Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

On my childrens beds, sure. Plus, we all clean it up right away.

Anyway, my comment your responded to was about what possible things LK might have done had not the “incident” happened, and she then had more time to do more damage.


Could be. At the height of ex’s nutty-buddy behavior during our divorce I set it up so his emails and texts went directly into a dedicated inbox. Then, I had my dad or my best friend read them for me. That way I still had warning if he was up to something truly crazy but wasn’t exposing myself to the daily emotional roller coaster.


I responded to your assertion that LK did the piling of the litter. I think LK is too sophisticated of a manipulator to do that herself.

What would she have done next? Destroyed something big or hurt the horses. She escalated, and subsequently miscalculated, because she was losing control. The FM was a mistake.


Okay, but I’m sorry I don’t know what FM is? I am probably really dense, sorry


The fire marshal. LK made reports of fire hazards to the fire marshal. The hazards reported were all the people sleeping in the barn. She made a mistake there.


While Barisone’s various lawyers have alleged that LK called CPS in order to harass him, we don’t have any concrete evidence that she was the one who called them. In a previous thread someone stated that calls to CPS were not only confidential but, further, anonymous. If calls to CPS are anonymous, how can the report be used in court as evidence of harassment by LK?
It is not the responsibility of the reporter to have investigated the situation and know 100% that abuse occurred. People are supposed to report if they have a suspicion of abuse so CPS can investigate. The anonymity, if calls are anonymous, is there to encourage people to report.
Can people abuse the system to harass people? Certainly. IF LK called in an anonymous suspicion of abuse in order to harass, does that make her a bad person? Yes.
If the court cannot get the information on who made the report, I fail to see how the report is useful for the defense.
Eggbutt has said that RC was sleeping in a barn aisle with a loaded gun under her pillow. All parties say that tensions were high. If minors were present, I think they were in danger. Ex ante, it’s unthinkable that anyone would use the gun against the children, but ex ante it’s also unthinkable that MB would shoot his own client. I don’t see how you (g) can say that it’s so obvious that LK should have left because she knew the situation was so dangerous, but at the same time say that there was zero danger to the children.
I don’t know who called CPS. My own theory is that SsfeSport contacted CPS after both LK and MB made reports to them. Perhaps the subpoena to Safe Sport will reveal whether they did or did not call CPS. Note that the prosecution had already issued a subpoena to SafeSport at the time of that hearing, while the defense has merely said that they plan to subpoena the MB report.

As per my personal experience with LK, she absolutely can and will make statements that she can’t relate to an actual event or prove truthful.
Her entire reality is skewed in her favor at all times. It makes it easy to interpret events and situations in a false manner.


I don’t have a choice here. I am not risking my life to put food on the table. I am not a healthcare worker or a first responder. I am just a lowly barn scrubber/manager who lives on site. I told the extra cleaning help to stay home and stay safe. So it is just me and 19 horses.

I can handle all the day to day issues and manufactured drama here (and a BO who can be… difficult - even more so now) when I have my outlets… movies, dinner with friends, theater, sports.

Cut all that off for who knows how long and it is just one foot in front of the other, day after day.

I put myself in isolation back on March 10 - as these horses rely on me and me alone right now.

Looking forward to things slowly easing back into at least a semblance of “normal”…

  The FM had posted signs indicating code violations in the farm house as well as the barn.
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Yep. She directly made at least one false statement to me on here, about which I have photo evidence to the contrary.


Yes, her perception is skewed…but I still stand by my statement and I think you’ll find most things she goes off on are rooted in an actual event. I’ve dealt with more than one LK type in my life too.


The thing I find most suspicious about the CPS call is that in one of the articles when questioned about the call, LK responded that she didn’t remember making the call. Not that she didn’t make that call; that she didn’t recall doing so. But she remembers the shooting itself, even, in minute-by-minute detail. She remembers everything leading up to the shooting: where she was, where RG was, what MB said to lure her off the porch (by the way, why lure someone off the porch if your plan is to shoot them? Just shoot them on the porch.), all the calls, and black SUVs, and who was sleeping where on every single day leading up to the event. But that one call - that’s the one memory hole in the whole saga. It seems highly unlikely. To me, that suggests she made the call and knows she cannot outright deny it, so she just “doesn’t remember” it.

Also, is it just me, or do people see a very strong resemblance between RG and MB? I would see pics in those articles and wonder why they were showing so many happy photos of LK and MB and then I would see half of them were LK and RG. Just things that make you go hmmmmmmm.


Direct quote from you: “LK won’t make a statement that she can’t relate back to an actual event or make a truthful claim to.”

Your statement is false unless you intended to add “probably” or “unlikely”. You may have dealt with lots of LK types, but I’ve dealt with the actual LK. Yes, a lot of her words come from actual events, but she also employs blatant gaslighting.
At the bare minimum everyone who has been involved with these threads knows she does not have a Bronze medal, though at last check her SM still says she’s a bronze medalist.


I know, but LK said she only called them about the “sudden serious” ones in the barn…aka the people that had started sleeping in the barn. That is why I say she made a mistake and overstepped with the FM. LK probably never expected them to inspect the whole property, including RG’s ongoing renovations in the house.

With both the house and barn condemned, MB/MH et al could no longer stay on property. How can you continue the drama when you can no longer maintain the proximity.


In one of the threads she said something along the lines of “we now know even if we had left MB would have had us done away with.” (No way am I wading through to find the exact quote.)
So basically she was saying MB would have had them killed even if they left because of some secret he is/was trying to hide.


With MB’s vast financial resources and, now being directly face to face with, shall we say, the possible underbelly of society, couldn’t he still make arrangements to have her done away with? (This is somewhat sarcastic for those with less than optimal reading comprehension.)

Lauren lives in a dream world and probably has for her entire life. The rest of us accomplish, while she dreams and destroys. She posted somewhere she now has “abs of steel” after 3 or 4 45 minute hard, back to back lessons Tuesday - Saturday for weeks, and now she is turning to mush, or words to that effect. Funny, she’s posted no videos of those hard lessons or any other evidence of her hard work. I sincerely hope she actually did ride that much and has progressed that much. I will be the first to eat crow when/if she actually can successfully progress up the levels and finish her bronze and obtain her silver medal. Wonder who she’s signed on with in Raleigh high enough up the dressage ladder to instruct her?

If it is true SafeSport has received many complaints against her, time may be of the essence to obtain those medals before they take action against her.

  In one of her extremely detailed accounts of the shooting, she says she doesn’t recall calling 911 after being shot, but apparently there is a recorded 911 call from her saying she had been shot.
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Gaslighting is not the equivalent of lying.

The bronze medal incident is proving my point. The issues are based on a real event, aka true statements. The misunderstanding surrounding this medal is not in an of itself a lie and seems to have been on both sides; it’s just one of those things. The untruth is simply the way the narrative is presented; as if MB/MH purposefully manipulated the situation to victimize LK.

The gaslighting is simply the insistence that everyone has to accept the idea that LK was purposefully maligned instead of the more obvious “misunderstanding; move on”.

So, to go back…the statement that started all this was that the picture LK said she had of the cat box probably didn’t really exist. And I disagreed, that it probably did exist because LK’s statements are based in someway on a real event. That doesn’t mean I accept her narrative as the truth (I know it’s skewed), I simply believe it’s based on something that really did happen/does exist.


Why was she still at the house if the Fire Marshal condemned the building? I think this was answered somewhere along the way, but I don’t recall the answer or by whom it was given.

Also, I wonder if one reason the relationship went sour with MB is that he referred to a quote from a Donald Trump hagiography (biography that idealizes its subject).

I don’t know Barisone’s politics. In this context, I don’t care. I did read an article about Barisone published before August 2019 where he quoted Donald Trump.

Most definitely. The first pics that I saw of RG, at first glance, I thought they were of MB, until I looked more closely.