Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

@Sdel is the bulb sliced, as in part of it hanging off or just a bad cut? Which foot? Hope she has quick healing!!

These boots are made for walking, and that’s just what I’ll do…

Keep on walking, AK.

I made home made french onion soup! I biled the rib eye bones into beef broth, biled it down good, sauteed the onion for hours until browned and deglazed with sherry. Thyme added too. Making the bread for a baguette, after which I slice and brile brown and crispy. Swiss cheese is what I have in my fridge, so that will have to do. I ordred crock bowls, and we will have a warm, hearty, comforting supper. Gotta go check that bread now.


@Sdel, honestly, sometimes I think they ding themselves to distract us from our problems.

The boys are out doing the weekly grocery shopping, which includes a trip to The Brewmeister for hops and barley. Because tonight is brew night.

We use the spent grains to make a wonderful rustic pizza dough.


Wedding songs.

I sang this one to my to-be-husband during the ceremony…

…and he sang this one to me. Well, the first 2 minutes, 45 seconds……c&pbjreload=10

I can carry a tune reasonably; my (now ex-) husband earned a full scholarship for Theater to Eastern Michigan University. We and our attendants were in medieval costume.

Alas, the marriage ceremony was better than the marriage. Still, whenever I hear “my” song, I can remember how much in love I was at the time.


It’s not hanging off, just a bad cut, and more to the inside after cleaning. After I got it cleaned up some it seems it may already be a day old. But the lower leg is warm so I did start the antibiotics and will watch it.

It’s a front leg and she’s due for a trim so I’m sure she just caught herself on a hind hoof. She’s just now got enough strength back to pick up her back feet instead of drag her toes (been dragging for a year) so I think she has forgotten how to get her front feet out of the way. Even her lazy pasture walk has her hind feet track almost into the front prints.


That is wonderful, especially the last paragraph.


Does alkaline water count as an adult beverage? I never see kids drink it.


You said it best, so I’ll just ditto.


I didn’t mean his standings as a clinician…

What did you mean? The only things I’ve heard about him are, “he can be difficult”(stubborn), he has a “wicked” sense of humor (can mean anything), he has a huge ego, will give you the shirt off his back, and will gladly help anyone wanting to learn and work hard.


Thank you! I had lost the link!

Just musing this morning at 3 AM (working on [general] Asia time): someone speculated about how the shooting might have gone down and who was on the phone with whom and mentioned the LK call. It is certainly not out of the realm of possibility that what was said was the genuine outburst of the moment. But, it did strike me the specific and repeated claim, “Michael Barisone shot me.” I would imagine it being more, “I’ve been shot! I’m at address Help, I’ve been shot!” etc. Not, specific first and last name shot me.

Along with the really inexplicable JK 911 “info” call, it could suggest wanting to get things on record through official 911 recording.

I also don’t buy that he was routed to 911 through the non-emergency system. Even if that were true, as soon as you realized you were connected to emergency, any reasonable adult would say, “Sorry, I’ve been misrouted; I am only seeking information. I’m hanging up now [so you can dedicate resources to real emergency calls coming in like the one that saved my daughter’s life].” You’d hang the hell up pronto, not go on at quite a leisurely and rambling pace about LT disputes, looking for info, etc.

Again, that a seasoned legal professional would make that call to 911 just doesn’t pass the sniff test unless perhaps he’s a bit senile or something? But that doesn’t square up with his hyper aggressive behaviour towards MH the following day and, I understand, other stories of a similar vein. The sort of doddering, clueless demeanor evident on that phone call seems at odds with other reports of JK.


@FitzE Yes, having worked 911, most callers do not start with the name of the person who’s assaulting them, usually it’s their relationship/position or something not their first and last name. Not saying it can’t happen, but it’s unusual. Most callers start with “He/she is shooting at me!” “I’ve been shot!” or “my husband/neighbor/boss/trainer shot me!.” The exception to that is domestic abuse victims or people that have prior experience from calling before knowing that dispatch is going to start with an address, description of the person assaulting someone, then a name. Cops coming to the scene need to identify the person by gender, clothing, race etc BEFORE a name is important.

Most non-emergency numbers do not have the option to route to the emergency line. They usually say “you’ve reached such and such police/fire/ems service non-emergency number, if this is an emergency please hang up and dial 9-1-1.” so any claim that he called non-emergency and was routed TO emergency is most likely BS. 911 does NOT usually have any such recording, those calls normally go straight to a dispatcher and they are trained to get a disposition as to what type of incident and address ASAP, that’s why in all of these calls the dispatcher is asking for whether the caller is on scene or involved or has any information other than what they already have ASAP. If not, they’ll get that caller the hell off their line.

JK’s call seems very odd in what he emphasized. People do call looking for information on a family member’s incident, but they’re usually more concerned with whether or not help has arrived and if the person is alive, dead, or sent to the hospital than what he shared. Everyone reacts differently in a crisis, so who can say what went through his head… but I wouldn’t call his demeanor typical at all.


Very, very, very interesting for sure. There is entirely too much mystery surrounding this entire situation to make much sense. Most of the questions raised are for LK & Co. “Fascinating” and very, very sad. It’s beginning to sound like the conspiracy was on LK’s part rather than MB conspiring to do anything other than getting her off his property.


I haven’t heard LK’s call to 911 or non-emergency number, so who knows what the actual words were? Reports that she said Michael Barisone shot her might just mean that she identified that it was him and provided a name when asked if she knew. It doesn’t necessarily mean that she literally said “Michael Barisone shot me.” Although that would be unusual, it’s not outside the realm of possibility either if someone were to think they’re dying and their mind goes to making sure the attacker is identified. It would just be unusual to lead with the person’s name.

ETA: Some of MB’s wording is strange too. People don’t usually say they’re in fear for their lives in those specific words. I think he said he’d called multiple times and there was “no relief.” That’s very specific. It sounds to me as someone who took many of those types of calls that both sides were trying to get very specific things on the record.


As a refresher, here’s the article that indicates what she said when she called 911 ~

Legal scholars…why would LK’s 911 call be withheld while the others have been released?


No one said that he was routed to 911 from the police non emergency number. He said he called the non emergency number first, and got a useless automated menu prompting him for animal control, etc, so he hung up and called 911 in order to be routed to the dispatch number for information.

Personally, I would have worked harder at trying to get through with the non emergency number. A lot of lawyers tend to be arrogant to one degree or another and I would believe that, while he knew perfectly well that using 911 to obtain the correct number for information on a case is not what it is intended for, that his need was sufficiently important that it was acceptable for him to do it. I think some degree of arrogance, and a general degree of “It’s OK for me to do this”, is far more likely than senility. He did say he was hard of hearing.

What do you imagine he was trying to accomplish, if not exactly what he said, getting information?

Thanks, so many articles out there, hard to remember which one said what. It’s written as if it’s a direct quote, but we all know news sources aren’t always accurate. If that was in fact the direct quote, it would be unusual but not outside the realm of possible.


Perhaps LK called her lawyer and was secretly letting him in on the conversation between RG, MB, and herself. Perhaps that’s why she has said that she could hear from the porch, but leaned over the rail to “hear better”. And perhaps that’s why she stepped off the porch to get closer to MB. That could very well be how the call got through to 911, if the lawyer patched them in with the conference call feature (it’s on all newer cell phone, and A lawyer would most likely know how to use it). So that would also be why her lawyer would have called her dad right afterward.