Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

As I recall, you completely lost your cool when I enquired as to whether you were Canadian after a post of yours on a legal issue. I thought the country of legal training was relevant to a post on a legal issue, and if not an important issue, then at least not offensive. I wondered how actual, proud Canadians felt when you recoiled at the question.

As I remember, it was “A$$”, “adults are talking here”, and “mrn”. (Although perhaps the “mrn” was from Grand Prix.)

May I point out AGAIN that the forum rules state that to the extent a poster has a “grievance” with another poster, they are ASKED to flag the posts and bring them to the attention of the mods INSTEAD of hashing out the grievance in the thread. So instead of calling me an A$$ and a MRN, why didn’t you report to the mods that I had enquired as to whether you were Canadian? Perhaps because it seemed unlikely the mods would consider such a question offensive?

My question as to whether speculating on posters’ identities was permitted was a genuine question, as I had not seen a prohibition in the posted rules. The impression that I had gotten from the self appointed moderators like Smoofox, you and Grand Prix was that speculating on identity was acceptable for anyone other than me because I was a newbie (more likely because I post stuff you disagree with), and it didn’t make sense to me that some were allowed to speculate and not others.

I think the flak I get does have a lot to do with me. I post straightforward, civil posts containing opinions the majority of posters disagree with. Other posters always have the choice of how they respond; either to 1) scroll on by, 2) respond to the substance of the post, 3) report it to the mods if you think it is offensive, 4) respond with insults, mockery, and foul language. If you choose option 4) please take responsibility for your choice.

If you want to imply or say straight out that I am a ninny for reporting offensive posts to the mods, go right ahead.


Look what I found under “User Settings”:

Ignore List
To block certain users’ posts, enter their names into the ignore list. To remove users from the ignore list, click the ‘x’ button.

I wonder if it works? I am testing now,


We’ve been over this, several times. The “ignore” function is there but doesn’t work. But feel free to keep bringing it up.

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It’s there but it doesn’t work. The only thing it does is prevent a notification being sent when whoever you put in there quotes or tags you.

@YankeeDuchess people have been patient with you since you refuse to read ALL of the threads on this subject and enjoy belaboring points from pages back. We also tolerate your incessant need to post the forum rules over and over again. You of all people should not be pointing out what has or has not been talked about.


Thank you, @Denali6298! Obviously it has been a while since I looked at user settings. I appreciate you being courteous rather than attempting to be snide and judgemental.




You’re welcome! A lot of people, when they read that we don’t have an ignore function any more, take that literally. They think it is not there as opposed to not working. So like you, they find it and wonder.

I appreciate you guys rehashing and clarifying the time line for me. There is a lot of information put out in these threads.


LOL… I almost choked on my ham.

I’d have to dig it up in screen shots, but there was an LK comment on social media that stated MH refuses to feed her multiple cats and they live in piles of their own feces that overflow into the children’s beds and she has pics to prove it.

I asked whether that was the basis of a report to CPS, but LK has denied she knows anything about CPS. She declined to say what the pictures were for or where they ended up.


Who puts cat litter boxes above beds?


I spent 5 minutes trying to formulate a witty response to this. I failed.


It’s hard to build on it. It’s hard to imagine anyone putting it into practice too.



Since everyone else has the food and adult beverages covered, I just want to say, if I ever need an attorney, I’d want you. As it is, I have a sister in Canada. If she ever needs an attorney, she should get you. :slight_smile:


I doubt locks would stop her. Being told to stop didn’t.


I’ve never seen or heard of such a thing before… well, maybe on extreme hoarders, but that’s one thing nobody involved has been accused of…yet.




Excellent point! Rules, privacy, and decorum don’t apply to LK. Thank you for the reminder.

Can you imagine being a parent of someone like this?


No, not that quickly. We haven’t gotten into the minutia of how Covid-19 and the stay at home orders are affecting LK. Then and only then will we talk about how MB and MH are hoarders. It will come out they they themselves are solely responsible for the lack of TP around the country.


I doubt it is affecting LK at all! Remember she prefers laying around reading anyway. It’s RG that likes to go out and party and visit. Hopefully there are not living accommodations for her on the same NC property her horses have been moved to, or, if there are the property owners required a very solid rental agreement with explicit termination details!!!


Yes, but, we have now mentioned it so I can assure you she will dramatize all the hardships that we don’t understand. Ya know, because it’s “different” for her.

ETA: Not on topic to the current thought stream, but I would like to point out to those it may apply to that eggbut and I vehemently disagreed on the first thread. Same for some other posters here. Yet somehow we co-exist in this thread. Funny how that works.


“ Grand Prix was that speculating on identity was acceptable for anyone other than me because I was a newbie”

False. Show me where I said that YD could not speculate.

more of her manipulative crap…