Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

The most convincing lies almost always contain a whisker’s weight of truth.


Yeah…so? Skewed perception answers this. You can make a lot of things sound damning if you take them out of context. You can misread a lot of things that are said to/about you if you are determined enough to. The only thing that proves is paranoia. She also references this as an “after the fact” and is probably paranoia reinforced with the fact that she got shot.

Keep in mind, she was recording him. She knew he was working on a plan. “Had us done away with” could just as easily be a reference to charges with jail time attached.


I don’t think a structure being found to have some code violations is necessarily the same thing as being “condemned”.
Also, even if the various rooms intended for use by people in the barn were built absolutely up to code as a lounge, etc., with no code violations, people would not be able to legally live there if the rooms did not have permits allowing human occupants to live there. Was there a legally permitted living quarters in the barn?

When you first said that she had made a mistake by getting the living quarters in the barn “condemned”, I thought you meant that that was the harassment that “made” MB shoot her. Instead you‘re saying that it was a miscalculation on her part because his moving out of the barn would put him out of her reach for further harassment? That makes no sense to me. IF IF IF her purpose was to harass him, harassing him off the property would seem to fulfill that objective nicely.

I also do not find it plausible that anyone would actively seek to be involved in that level of drama for its own sake. If LK thought she was being wronged/defrauded/taken advantage of, it appears that she is willing to stick around and ENDURE the drama rather than leave. The vast majority of people would leave or de-escalate instead of enduring the drama of that last week, but she’s not most people. Nevertheless, while it’s evident she is willing to endure a tense, confrontational situation, I think it’s a stretch to say that she actively wanted to create “drama” for the sake of “drama”.

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There was some reference on one of the earlier threads how she and RG were “on a break” when she went down to Florida to first train with MB. Hmmmmmm…

Complaints of bullying of adults go through USEF, not Safe Sport. There was at least one complaint of bullying submitted to USEF against her already, and USEF investigated and declined to sanction her. 

  If the reason LK stayed was to collect evidence of some sort of fraud being committed by MB, there would be no point in trying to arrange a contract killing from his jail cell if the evidence in the form of recordings or other material is already in the hands of authorities. So yes, he “could” make the arrangements, but what would be the point?
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If we are to believe what LK says, she had photo evidence of MH not caring for her animals to the point that there was cat feces all over the place including the beds where kids were sleeping. Someone reported either MH, MB or both to CPS as they clearly showed up, but when asked about that LK claims she doesn’t recall ever calling them. I’ve asked before what happened to those pictures, and what was the point in having them if you were not going to act on them? Of course, LK has never admitted to making the call, but she did admit she documented those conditions. (Which may or may not have been true, I wasn’t there of course.)

Of course a lot of this case makes no sense whatsoever. This is just one more thing that doesn’t add up.


Let me make something perfectly clear…SafeSport DOES take complaints against adults by adults. I know this for a FACT. Period. End of story. Do not argue with me about this.
“Prohibited Conduct: a. Criminal Charge or Disposition b. Child Abuse c. Sexual Misconduct d. Emotional and Physical Misconduct, including Stalking, Bullying, Hazing, and Harassment e. Aiding and Abetting f. Other Inappropriate Conduct g. Violation of USEF Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies/Proactive Policies”

Perhaps this latest revision of the Policy should be reviewed:…e-sport-policy

Considering USEF/SafeSport investigations are highly confidential, I seriously doubt anyone on this forum knows exactly what either agency has investigated to date about anyone specific unless penalties have been applied.


MB and RG look nothng alike in all honesty. MB is 6’4”. RG is 5’10” and heavy. They are both male and don’t always shave, but that is where the similarities end really.

   I don’t think she said there were cat feces in the beds. I thought she said the litter box was not emptied to the point that feces were piling up and might fall into the children’s beds. Why a litter box would be somewhere other than on a floor, I can’t imagine.
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This is taken directly from RC’s page where the comment regarding the cat’s was made.

I don’t see you saying a WORD about Mary Haskins refusing to feed her 5 cats or letting them live in their own feces until there is so much of it, it literally overflows into her children’s beds and all over the floor. I have pictures Incase you decide to tell lies again.”


Yes, I realize that, but you can’t tell height in a photo without a reference. The do have similar hair color and hair cuts (at times).


RG has black hair with some grey, often cut short, a round face and lots of ink. MB has brown hair with less grey than RG, not closely cut, a longer face and no ink. It is just funny to me, because they really look nothing alike.


I insist on your proof of this statement. Only the person who filed the complaint and the investigators would know this information. Time to pony up @YankeeDuchess. Show us the complaint and the findings.


Complaints about adults most certainly do go through Safesport.

Where is the information located about the USEF complaint?


And, there’s this from Ed Bilinkas: Barisone’s defense is also seeking documents from SafeSport, an organization that investigates misconduct in Olympic sports. The prosecution has provided SafeSport with complaints filed against Barisone but nothing filed against Kanarek, Bilinkas said. He said Barisone contacted the organization multiple times to complain about Kanarek and so did other people.

I’m still waiting for the evidence a specific poster seems to have that USEF investigated a complaint against LK and found it was unfounded.

Yes, SafeSport does investigate complaints by adults against adults. We all know that for a FACT. 

  We all know that bullying and harassment are prohibited by the code. All current criminal acts are also included as prohibited. 

    Just because the SafeSport prohibits an act, does not mean that SafeSport itself necessarily conducts the investigation on that act.  For example, there was a wealthy heiress who committed insurance fraud, or some other type of financial crime, and based on the criminal conviction, she was banned with no investigation by SS itself. 

     We know based on published news reports that USEF has in the past conducted an investigation on bullying by LK, and USEF reported that they were not issuing any sanctions against her.  I have not seen any reported disposition of a bullying case issued by SafeSport. Are you aware of any?

      If someone on this forum had reported to SafeSport a complaint of bullying and harassment and been told by them “We don’t handle that, take it to USEF”, they would probably know.  

      What difference does it make?  If LK engages in further bullying, the victim can report it to USEF or SafeSport as appropriate.
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I remembered it incorrectly, I apologize.

I’ve never heard of this!!! Provide your proof. And here is your quote from post 1710: “Complaints of bullying of adults go through USEF, not Safe Sport. There was at least one complaint of bullying submitted to USEF against her already, and USEF investigated and declined to sanction her.”

And, YOU are the one who said SS doesn’t take reports from adults against adults. Several of us are telling you, you are absolutely wrong, Again, it is suggested you don’t argue about this any further.

You are full of it. You provoke and then provide word salad to cover yourself when you can’t back up your claims, facts, and ramblings. You contradicted yourself from paragraph 1 to paragraph 2. Either they do or don’t investigate.

Please just stop. Just stop.

You already attempted to bust me on this once before IN THIS THREAD and someone posted the link to the article! You really don’t remember?

USEF issued a statement that the complaint had been made, investigated, and that they were taking no action. I think they said they considered it  “more of a personal matter”  or something to that effect. I think the article provided the names of the two complainants. 

 I never said that I had seen the actual complaint or the official finding, just that the investigation of the complaint had been reported in the media.

Windy, gray day here in the South, and we just had a snow squall blow through.

Let’s all take a step back, and take a deep breath! Just remember, certain posters on this thread just love to spin, spin, spin. They love to pontificate, even when proven flat out wrong. They love to misquote and twist facts to suit their own narrative, then become frustratingly obtuse when confronted with their actions.

Please, please, please do not fall prey to this. Their goal is to get this thread shut down.