the validity of my statement was perfectly clear. I frankly didn’t see how it could be “clarified”.