Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

So remind me of the definition of insanity again? Something about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?

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Anyone ready to agree with YankeeDuchess about anything and everything she posts and be done with it? It’s exhausting.


Nope, I just keep saying to myself as I said on here a few hundred page back: weird hobby for someone who knows none of the people involved.


Discovery is not limited to “things that will be used in the trial”. The prosecution must share all discovery, including exculpatory evidence.


The past two pages made my head hurt


Fun fact. Do people know how “Spanish Flu” got its name? It did NOT originate in Spain.

Spain’s central government wasn’t very robust at the time and Spanish newspapers freely reported about this virulent flu. France, GB, USA, etc. all told newspapers not to print information about it. Presses were stopped and newspapers were confiscated. It would panic the citizens, effect the economy, etc. Only Spain let the journalists do their jobs.

Still led to a lot of ugliness to people from Spain or of Spanish descent.

People are ugly. Look no further than all the people in the USA who shot, drowned and clubbed Dachshunds to death at the outset of WWI.

So I am appalled but not surprised by the actions of people in the Phillippines when people return after working in China. Still horrifying. I fear that those buildings will soon be set ablaze by mobs.

Fear can lead to terrible behavior.


The Filipino workers weren’t returning from China.

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It doesn’t really matter where they are returning from. People are rightly frightened of COVID-19. They are not behaving rationally as a consequence though. I am truly worried that returning workers are going to be harmed.

Look at what is happening here to anyone who is of Asian descent. People are even hostile towards Chinese restaurants and their staff. It is insane.

Back to my segue on Dachshunds that were harmed by stupid people (but not Alsatians - possibly because they weren’t as distinctive or readily identifiable):

nfortunately for the Dachshund it became an easy to use and ready recognizable symbol of all things German. As anti-German sentiment continued to grow, Dachshunds were renamed liberty dogs, German measles were renamed liberty measles, and the City University of New York reduced by one credit every course in German. Dachshunds were routinely kicked or stoned to death in the streets of England; owners of Dachshunds that dared venture out into public risked being assaulted and labeled as German sympathizers, or having their pet ripped from their arms to be kicked and stomped to death in front of them.

Under such duress, the Dachshund population of the Allied world crashed during the Great War. In Chicago a frightened breeder; after being harassed and tormented by overzealous patriots and self proclaimed spy catchers, is said to have gone home and shot every Dachshund in his kennel rather than face further reprisal. In 1913, 217 Dachshunds were registered in Britain; in 1919, none. In the United States the poor Dachshund went from one of the ten most popular breeds in 1913 to being represented by 12 survivors in 1919.


Yes, I know this has nothing to do with the thread topic directly. But since the shabby shameful xenophobic behavior is rearing its ugly head again in the US (clearly not enough people learned to behave themselves after all the attacks on Sikhs and Muslims after 911) I thought I would point out the parallels 102 years later.

Anyway. Back to the topic.

Didn’t Lauren state Rob had to come running outside from the upstairs? That he didn’t realize the gunshots weren’t neighbors shooting at groundhogs or something? A gun fired less than 20 feet from a dwelling makes a great deal more noise than one fired over 300 feet away. Admittedly if the pistol caliber is small it won’t make too much noise relative to a nice shotgun.

The scene above makes it sound as though Rob was further away than I recall reading elsewhere. If he knew there was ongoing trouble, why would he retreat at all and leave Lauren alone to face down a man she had stated terrified her? Who they knew had been plotting her murder? Why not be at her side throughout?


I know.
But since you wrote that the workers had returned from China, I wanted to let know they hadn’t. They had been working internationally for various companies, who paid their way home.
As you said, people are frightened. COVID19 is taking a toll in many ways.

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I still maintain that LK KNEW CPS was there because they would have stopped at the house to talk with them and had to be directed to the barn. There is no way I will ever believe they weren’t on the lookout, waiting for him to arrive. They KNEW he would be insane with rage over the false accusations. All this malarkey of “I was reading on ‘my’ loveseat with the matching umbrella” and golly darn here came Michael all upset about something and woe is me, I was scared." She hadn’t been too scared before, had she? She hadn’t been afraid enough to leave, had she?? I don’t buy it.

I suspect the minute CPS left the house heading to the barn she called daddy and/or her lawyer to figure out next steps. She had approximately an hour to form some sort of plan. Once again, she could have gotten in their car and left to avoid the coming confrontation. Who knows what the truth is at this point? It sure isn’t the tale LK is trying to memorize.


What I will never for the life of me understand is not leaving BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT SOMEONE WAS PLOTTING TO KILL YOU AND YOUR FINANCE.

This is not a minor disagreement between a rider/owner and their trainer. This is not a small argument, a little tiff over something. We are expected to believe LK and RG were in fear for their lives, yet made no effort whatsoever to leave. None. Nothing. Nada.

We are expected to believe they overheard multiple plots being hatched to cause their demise. Yet, they did nothing. Did not pack up the horses and themselves and go, did not call the police and present all the evidence against MB to them.


And kept poking the bear…


I’m an ex 911 dispatcher, so 2 things that I can say about the situation. The dispatcher would have immediately tried to determine if JK was calling to report an incident or to get information about an incident. 911 is not there to give out information, someone calling to try to get information that isn’t on the scene to report information to be passed on to the officers or EMTs responding would be asked to call the non-emergency number ASAP. That dispatcher needs to be available for emergency calls, not people looking for information about an already reported and responded to emergency.

If you just start pressing random buttons on a phone most of them will pop up an emergency call button and that will connect to 911 even if the phone is unlocked and even if the phone is not in service with a carrier, as long as it can reach a tower it can reach 911. (PSA, please please do not give toddlers your old unactivated phone to play with, they WILL connect to 911 and although it was cute and amusing to talk to your kid, they’re tying up an emergency line.)


Only the last two pages? :lol:


[I]These boots are made for walking, and thats just what they’ll do"

Lather, rinse, repeat. Lather, rinse, repeat. Lather…[/I]


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I don’t disagree with you, but I’m trying to stay within the framework as presented by Lauren.

Of course, she insists she didn’t call CPS. Doesn’t mean that RG didn’t do it on her say-so. But again, that isn’t what she said. She has repeatedly said she didn’t call CPS. Remember, in order to sell a big lie, you have to have a teeny-tiny kernel of truth.


I know.
But since you wrote that the workers had returned from China, I wanted to let know they hadn’t. They had been working internationally for various companies, who paid their way home.
As you said, people are frightened. COVID19 is taking a toll in many ways.

Thank you for doing so! I was really tired last night and that increases my error rate. During the daylight hours, I knew they weren’t all returning from China, but at that point my mind was a bit slushy.

Yeah, what drives me crazy is how people are ignoring that the SECOND wave of Spanish Flu killed even more people than the first. There were three “waves”, in total. I feel for people who are unemployed, businesses that are on the verge of shuttering - but if people die or suffer lifelong complications (lung, heart and kidneys all come into play with COVID-19) then we are all in for a very long difficult economic recovery period regardless. People are counting too much on surviving. We are going to be looking at a lot of people who may have debilitating permanent difficulties who survive this disease.

I am too young to remember when polio shut down towns. I am among the last group of US citizens who was immunized against smallpox or else I couldn’t attend school. Diptheria hasn’t torn through our population and wiped out entire families in a long, long time. We have grown accustomed to being safe from diseases that can kill us within days - the measles outbreaks notwithstanding (I loathe Andrew Wakefield and I want Dr. Nicholas Chadwick to have a statue or two raised in his honor - he refused to back down and testified against Wakefield). I really hope anyone who can assist someone who is truly struggling to stay afloat does so. Please continue to stay home and at a physical distance from others.

I watched my idiot neighbors have a big Easter party last week. Complete with little kids, Easter egg hunt, etc. It was horrifying. May they survive their arrogance and stupidity. Particularly the kids, who don’t get to choose their parents.


@MorganSercu I believe she spoke with SafeSport to make child abuse allegations against MB (I recall she accused him of inappropriate comments toward little girls in bathing suits) and perhaps greatly embellished her comments to SS, cause, hey, she had their attention so why not? At that point SS had no choice but to report her allegations to local authorities to investigate. I doubt she thought it through…I doubt she thought through any of her dangerous antics. I also doubt she can provide any explanation for her actions or expectation of outcome.

My thoughts only while riding “in the back of MB’s dually” (sarcasm).


Fair points. No doubt this trial will be very interesting once it gets underway.

Meanwhile, I am getting a sewing pattern for face masks that allow the mouth to be seen. I have at least two co-workers and a few family members who are hard of hearing and read lips. When we get to see one another again, no one wants to scream or have to pass notes back and forth.

Although the note-writing isn’t all bad. I suspect most of us could use a little practice to write legibly again. I was looking at the two main cursive schools used in the US and I still prefer the Business Hand (which is a Spencerian derivative) to the Zane-Bloser hand, overall.


Some musings on an early morning.

LK says she attacked MB with her phone while he and RG were struggling for control of the gun. She says it happened after she was shot. But then there is confusion about who called 911, and when, and who called the attorney who supposedly called JK. So I am wondering if a possible scenario is as follows:

LK saw MB’s truck coming down the driveway. She knew he would be livid because someone had reported him to CPS for “child abuse” (what, because he was making them sleep on mattresses on the floor of the barn office? Or maybe it was something more onerous, like he was making them clean stalls–yes, I am being facetious). At any rate, she claims she did not make the CPS call, so I am wondering if it was RG, or maybe her father, but she obviously knew CPS had been called.

So when she saw MB heading to the house, she knew there would be trouble so she immediately called for RG to come out of the house. Meanwhile she was dialing 911 (and her attorney?). RG came outside to see MB engaged in an angry conversation with LK. LK’s dog got out of the house (with RG?) and went after MB, who pulled his gun. RG jumped MB (if he was on the porch and MB was on the ground, RG would have had the advantage of height and inertia). A struggle ensued. LK joined the struggle, hitting MB with her phone. Gun discharged and hit LK “point blank” (as she says). RG managed to subdue MB. LK got faint from the sight of blood and realization she has been shot and passed out, but not before telling 911 that MB had shot her as well as noticing that her dog (who “somehow” got loose) was biting MB and RG, too.

Meanwhile, LE was already on the way from LK’s 911 call. Is it possible they were on the line during the entire struggle? And it is all on tape?

And also meanwhile, an attorney friend of JK was listening to a police scanner (not uncommon among “ambulance chaser” attorneys). Friend notified JK of a possible shooting, who called 911 to try to get more information and ascertain the veracity of the call (JK no doubt knows his daughter “has problems” and was also no doubt aware her relationship with MB was spiraling out of control). And, as JenerationX pointed out, 911 would not have “given out” information about a call, but would have instead referred him to a non-emergency line.

I realize this is a hypothesis but we only have LK’s statements to go on (and her story has changed just enough over time to make one wonder what is the “real truth”). And we don’t yet know MB’s side of the story as the only comment he supposedly said to LE was “I had a good life.” But LK has been working overtime since the incident to try to convince everyone that MB had been plotting for months to “murder” her and RG. I find that reasoning incomprehensible–MB had a thriving business, he was in a stable long-term relationship, he had clients who respected him and depended on him to take care of their horses, he had professional standing in the dressage community. Why in the world would he jeopardize that “good life” to murder someone in cold-blood? And why is LK so adamant to put that accusation out there?

As for why LK was discharged from the hospital so quickly–is it possible the handgun was loaded with snake shot? And that is why it didn’t do nearly the damage that would have been done by “point blank” shots to the chest with ball ammo? (And I’m guessing she would be dead if the rounds were hollow-point–which, IIRC, is illegal in NJ). Snake shot would have caused multiple entrance wounds that would have bled like crazy but they would likely not have penetrated as deeply as ball ammo, especially if lighter snake shot loads were used.

And standard disclaimer–I am sorry she got shot.