Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

There is another person besides LK here that likes to make everything about “poor little old me”, and twists things around so that she is the center of this thread. I’m beginning to see why she sympathizes -er empathizes- with LK so much.


I would also like to point out that someone, can’t remember who exactly thought I, YD and LadyJ were all the same person. I would also like to point out that I am not and have never harped on who people think I am (they correctly understand I am a nobody) nor do I give two thoughts about who they think my alters are.

Jesus. Can we not let bygones be bygones?


It’s called RESPECT.


Yep!! And realizing that disagreements do not mean the person you disagree with is a bad person no matter what is said. It’s a BB!!!


I hope you are not implying that this was me, because it was not.

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We ALL have opinions, beliefs, experiences and passions. Sometimes those passionate thoughts can blur civility during emotional crisis. I will admit my passion about this horrible, preventable situation. That is ME and who I’ve been all my life. As more of LK’s personality has revealed her true self to so many, I am much more calm about what I know to be true about people like her and can sit back while others discuss her inconsistencies. There was a lot of raw emotion in the first thread for sure.


No I am not. Your post just made me think of that. Like I said I can’t remember who said it, so if it was you I still don’t care. This thread, IMO, has been the best because emotions have been left at the door and we have really been able to discuss the issues and questions we all have.

@eggbutt you said it better! :slight_smile: I had never heard of MB before the Olympics. So I guess he was just there. That’s fine. I was a groom for a notable Dressage family in the NE before those games so from my perception it really did look like a fangirl reaction. That being said I am happy we can all converse now.


An interesting point made in this thread about how recent the divide must have been between Lauren and MB, is illustrated in a post I found perusing some of the other threads, this one was from the “pleads guilty” thread. Lauren talks about HITS having been a show she had originally planned on going to go to, had she not been shot. Dudleyc says she herself was at that show, and MB had been scheduled to ride one of her horses PSG there. Obviously neither made it to HITS that fall, but its another of the many examples of how not-threatened and harrassed by MB Lauren was, and how recent the bad blood was between them, unlike her claim that she had been harrassed and bullied by him for months and months. So, her trip to Florida with him isn’t the only example of business as usual from her. Just saying.
[ATTACH=JSON]{“alt”:“Click image for larger version Name: recently doing well.JPG Views: 1 Size: 23.4 KB ID: 10622867”,“data-align”:“none”,“data-attachmentid”:“10622867”,“data-size”:“full”}[/ATTACH]

recently doing well.JPG


Oh, me too. It would come in so handy in this thread. I have learned to (almost) just scroll past YD. I am almost not even reading the responses when she gets quoted, and the thread is so nice, and smooth - flows along without getting bogged down in useless semantics and pedantics.


I think she made it in one of the early threads. Here is her referring to it and claiming “Of course there are photos” imperiously, this snip is from the “pleads guilty” thread. [ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“full”,“data-attachmentid”:10622870}[/ATTACH]

cats poop 1.JPG


I assume those “very specific reasons” she mentioned were to retrieve illegal recording data. Gosh, were the children and cats also plotting to murder her?


Plus I call B.S. on the idea that any bedroom was open for any tenant to waltz through, for any reason whatsoever.

If they were, who would have the cat litter boxes above or in their child’s bed?


Keep getting the “invalid file” message when trying to upload an image directly, but here’s the original claim on FB which was then brought up in that thread.


Such a pleasing personality, isn’t it? There are stories told by one who cleaned LK’s house one time and it took 27+ large Hefty trash bags stuffed completely to get it emptied of trash. Every single post reveals who LK really is.


The words GrandPrix puts in between quote marks are a FRAGMENT of a sentence that I wrote. If you read the complete sentence, there is no specific claim that GrandPrix herself said that “YD could not speculate”.

It’s easy to misrepresent what someone says if you quote sentence fragments, omitting the parts of the sentence before and after the fragment. “Manipulative crap” indeed.


There was a “pleads guilty” thread?

Is this a Freudian slip? I remember a “Barisone Pleads Not Guilty” thread.


Happy Monday everyone! We made it through another weekend of quarantine and social distancing!

Just remember to take a deep breath and think a very Zen thought before replying to certain posts today. Ignoring them is a much better option and does, in fact, frustrate certain posters. And there is nothing wrong with that!


Agreed. The scroll by is my favourite form of exercise these days!! :lol:


I’ve been trying to ignore the news and horrible weather today and recenter my mind. It’s difficult.

The absolute truth for each of us is we have choices - to go back to work or not if we don’t feel comfortable, to leave a place when we are in fear for our lives as well as to ask those we are uncomfortable with to leave.

Peace all and stay healthy smart. Respect distance and remember, you are responsible for yourself.


I suspect that her “very specific reasons” were to call CPS. Just a guess.