Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

True and if they incriminate MB, it would seem it would be a slamdunk in every way. By the same token, if they incriminate LK, why would MB have been charged. It’s very weird.

Of the three 911 calls on the day of the shooting, the only one not released, as far as I know, is LK’s, which apparently occurred within minutes of the shooting. Lauren apparently said “Michael Barisone shot me “. Maybe the call catches something Barisone says during the struggle.
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Not enough info to speculate on purpose. I couldn’t even find a timestamp on the call. Just that it strikes me as odd. Not just the lawyer stuff, but the 911 responder acts like he is caught completely off guard and immediately tries to send him to non-emergency.

I would think if he’d called after the fact, even as close as 30 minutes after, the buzz would have gone around the office enough for the responder to not be so off guard. By all accounts, this was a pretty sleepy, major crime free area, so a shooting would have at least made the office news quick.


I only heard the part of the recording where he says his daughter had been shot, did I miss the rest of the recording with the other information you provided? Serious question.

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I think the entire RC and gun charge is actually the civil case. Instead of saying that RC had been served, a couple of people were saying that RC had been charged. Two different animals. Both involve the court system, but one is criminal and one is civil.

I suppose that RC’s charge could be in a sealed criminal indictment? That would explain why there is no record of it. I did pay for the court search service, which is really free when you get down to it. There was no record in any jurisdiction of an arrest or charge against RC. But if it were sealed? There would be no record.

I don’t know. It has gotten way too confusing for me.


Do pending charges show on these public searches?

Firearms safety courses often include advice that if you are ever involved in a firearms incident AS THE SHOOTER, your second call after 911 should be to your attorney. And do not give any statements to police before you consult with your attorney. Just saying…


:lol: Very true!

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Yes…but exactly when could any of these people call an attorney? LK was unconscious, RG and MB were in an active struggle when the cops arrived. If RG called an attorney after police arrived, and that attorney called JK, I’m still having a hard time seeing why JK had to call 911 at all.


I recall LK saying RC was arrested. Or there was a warrant for her arrest and she turned herself in. So it sounded criminal. But, then, LK has that civil case filed with eleventy million people named, half of them John Does.


I asked an attorney friend about this. Disclaimer: she does not practice in NJ. She said that unless it is a sealed criminal indictment, it would be unusual for charges to be pending for such a long time. The powers that be don’t like loose ends. She would expect criminal charges to be filed by now. But just because she has never heard of charges pending for such a long time, doesn’t mean it can’t happen. She said that anything is possible, just perhaps not probable.

Pending charges would show on a database if the charges have been filed with the court. At least that is the way the state supreme court and the federal court systems work here. Even absent an actual arrest. But she also said that the farther east you go the more archaic the court systems get. So who knows? My friend did not want to make a definitive statement one way of the other.


Do we have to reset the clock or are we still on day 2?


I think we are still on DAY 2. Notice how things quiet down when we don’t react???


@cutter99 thank you for keeping us tracking.


I was thinking while weeding this afternoon about how effective LK communicates. She never admits anything, never takes responsibility for anything, never fully explains anything, yet, makes you feel she has told you a lot. Lots of words that make little sense. She accuses me of pivoting to recipes if supposedly cornered…that’s rich. She bounces back to her “I can’t say more but…” or “all will be revealed during the trial”, or “you don’t know what you are talking about…trash, trash, trash…WE were the ones in harm’s way” and the standard, “I was shot twice point blank, what have you done with your life?”.

She is really good with the shadow talk, isn’t she?


I think it a symptom of the bigger problem. Can you imagine having this person in your life? And can you imagine dealing with this person on minimal sleep, after you have moved your family out of YOUR home, while trying to continue your business and livelihood in an already difficult environment, and this person will JUST. NOT. LEAVE. YOU. ALONE???

On a side note, I love to scream “bastages” when I yank out those really obstinate weeds and successfully get the roots! Ah, what a feeling of satisfaction!


Ha! It gives me purpose in this crazy world!


Our thread Mom! :lol: Now when I get fussy I’m just going to post “Mom!!!”


And I will come running! LOL!


He says he’s trying to get information on what happened and that he had called non emergency first. I’m inferring that the purpose was not to report the emergency.

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