Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Clearly the whole multiple person quote thing is just too much.

This is one of the things that confuses me the most.
And I have a hard time falling back on the ‘well, she is not the most logical person’ excuse for this one.

I am also confused that someone who is so ‘law knowledgeable’ is constantly acting like there will be Perry Mason moments in the trial where her big secrets will be revealed and catch MB because he (his lawyers/him) somehow did not know about that tidbit of information before then.


ETA: I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out that CPS stopped first at the house, even if only to look there for MB.


Another confusing point… If you know someone has been planning to kill you, why do you think having a table between you will keep you alive? Bullets travel well.


DoenYonder, that scenario makes as much sense any to me


Oh, we have a new song. Thanks do much.

If she mentioned child abuse to SS (she has admitted she called SS), they are obligated by law to call authorities to investigate.

I like your theory and can see it happening. The random 3rd shot happened during the struggle?


I’m wondering how many idiot anti- vaxxers will change their tune when a vaccine is developed for Covid.


Why all the Covid posts in this thread when there are so many other Covid threads…


I think you are giving MB too much credit concerning his standing…but I also think LK is a nutcase and I would not want her in my barn.

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     She disclosed publicly at the time that she had made a report to SafeSport about MB bullying her. Perhaps, like you, she knew that RC was sleeping in a barn aisle with a gun under her pillow, and mentioned that. POSSIBLY, it was SafeSport who contacted CPS. In a news article, a reporter said LK did not recall calling CPS, not that she denied calling CPS. 

      The prosecution has already subpoenaed the file on LKs complaint to them on MB. Perhaps it will come out in the trial whether it was SS who contacted CPS.

It depends on the part of country you are in. He had waitlists for his clinics, especially the repeat clinics.


Can we all agree CPS was there because of something LK contrived and related to someone somewhere? Who contacted CPS is not relevant.


And back to the reset. (And I’m quoting Sdel responding to YD. The multiple quotes thing is too much for me right now)


Per Eggbutt, she was hospitalized for three weeks.

    Who called CPS is completely relevant as to whether LK deliberately called in a false report of child abuse. If she called them to report bullying by MB toward her, as she has said,  and that initial conversation revealed details of the level of tension and the presence of sloppily secured guns (with no whisper of child abuse), LK will have triggered the CPS visit, but would have done so without any malicious intent. 

  If by “contrived” you mean triggered by an honest bullying report, then fine.
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    As someone decisively pointed out, there will be no bombshells in which MB and his lawyers are surprised at the trial. I think it’s us train wreck watchers looking on from the outside who are going to be surprised.
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Good Morning all! Another great day here in the South for gardening and grooming horses! Hope y’all get to spend sometime with yours as well!

DAY 3! We can do it!


Heck, I am just hoping it will not snow here today!


We had some blow through here on Tuesday! Just a squall, but still, this is the South and it was 87* here last week!

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So someone can give us all a lecture about not being on topic - ie the exact title of the thread. Must not venture off that path (unless it is them, of course).