Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Because someone didn’t like recipes being shared and made a big fuss about it. That someone may have a cook and wait staff who are getting all uppity and refusing to come to work. Or they have barricaded themselves in the servant’s quarters. So Covid-19 may be viewed as relevant.


Even me, who can’t cook at all, enjoyed the periodic recipe post.

The rest of the forum is not filled with recipe posts. The rest of the forum is filled with Covid posts…


This whole thing has been surprising. I wonder how long it will be before we have answers, what with COVID-19 delaying everyone’s lives. (Stay safe my friends.)


We got a nice coating of snow last night.
Does that make today a snow day? Lol
No lawn work here for a few days, at least

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This does not make me miss the Northeast at all! I saw pictures yesterday from where we lived in PA, and it was not just a dusting. We have had some cold overnight temps this week, but the days have been in the 60s and very pleasant!

I do miss good pizza and Stromboli though! There is no such thing down here!

Speaking of recipes and Covid, I managed to score 10 lbs of bread flour, so I can now make my own bread or pizza at home.
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This was our wedding dance song.


Just a reminder: in the most widely circulated paper in which all this has been covered (the NYT) LK did not deny calling CPS; she does not remember calling CPS. Big, big significance in the wording here. There’s a reason all those people you see testifying on air can’t recall a lot of stuff. Then, when other people recall it clearly, their memory is suddenly “refreshed.” See, Ambassador Sondland. It avoids charges of out and out lying/perjury. And we know LK would be heavily coached on such things.

I don’t know that what LK was saying to SS would have triggered a call to CPS from SS. That’s is assuming way too much to assert that as an absolute.

And, what was a legal professional like JK doing calling 911 for info? That is the kind of move a young child or someone with difficulties like dementia might make. But very few average people don’t understand that 911 is emergency only. We are asked to believe that a practicing attorney doesn’t realize you don’t call 911 for info? That is simply not plausible. Something is deffo fishy with that call.

And, finally, the very thought that someone’s attorney would call the family of the victim within moments of an incident is the single most absurd and ignorant idea posted in this whole thread, and THAT is an accomplishment. The very idea is insane. It would be seen as inappropriate, unprofessional, possibly intimidating, and possibly an admission of guilt on the part of your client. Once a case is underway, defense may contact a victim about the incident, but not contacting the family within minutes of the event. As though MB’s attorney would even have the information of the victims next of kin. The very suggestion shows a profound lack of understanding of how these things happen.


I love this tangent!! We had weddings in two countries. Ours first waltz was Tabhair Dom Do Lámh. We had a full set up with fiddle, flute, mandolin, bodhran, whistle, concertina, harp but this is a lovely version from two young fellows with just a low whistle and guitar.

Our other wedding song was Ma Vie en Rose. We love the Piaf version but our jazz quartet went with the equally wonderful Louis Armstong version.


So you heard on the call that he had called the non emergency number first, and only got useless information like animal control, right? I find it totally believable that one can call the non emergency police number and get a maddening menu of useless options. And that the 911 operator did give him the correct non emergency number?

Until someone reveals the time stamp on the 911 call of JK, we don’t know how much time had elapsed between the shooting and the call. It could have been an hour or two.

It does seem more likely that RG, or someone other than MB, contacted a lawyer. It did seem likely to me that MB would have been given the opportunity to contact a lawyer fairly early on, but Eggbutt apparently somehow knows that he was not. My point was that, given the non emergency nature of JKs call to 911, and that he was seeking information after the fact, I didn’t buy the theory that LK was on her phone to her lawyer during the attack.

A tangent to a tangent - I clicked on the second link to watch the video. It’s lovely.

But, the first comment below the video was:
‘I just played this to my pet rat and now he is making me food in the kitchen.’

Now that’s an indication of a great song! 🙈


hahahahaha! I didn’t see that at all! Yes, that would be the acid test of a great song. Both are such a lovely old songs.


You’d be surprised how many grown adults call 911 for ridiculous shit that isn’t an emergency at all on a daily basis. “Yes Sir, we’ll get someone right out to let your neighbor know his visitor’s truck is parked 3 inches too close to your driveway right after we help a father deliver his premature baby in a parking lot over the phone because his wife is crowning and EMS is still 8 minutes away due to the snow storm.”

You’re right. As an attorney, he should know what 911 can or cannot divulge. He would also know that 911 calls can be subpoenaed. Maybe he wanted to get the “landlord tenant dispute” on record, who knows? I’d be looking at that call for information he, as an attorney, thought was important to get on record with the police. He said he called the non-emergency line and got the recording about animal control etc… so then he called 911. So to me it sounds like he wanted to get something on record with a human being and wasn’t satisfied taking the time to listen to the non-emergency recording which most likely would have told him who to call or when someone would return his call. Why make that call instead of calling RG or the hospital?


@FitzE those were beautiful. Thank you. I see we have similar tastes.


I can’t wait for all the “I know something you don’t know” secrets to be revealed by all who have secrets. I am not blind to the fact that some here think I have a lot of secrets and know more than I am saying. Reality is I have paid attention to the details of this situation since day one and, I am very aware of LK’s past behavior toward others. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a bonafide psychologist to make assumptions about events based on past behavior of both victims.

Sometimes when issues seem to get too close to home some posters enjoy poking the bears hoping for detrimental reaction to have the thread shut down.

Regardless of all the bickering, semantics, dissecting, etc, it all boils down to a) why didn’t she leave if she was so afraid, and b) what was her rationale for all the harassment and poor behavior she inflicted on MH and MB?

Time for another, very special video…


I think you are on point here: this had to be a set up of some sort. But, lordy, what a ham-fisted attempt at whatever it was. So much of this stuff can be seen a mile off by a merely average observer: attorney calling 911 for info; “I don’t remember making the CPS call”; inadmissibility of illegal recordings; unintended fallout from the FM call; the contradiction of very public statements of “fear for life” but the private going to clinics with MB, not moving, setting up surveillance devices, antagonizing the situation, etc. It’s like an amateur hour for…well, for what is unclear. But, neither side was exactly the brain trust.


That is what I was wondering but forgot to add it to my already lengthy post from earlier today. When I first read that her attorney father had called 911 not to report an incident but (assumably) to fish for information about an incident, I thought WTF. Surely, surely, surely an attorney would know better, so what was he hoping to accomplish?

And someone refresh my memory. Was the recording of JK’s 911 call ever released?


The call was posted on this thread many pages back which started the discussion about his call. I think maybe you meant to ask “was LK’s 911 call released?” - no, it hasn’t been.



Thank you for that belly laugh. You are my super hero today.


I live to serve. :lol: