Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

I don’t think everyone has the choice to work or not. Probably most of us on COTH do, but there are many people who have to risk their lives to put food on the table.
And others, particularly health care workers, who feel an obligation to do what they can even in the face of fear.

Makes being pissy over your trainer look pretty damned petty in the grand scheme of things.


All I did was cut out the other two names before mine. Are you trying to tell us that you didn’t try to accuse me of telling you that you could not speculate? Everyone on here can read. That’s why they dislike you so much.


Oops, sorry. Ignore reminders came after in the sequence and I forgot.


“The impression that I had gotten from the self appointed moderators like Smoofox, you and Grand Prix was that speculating on identity was acceptable for anyone other than me because I was a newbie (more likely because I post stuff you disagree with), and it didn’t make sense to me that some were allowed to speculate and not others.”

There. Complete sentence so nobody has to go back. I invite comments by others, if they agree that I was trying to manipulate anything at all.


You cut out 2/3 of the words in the sentence, not just two other names. Indeed, everyone on here can read and anyone who bothers to read the original sentence will see that your fragment of the original sentence does not convey the meaning of the complete sentence, but who is going to bother? The fragment, by itself, doesn’t even make sense grammatically.

No, I was not trying to accuse you specifically of telling me that I could not speculate.

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Balinkas tried to subpoena the CPS report. Judge ruled the report inadmissible. That doesn’t mean that the defense can’t ask if a report was filed and whether or not MB or MH were given a warning, right?


I agree…what was in my mind was the arguing today about quickly opening the country back up versus what governors have the authority to do. Please, I’m not turning this into politics.


I wonder if the reason that the judge is being stubborn about the CPS reports is because the kids are not MB’s. He has no legal ties to the kids and the legal consequences of “abuse” allegations would lie with their mother. MH is not on trial.

Maybe it’s different in N.J., but MH should be able to access to the report itself, as the kids mother.


I think it would show his frame of mind. She accused MB of abuse against the children. I believe it was the final straw of LK’s harassment and plan to destroy MB for whatever reason. Perhaps she expected MH to be required to chose her kids over MB and pack up and leave so LK would have all of MB’s attention. Remember, LK sees herself as being much more talented than she actually is. There is no way this woman will ever be on any US National Team. Her envy of MH, and other women she has attacked in the past, is the mental cancer of her life.


I agree, but it doesn’t necessarily mean it the report is admissible. I think the distinction is what the defense has told the judge as the reason for the report. I don’t think they need it to make the point you suggest. I guess the real reason why they want it is to muddy up LK or point out her own illegal behavior.


One more thought about the cats - if, and I say IF there were cat feces on the chidren’s beds, I have no doubt whatsoever that LK dumped litter boxes over the kids beds to take pictures. But more likely, there never ever were any cat feces, and no photos. My thoughts.


I’m not sure why the CPS report is inadmissable. If the prosecution isn’t calling it as a point for MB"s character, then maybe the defence doesn’t have a good enough reason to use it. And I have no doubt the prosecution would like to stay away from that with a 10 foot pole.

If the sole point of a piece is to defame the “victim” then it might not be admissable, and it certainly would defame her, proving she was making up crap about MB. However, if they can come at it from a different point of view, as a defensive article, it might be admissable. The judge, though, said that the report was inadmissable because it came from an agency which had nothing to do with the courts, and I think he implied it could say anything and what would any of it mean, as the agency wasn’t the end all or even an accurate assessment of people’s situations. Sort of speaks to the courts’ opinions of CPS more than anything.


I thought the court indicated the same point could be made without the CPS report. Courts don’t rely solely on CPS reports or recommendations - right?

Calling CPS was such a **** move. Petty. Spiteful. I doubt they relish getting roped into this situation.


In my state the referents name and all identifying information is redacted even with a court subpoena. I’m not sure if it is the same in NJ, but that would make the report irrelevant for the defense in this case.


Indeed. Had the events of August 7th not occured, I wonder what LK’s next steps would have been? There are unlimited possibilities.


LK won’t make a statement that she can’t relate back to an actual event or make a truthful claim to. It is probably true she has a picture. It’s the overall narrative that will be out of touch with reality and/or not factual. Consider it to be like listening to a politician. A bunch of statements that individually are true, but together create an untrue or skewed picture of what is going on.

I have a step kid and an ex DIL that have acted in a similar manner as LK. The stepkid’s therapist told us to expect him to beat himself up with a belt if that is what it took to get CPS actions taken against us. As far as my ex-DIL, well, it should say something that we bugged our own home when we were doing in house supervised visitations of my grandson.

I would not be surprised to find out that LK manufactured or took advantage of a completely benign situation. I can even see how the CPS call can be rationalized away as not even being a danger to anyone. You need to realize, LK’s actions are not rooted in rational, therefore no amount of rational analyzing of this will ever produce a situation in which you can understand “why”.


My guess is that the report includes something that can be linked back to something LK said on SM, therefore confirming she was the source. MH can get the report independently since it involves her kids; but that doesn’t get it into the trial.


She could always collect and dump cat feces on the childrens’ beds and take photos. Oh, wait…


No doubt. Then the defense could decide if there really is anything they need in the reports. Just knowing that this whacko actually manufactured false accusations against MB would be something which would speak to her person and to the situation which developed, so its too bad they aren’t admissable.

You would think something like that would be prosecutable in and of its self, creating false accusations.


Or it could be something completely benign…

I’m sure no one has ever had the bag with the dirty litter break on them before…or has ever dropped the litter box because that stuff is heavy.