Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)



I still miss the forum block capability.


Social media has certainly heightened them.


Like an airborne virus!


@smoofox hey it’s the flavor of the week for everyone to be self appointed policemen at the moment. Calling the cops on gatherings they find inappropriate, telling people they’re selfish for doing anything they don’t find acceptable. It’s the new thing, and endorsed by the government! Makes sense it would translate to the boards.

You’re wrong! And you’re wrong!


Predators find their prey. They are continually throwing out feelers until they find someone who is vulnerable (maybe temporarily), or a bit unaware, or has buttons they can push. Predators are doing this constantly and most times their prey just walks away. The target prey sizes them up as cray cray, or unimportant, or the predator doesn’t know the right buttons to press. And then the predator has to play with them, get them invested in a line of chat that can then escalate.

I have a good nose for narcissist drama queens IRL and find it easy to walk away because everything they offer seems hollow once you get that whiff of narcissist fakery. But some people get sucked in because that kind of narcissist can seem compellingly self directed and interesting at first glance. I do find it interesting to watch it get played out IRL.

I’ve also watched SM exchanges go craycray really fast even without a manipulative narcissist in the mix.

Anyhow just because someone was weak or foolish enough to get caught by the predator doesn’t make them a bad person. Unfortunately if their first learning experience is with a really malevolent one, that’s unfortunate. It’s better to get innoculated by exposure to less effective ones :slight_smile: and then you see the patterns writ large when a really nasty one makes the news.




No lengthy subject (that may have several threads) always stays directly/exactly on topic with each and every post. Not since the dawn of the internet.

Talking about a current thread one is reading or participating in IS being on topic and not discussing kumquats and pussywillows for many pages. This particular thread/topic has many intersecting ripples and tangents - legal terms, DH/SW, real estate law etc… All of those ripples that cause yet more ripples can be part of the ongoing conversation.

In all my time on COTH with my extensive post count (not really) … I think I have reported two or three posts? One that was so vile - it even made me cringe. And it takes a lot to get me there.

[edit] does not necessarily mean inappropriate language. It could be a reference or a link that is not permitted - or a number of other things. I feel badly for the real mods who have to come into threads and clean up on aisles 3, 6 and 8.


If someone is bored or tired of a thread, why not move on rather than hoping or causing it to be closed?

Personally, I am still interested in answers to questions posted in the first and all other threads - why didn’t LK just leave, why install illegal recording devices everywhere, why cause CPS to be called, what was her agenda, and again, why not leave after posting of being in such fear? Maybe those answers will be given in the trial.


I want to know as well, but I think we both already know the answer to that. She is a narcissistic, destructive individual. She leaves a path of destruction in her wake and has not a care in the world. She actually enjoys the harm she does to others. Believe me, I was married to a man who did it to me for 13 years!


All of this.

For me, edit was b/c “someone” ran to the mods and they cut out “a$$” and “Adults are talking.” When I realized another adult had reported that language my eyes rolled back so far I saw my brain.:uhoh:

I also have managed to engage in various on-line forums for years without ever once having to run to the mods. I agree with reporting something truly vile or outrageous like smoofox mentions. But, if you find yourself often reporting to mods (or “asking” them for clarification, as the euphemism goes), maybe the issue is you, no? I cannot imagine wanting to be a part of a BB on which I saw so many things that needed reported that I wouldn’t have enough hours in the day to properly do so. Again, if I had to report more than say, twice or thrice, I would need to take a look at myself and wonder if maybe, just maybe, this burning need to report spoke more about me than about the other posters.

That is actually one of the main themes of these threads: if you have such drama, tension, and battle royales with so many people over vast ranges of time and place, arrests, orders, suits, fights, etc. - at what point do you need to finally face that possibility that the problem may have a lot to do with you - that it might not ALL be those other badbadnotgood people?

But anyway, I do wonder what will happen with the hearing. I hope they get their system set up so all the people awaiting trials and hearings of all kinds can get resolution. Imagine if you are eventually found to be innocent (not MB, just a ‘hypothetical inmate’ and you had spent a year in prison and contracted a deadly virus.


I’d still like to know what happened to the cat feces pictures.


Saying that thread # 5 on this topic may be heading towards being closed due to certain reasons (the rules I posted, the reasons that 1- 4 were closed, posting those rules after I believe it was you that asked me “Why?”) has nothing to do with anyone trying to do the moderator job or trying to get it closed. Bty on all these 5 threads I flagged only one person, that only because they made vile personal attacks on me. The other stuff, some people questioning who I am, what dark motives I may have, a group of poster ganging up on me over nothing, is just amusing.
I do agree it is time for me to move on at this point as reading the same things over and over I do find boring.
I had stopped reading other threads on this topic for that same reason(and the nastiness) only to check back weeks later to see that it had been closed, due to the bickering and/or moderator stating closed until there is some new developments. If people can’t control themselves when a different viewpoint is presented and/or they kept trying to beat the proverbial dead horse to keep themselves relevant, that behavior is what closes these threads.
Stay safe and healthy.


Why do people always feel the need to announce they are leaving?

Ironically, in every single thread I have endured the “who are you” and “I KNOW who you are” and “Let me tell you specifics to prove I know who you are” posts. Each time I have ignored them because, a) they don’t know who I am, and b) what difference does it make? Yes, I participated in the “who is YD” comments because there was (is) simply too many similarities to other posters to dismiss. But, I am also one who in the end said, “who cares?”.

Hypocrisy. We all participate at times. Let’s try to be better, shall we?


Something you hear said on many Easter mornings… :wink:


What did I miss? Cat feces pictures?

Supposedly LK had pictures of an overflowing cat litter box on MH’s kids bed. I think she made the claim on FB.


Didn’t someone say the kids’ rooms were private and/or locked? LK never explained anything after she dropped that bomb, did she?


Ah thanks. At this point, I think it is safe to say that any claims made by LK are probably false when she refuses to acknowledge follow up questions.


Not that I know of, but she regularly promises to reveal all sorts of info, recordings etc. Unless the rooms were locked I don’t think “Private” would mean anything to her.