Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

That sounds good too! Recipe???

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Attention: I would like it noted that I was not the one to bring up recipes!! :winkgrin::winkgrin: A certain someone always points out I give a recipe as a “pivot”! :D:D:D

Is that blueberry pie ready yet?


We can discuss your payment to me for pivoting for you on tomorrow morning’s Zoom briefing.




Yum! Not Sonic necessarily, but just yum!


Chocolate. I want chocolate…


I wonder why all the people in LK’s past who were harassed by her didn’t simply block her texts and numbers? Of course the situation with MB was different since she refused to leave his property, but all the others in her past who continued to be bullied by her. Sort of says something about them I guess.

Sometimes it is better to know when the crazy is coming right at you. When dealing with certain people, you are better off to not be in the dark.

Scary, isn’t it???


Carole Baskin did it.


But equally, if you continue to add fertilizer and water, the plant grows stronger…

When it comes to posters who are self-appointed mods, there are a couple on the forum as a whole who have prided themselves on repeatedly waltzing into threads they allegedly disapprove of, letting everyone know of their lofty disapproval, deciding the conversation was over and announcing that the thread should be closed/will be reported/everyone should stop posting. One sounds very much like dragonfly90 but… whatever. shrug

Carole Baskin?? I do not have Netflix! I am not able to see the Tiger King trainwreck!


Sometimes letting those messages come through is good for evidence against a stalker/abuser. I have no idea if that’s the case for anyone that felt harassed by LK of course, but that’s one valid reason. Another possible reason is that cutting that outlet off can sometimes cause the abusive person to escalate to other means of harassment. Again, I have no idea if that’s the case here, but it’s something to think about.


I asked this question on the first thread since it seemed from the emotional posts, that it was still on going or seeing the messages, posts, Venmo actions brought those strong emotions back up. I was also criticized for suggesting such a thing.

I know everyone is different and walking away is hard when it seems impossible to get justice. I personally would have cut my losses for the sake of my mental health. I hope all those who were harassed by her are okay.





I’ve been wondering when her name would show up!! :yes:


Some will never be “okay” after her actions. She leaves a lasting impression for many.


Oh I know. I knew that then too. Maybe I should have said getting the help and support they need after dealing with people who take a huge emotional toll rather than “okay.”


My thoughts on the ‘why not block her’ question - Some of those people this happened long enough ago that maybe they just did not know it was an option to block her. (I am willing to admit that even now I do not know how to block people on my phone or on Facebook.)
More likely than that it was probably more a case of things grew at a rate that they were out of control all of sudden and then it was too late. In other words, making up an example, LK sends a note that is not nice but certainly not horrible. The person responds. They go back and forth, with the person feeling like they are politely defending themselves and clearly LK will understand shortly why they are wrong. LK continues to escalate in typical LK fashion. The person continues to think that LK simply does not understand and tries to explain… and this continues until all heck breaks loose.
Most people do not expect that they are encountering someone whose entire life goal is to ruin those people around them.
Disclaimer again - this is just a made up example.


Those exchanges may represent a relatively small amount of time. I had a super drama-driven acquaintance. Most time spend with her was listening to her latest drama in which she battled her family, friends, acquaintances, random people. I really wanted to end the connection but we were part of a relatively small community.

You could pull up a couple iphone-size screen shots of an exchange between me and her. She asked me a question clearly designed to start drama (“Are you mad at me?” when I hadn’t responded other than okay or thumbs up for awhile in an attempt to just let the connection wither on the vine). I could have said no and just pretended things were okay to avoid being involved further with her, but I said “here’s a thing you did that was not okay with me”. She responded denying the action and I responded, no, this is actually what happened. Then she gave an excuse for the behaviour and I said: okay. I resigned myself to accepting the BS explanation and carrying on to avoid engaging them further.

But that wasn’t good enough. Because she was very much an LK-type personality, she instantly escalated with a response that was not behaviour I tolerate at all. I replied to the effect that that is not behaviour or language which I am willing to be associated with in any way and it is not okay to treat me that way or speak to me in that way. Then I blocked her everywhere and instantly. She made several attempts to send some sort of dramatic, poison pen final communication, but I had blocked her and never opened the one that got through right before the block. But you could still see about 6 messages back and forth. If you just saw it as a screen shot you might not realize that the whole thing played out over about 10 minutes and then I cut all contact forever. You might see those half a dozen messages and assume (which would be easy to do) that I kept the lines open after outrageous behaviour and engaged her much more than I had.

This person is so much like LK: some family money, never really had any kind of career herself, super entitled, gets into fights all the time and everywhere she goes, and lives life in the open on SM. I think it’s just a personality type that’s out there now, kind of like reality tv personalities are a thing now. I would avoid those types like the plague - one experience is enough!


A thread gets shut down when the mods decide that it has descended into “bickering” or posters use “inappropriate language”. The posts with inappropriate language are evident by looking at the places with [edit] .

I interpret “bickering” as posters primarily criticizing, insulting, or making fun of another poster, as opposed to saying anything about the purported topic of the thread.

Perhaps what you just posted there is not actually bickering because you’re just discussing other posters rather than attacking a poster directly, but it is similar in the sense that you’re not addressing the topic.

I don’t disapprove of the thread. I’m not trying to get it shut down. I will flag posts that I consider inappropriate to the mods. I will state opinions others disagree with. When I post things others don’t agree with, I anticipate others will lose their cool and start in with the inappropriate language. If the thread gets shut down because I “made” someone swear, as Grand Prix claimed, I understand some will blame me for getting the thread shut down. Sort of the way some think LK should be “blamed” for “making” MB shoot her.


I think it’s just a personality type that’s out there now,

They have existed all along, the technology available today simply permits them to get more exposure, faster than ever.