Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

 What I remember is that someone found a statement that in NJ, they don’t post online criminal charges until after they had been resolved. The poster even tested it by typing in Barisone’s name and his criminal charges did not come up either. 

  I thought it was clear LK was referring to criminal

charges, not her civil case.

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So maybe Barisone called HIS lawyer, who called Jk.

Ha! You are so awesome!

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I’m sorry. I just read a post that was hysterically funny. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::winkgrin::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D Wow. That was rich.

Oh man. You just can’t make this stuff up.


Isn’t that why we keep coming back for more.


:lol::lol::lol::lol: I just dropped my laptop laughing at a post. Oh, golly. Wine. Maybe we all need a little wine.



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Someone sent me the link…apparently the first time I heard it I used extremely selective hearing. Or more likely just wasn’t paying attention. Either way, I missed that bit. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. (No I’m not being sarcastic.)

If you think I was being flip or sarcastic, I wasn’t. After being arrested, Barisone would have had the opportunity to call someone. Logical choice would be his lawyer. In addition to doing whatever he could do for his client, it makes sense to me that the lawyer would make calls to the relatives of the gun shot victims as a courtesy.

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Maybe…but I doubt MB’s attorney would be first contact as the 911 call assumes. And again, why would he need to call 911 to find out what was going on if MB’s attorney has been the one to call?

For the record, I’m not convinced the call is genuine. Can’t explain it, just a gut feeling.


I don’t either. His complete lack of urgency or emotion is alarming to me. This is apparently a passionate, emotional man who has been known to yell and scream on his daughter’s behalf and he seemed incredibly calm under the circumstances. There’s more to this than we can imagine I predict.

Keep in mind, if I’m not mistaken, Michael was also taken to the hospital for his injuries as well. I doubt he called time out as Rob was attacking him to call his attorney and ask him to call Jonathan, then restart the take-down. Remember, Michael is supposed to be an uncaring monster who was of sound mind and wanted to murder this sweet woman. Why would such a monster care about contacting her father, particularly since he had run-ins with him as well?

     I’m not following you. 

      As you said earlier, it would be extremely useful to have a time stamp. But even without a time stamp, it was clear to me that the purpose of the call was NOT to get cops dispatched to the scene. He doesn’t give the address of the farm. He says he called the non emergency number first. He says he doesn’t know what happened and is trying to find out. 

       As someone else said, even in accidental shootings, people are advised to call their lawyer before making statements. It makes sense to me that soon after the shooting, Barisone would have had the opportunity to call his lawyer, and apparently he already had a lawyer he was working with. I think it would make sense that his lawyer would have responded by trying to arrange for a criminal lawyer to represent Barisone, but also to do whatever tiny degree of mitigation he could do by at least informing the relatives of the victim. 

       I’m not disparaging your gut feeling that the call was not genuine, but I thought it sounded completely genuine. 

       If MB called his (civil) lawyer after being arrested, what do you think the lawyer would do?  Arrange for representation by a criminal lawyer, first. This is not a mess that a lawyer can “fix”, but the minimal courtesy of notifying the relatives of the victim in danger of dying is at least a gesture of attempting to help.

Dang, I thought I heard that yappy little dog again! Yap, yap, yap, yap yap! But then it went away!

All is right in the world again!


MB called no one immediately after the shooting. He was arrested, was in complete shock, was taken to the hospital under armed guard and was treated. He was not offered a phone to call anyone.


Really well said. Word salad, I was thinking. And there’s an accomplishment to be proud of. You know, I was wondering if they were blanks in the gun. You can be badly injured from blanks, but survive. It would explain her six day hospital stay.


I’m promoting the theory that MB was allowed to make a call after being arrested by the police and called his lawyer in his own self interest. In addition to doing whatever lawyerly things he could do for his own client, I think a rational lawyer would do whatever he could to mitigate the damage. A tiny gesture in that direction would be to notify relatives.

    Do you imagine a lawyer of sound mind would respond by thinking to himself, “Well, my client wanted this woman dead, and it’s certainly a potentially fatal wound, so let’s hope she dies before her parents even know she’s been shot?  Even silently to himself?

Wait, was she only in the hospital 6 days? Wasn’t she in a medically induced coma for some time? Was she released into a rehab center?

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Ok, I’ll make it pretty clear. IF anyone had contacted JK with any real connection to what was going by the time he had called 911: police, RG, hospital, DA attorney, or hell, even an attorney for MB…

Don’t you think they’d have provided 1) enough information about what was going on to make calling 911 for information pointless and 2) have provided a direct contact number in which to call for more information going forward that would make calling 911 for information pointless?

On the 911 call JK asserts that a call from A LAWYER informed him she was shot and prompted him to call around for more information. If none of the people above, who could/would have provided him all the info he was seeking from 911, informed him of what was going on before he called 911…well, that begs the question about how A LAWYER told him she was shot before the police/hospital did…

Even if you account that RG called a lawyer who called JK…I still think that he’d be given enough information/contact info to make calling 911 pointless.



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