Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

If all you’re doing is making assumptions based on past behavior, and PREFACE THE STATEMENT by saying it’s just an assumption, no problem. 

    You very frequently make statements as if you know the information as fact. For example, MB was not allowed a single phone call until at the earliest that evening. I don’t know how to process that kind of statement other than to think you actually don’t know and are making it up to serve your argument, or, if it’s actually true that you are in contact with someone very close to the situation. 

     I know that you (and the strangely silent GreenWithEnvy)  still want to know “Why didn’t she leave if she was so afraid?”  She has answered that question several times. Do you remember what her answer was?

      Why keep opening new threads so that you can ask the same question repeatedly in each new thread?

       It’s not really a question, is it?  You want to make the statement “Lauren, it’s because you refused to leave, when you physically could have done so, that you got yourself shot and ruined the lives of MB and MHG.”  Everyone has  understood that point since you made it in the first thread.
    Please explain how the 911 call by JK is a set-up. What devious objective was it intended to accomplish?

A link is posted providing the actual call 5- 10 pages back. Also the 911 call of the neighbor.

He said he was trying to get information on the shooting of his daughter.

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@eggbutt Girl, I know you are channeling your inner Dionne right now!


Secrets, secrets are no fun unless you tell everyone.
Or if you prefer, there’s a song that has the lyrics, “two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.” Which of course brings me back to LK saying we should ask ourselves what secret MB would kill to keep. (I don’t even remember which thread it was so I don’t have the exact quote.)

Some sort of fraud he wanted to cover up, perhaps?
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I assume that’s what she was hinting at, but obviously it’s just another mystery in this tangled web.

Hahaha! Nope. It was exactly expected and true to form. It (my post and the response) was to prove a point to someone.

Oh, I must QFP for the files!




So who does he call to find out what hospital she was taken to?

All the calls that have been released are here:

LK’s call the morning of has not been posted anywhere that I know of.


Mad Magazine’s Spy vs. Spy?

But with only one “spy” at work!


Dang it. Got all groomed and went to pick the feet and find dried blood, a heel bulb cut and the whole area is warm. Too late to get into the vet for the weekend…so I’m stuck hosing and wrapping. Fortunately I still have a few days of some antibiotics and I’ll start giving those tonight.

At least my daughter got a ride in. It’s supposed to rain quite a bit this weekend so I won’t feel bad keeping my mare in. Bum luck…


So sorry to hear this Sdel! They can always find a way to hurt themselves, can’t they?

Sending lots of positive energy your way!


Yes…I guess she didn’t want to come off vacation just yet. She had a rough year last year (ventral edema/bute overdose from the boarding barn, major ulcers, Cushings, EPM?, and a couple of oak poisonings) so she’s been off since Dec 2018. Daughters horse…had a great time. I think she enjoyed being the center of the attention.


We have curtailed our adult beverage consumption the past few months for various reasons. This has been a week from the underworld so I decided to make a family sized pitcher of Bloody Marys. The secret is my homemade base with extra horseradish, lemon and lime juice. Pour Stoli into the mix and super chill. I garnish with a jumbo boiled shrimp, jumbo green olive, fresh jalapeno slivers and, of course, celery. Absolute perfection.

Please share your Friday night adult beverage!!


I sadly don’t have any as I don’t tend to drink alcohol very often, but with the crash of my current industry, I’m thinking now might be a good time to start.


I am embarrassed to admit I made hot chocolate tonight and then added a shot of whipped cream flavored Pinnacle vodka.

We have a fire going, the old dog is on multiple soft cushions (arthritis in his hips) in front of it. Not an open fire! We have an insert.

@Sdel - Jingles for your girl. Sounds as though she wants to be appreciated more than ever, eh?


I totally understand. We don’t drink alcohol often either and that’s another reason I like my Bloody Marys so much…this mix is delicious as a Virgin Mary!!!

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Friday is an occasion to break out the bubbly these days. I’m having a French 75 while making one of those Blue Apron meals (NY strip, rösti, roasted mushrooms) which I will have with a rosé b/c that’s what’s open at the mo’.

@Sdel - sorry for your woes. A horse mama’s work is never done. Hope it is all much improved over the weekend.