Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

    And you know this for a fact, how?
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Would a blank be able to hit the window? Isn’t that what supposedly happened to the shot that was allegedly aimed at RG? I don’t speak gun 😂

If Michael Barisone had been allowed to make a phone call to anyone on the evening of August 7, 2019, it would have been to his loved ones to let them know he was okay and to be sure they were okay. Others in his life called his attorneys to start that process. The attorneys he had at the time were civil attorneys and he did not have a criminal attorney. Mr. Sims, the attorney at the first hearing, met with Michael 45 minutes before the hearing for the first time. Obviously, he was replaced shortly after that hearing.

@Sdel I believe you pointed out Lauren had trouble calling 911 after she was shot, based on her own words. It took her a “few minutes” to call them is what she said. This apparently was before she beat Michael with the phone, breaking it. An assumption is Rob’s phone was in the house. Jonathan’s 911 call is quite strange. Rob could have easily given the police all the contact information necessary to call Lauren’s family. He was the least injured of the three and could have easily called anyone. Jonathan’s call makes no sense at all. I firmly believe Lauren was talking with her attorney when Michael drove up and possibly heard everything that occurred or at least some of it before the call was disconnected. I believe he was the one who called Jonathan because I also believe it was Jonathan who had hired that attorney for Lauren.

Above my thoughts only based. I was not on the property at the time.


She was shot the afternoon of August 7 and was discharged on or about August 20 as I recall. May have actually been a few days earlier. I’ll research.

CORRECTION: Based on the photo LK posted of “her nurse, Rob” the day she was released, her release date was August 27.

   One of the principals on the scene such as RG or MB would have had considerable information, but may have only had a minute or two to make a call to a lawyer off the scene before being taken to the hospital. Even those on the scene probably did not have a good sense of how serious the wound  was or wasn’t. 

   Whatever lawyer received a call, his message to JK would have been a second hand account based on a terse call from someone on the scene still in shock. 

     If LK had been on the phone with her lawyer when she was shot, I would think it is extremely illogical that the lawyer would call JK and tell him to call 911 rather than just call 911 himself. It’s still clear to me that JKs call to 911 was NOT intended to report the emergency. He didn’t even bother to give the address of the farm.

The entirety of post 70 from the That’s a Twist thread:

"The exact sequence of events are as follows: (There are perhaps, one or two specific details, I can’t comment on, but only bc it’s def not public info & MB has no idea it/they exist.) I was reading on my love seat on the porch. I’d been there all morning. Sometime around 2 pm I saw Michaels truck speeding down the driveway. I heard it & immediately peeked my head out from the umbrella attached to the love seat. He pulled in the driveway to the house and parked directly in front of the table set outside the porch. I immediately ran upstairs to get Rob bc I had no desire to talk to him & was afraid to be alone with him out there. Rob came down, stood on the porch (at first) and began asking Michael what he wanted. I noticed Michael was standing in a very weird position. He was behind a chair, hiding most of his body behind a bush. I could hear, but I was standing on the porch so I leaned over the handrail to hear better. Michael told/asked Rob “what can I do to make everything better? I just want to make this right and make everything good again… I honestly could not believe my ears. But, Rob told him to call his lawyer and let our lawyers talk & stormed away back to the porch. I, however, DID want to hear exactly how Michael thought he was gonna make everything alright - you’d have to know Michael to know that after the past 6-7 days of TORTURE - he might actually think there was some way to “fix everything.” Even I partially believed it. So I stupidly went outside (off the safety of the porch - to be clear) and got about 4 ft away from him, but the table and partial chair were in between us. I right away asked, “ok. How do you plan to … (or something similar)
Never finished my sentence. He immediately pulled a gun from his jeans and shot me twice in the chest right then. I ran around in a circle or something… I think I was in shock. But reality kicked in and my first thought was Rob. Michael fired another round and Rob went down. I thought he was shot in the head. Glass was everywhere from the window in the door in the laundry room which leads to the porch where rob had been standing - Michael started running to the porch & One second later Rob comes leaping out of the laundry room door (which wasn’t completely closed all the way, as we wanted to be able to go right back in if needed) and tackles Michael to the ground. I was bleeding from my chest and side so badly it was running down my arms and hands and my red shirt was (still RED &) soaking wet. I was TERRIFIED the gun would go off from somewhere under Michael and Rob was on top of him holding him down… I remember running over to them and trying to dial 911 from my phone but my hands were soaking wet with blood, it wouldn’t dial… 911 got called though. (That part I can’t disclose.) 911 was called Also by me - apparently. But I don’t remember speaking to 911. I remember vividly Rob screaming “Stop fkng trying to move Michael.” They were on the ground still & I couldn’t let the gun go off or let Michael get free. So I started hitting him in the face with my phone until it broke. Rob kept trying to push me off bc he legit thought I was about to die once the adrenaline wore off or I bled out, but I kept coming back until I thought I should try & somehow tourniquet my chest (stupid I know, but I didn’t know how else to stop the bleeding) … so I started crawling toward the table bc I guess I thought I saw a rag or small towel (they were usually always on the chair seats bc they were SO uncomfortable) but I couldn’t make it. Body gave out. I was losing consciousness and I knew that was BAD. Cops showed up exactly at that moment. 6 guys I think. But one guy was first by a matter of a nano second. He got Rob off Michael & I remember my dog was somehow outside which she’s never allowed to be unless she’s on her ground leash. She was biting Michael and even Rob, too. Anyway, the cop was then standing over Michael with a pistol aimed at his head telling him if he moved again, he would “fkng kill him so do not fkng move.” All I remember after are pieces… the 6 cops were trying to keep me conscious. They bandaged my entry wounds, located the exits, bandaged them too, cleaned blood off my face and arms. Then I remember hearing “the med evac chopper can’t fly - there is storm coming. But they did get there. I was flown to the hospital and that is all I remember. I woke up 4 days later in the ICU …

and then here a portion of another account, post 970, from the same thread:

“I suspect, it was the surprise of getting caught red handed which led MB to repeatedly chant “I had a good life.” Having your face held against a wall while being searched & cuffed at gun point tends to force the reality of getting caught, to set in really quickly. Again, many planned murders - fail. Whether the murder was successful or not, is irrelevant to whether or not the suspect/perp is eventually caught & charged, due to sloppiness in the planning, or, execution (NPI.) All I can say is, this was carefully planned. Our knowledge of this is exactly what made MB’s arrival at our apartment to seemingly want to “work things out,” (he said this himself) - so odd & suspicious, RG and I knew better (instinctually) than to leave the porch together & get anywhere near him together. Especially, after what we heard they were planning. They wanted us together. In every different plan they discussed, (before settling on this one) - the criteria was the same- “make sure they’re together.””

Again, what on earth about trying to call 911 can’t be disclosed and since MB was there, in person, what was going on that MB wouldn’t have any knowledge of? Bolding/red my emphasis. The only thing I can think of, especially since this “something” exists is now public knowledge after being spewed on a message board, is someone was listening in on the phone, someone who is protected from testifying about it.

Certainly the other 911 call that “she can’t disclose” isn’t the one made by the neighbor.



Sounds like you don’t gave a basis for knowing for a fact that Barisone made no calls within an hour of the shooting, since you weren’t on the property at the time. Maybe it was RG who called the lawyer after the shooting.

I see zero basis for thinking a lawyer called JK in order to relay the information that there was an emergency, since JKs call was not an emergency call, even though he dialed 911. Also a lawyer who attempted to get a call to 911 by creating a relay with another party instead of calling directly could be sued for negligence if the delay caused more harm, and lawyers tend not to like that. Even non lawyers tend not to like that.

But you are entitled to believe whatever you wish, and Kate is entitled to believe that Barisone was shooting blanks.

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Thank you AGAIN @Sdel .


There are monitored security services which when the alarm is triggered automatically call the police. Since they generate a lot of false alarms, they may not be permitted in some places, but at one time, they did exist. Perhaps MB was not aware of an extensive, actively monitored, security set up. Perhaps it’s not being disclosed because it’s key evidence for the trial.

I agree that the 911 call made by the neighbor is irrelevant as it appears to have been made after the police were already there.

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“An extensive, actively monitored, security set up” would have negated the need for LK to desperately call 911. In addition, most of those security systems require the permission of the property owner for installation and monitoring, even if paid for by a renter.


Even if I had an actively monitored security system that was supposed to call the police, if I had been shot twice in the chest, I would have put in a call to 911 if I could, rather than just assume it was going to work.

You have taken the position that she was willing to install all manner of illegal listening/video devices, so I don’t understand why you think it improbable.

ETA. When you promise not to respond to my posts, do you give yourself credit for “not responding” if you respond, but just refrain from using the quote feature? Is that all it takes to make Cutter happy, that you don’t respond with the quote feature and just make an independent post instead? I don’t care either way, but it seems like a pretty meaningless form of “not responding”.

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Yes, it is clear that something was going on that they were doing/had set up without the property owner’s knowledge or approval. I imagine it had to do with all the illegal recording that was going on. Maybe it was being fed somewhere and actively monitored. I imagine LK was being cryptic in that post b/c she was thinking MB’s defense would say something that they could then directly contradict with recordings of some kind that he didn’t know existed.

Again, the idea that one would stay on in a situation so profoundly effed up that you had to have a complex, monitored security system in place for your safety is, to me, bananas. And, sorry, “I love my horses” doesn’t cut it as a reason. You can love your horses and get yourself to safety AND get them somewhere as well.

Think about is: In those excerpts she’s claiming - she wants us to believe - she and RG knew of a plan to literally murder them - a plan that took several different forms before ‘settling on this one’ and they still not only stayed but continued to participate in escalating aggression on both sides.

As one of my little brothers once said as a child, “It makes not sense.”


For those needing proof of where MB was immediately after the shooting, he was in the same hospital as LK. Just a tiny FYI. I also noticed in Sdel’s post above, LK says the EMT’s treated her entry and EXIT wounds. I recall elsewhere her saying the bullets had to be surgically removed. I have no idea where that was said or when (obviously after she was released when she also had trouble remembering how many times she was shot).



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I remember her saying she needed surgery to repair the damage the bullets did to her lungs. Perhaps the surgery removed the bullets as well, I just don’t remember that detail.
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@cutter99 MOM! :smiley:

Uncle already!:eek:


It’s also happening in the Philippines. Filipinos who’ve been repatriated to their home country after working overseas have been met by protesters standing outside the hotels where the returnees are temporarily quarantined by law. The protesters say they are not welcome, and must leave. These returning workers contributed over six billion dollars to the Philippine economy in 2018 by sending their earnings home. Now they are not welcome?
It’s very sad to see people against each other -in any country- because of the Chinese/Whuhan/Corona virus (call it what you want).


Evidence doesn’t just show up in a trial. All evidence has to be reviewed by both sides before being allowed to be brought in. There is no way an autogenerated call to 911 wouldn’t be known to MB/his attorneys 6 months after the shooting, which was when she was gloating that there was something still unknown to MB. Also, an autogenerated 911 call wouldn’t be referenced as an it/they - they implying that there is another person involved in whatever it is MB doesn’t know about.


Behave yourself children! This is why we can’t have nice things!

 I agree that any surveillance video/audio that is going to be used in the trial would be subject to discovery. At the same time, LK might well be instructed to not talk about evidence that had not been made public. 

  What was the date of that long post by LK?  Was it possibly prior to the discovery process?  

    I totally agree that in due course MBs attorneys would receive any evidence that the prosecution intended to use, so it wouldn’t be a gotcha situation with MBs lawyers making some claim and the prosecution saying “Gotcha!  Here’s video making you a liar!” as someone seemed to suggest. 

    Perhaps the “it/they” referred to  it = the physical system, and  they=the humans monitoring the system. I actually didn’t mean that the call was auto generated by a computer, but that the system alerted the humans monitoring it and they made the call. 

       It’s definitely mysterious. But I don’t the find your theory about “LK on the phone to her lawyer” completely convincing either.
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