I can’t say I have said homophobic, racist or sexually harassed anyone in text, no.
Predictable I would get attacked for posting them, and you all flagged the post to hide them. But y’all were the ones discussing the texts. I just posted them here so everyone can see what’s being referred to.
All of this stuff would be available by FOIA if anyone cares to confirm whether they have been edited or not.
I’m simply sharing what’s being discussed here and saying that defending those text messages is not ok.
It’s possible to hate LK and also think those texts are terrible. The denial or failure to admit how awful those are is sad.
Do you acknowledge that LK has admitted to lying on social media?
Do you acknowledge that people texting each other have some reasonable expectation of privacy?
Do you acknowledge that one can be horrified that LK is up to her same old shady shit?
Saying yes to all of the above is not the same thing as “defending” or “being ok with” the content of those images she has plastered all over reddit time and time again.
No it isn’t. Criminal investigations are exempt from FOIA.
More to the point, since the exact same screenshots are being used by “special K” and Lauren, then it confirms the source wasn’t FOIA by Special. The screenshots have a tell.
You used to be very against people posting Facebook posts by people who are not members here. Changed your stance on that, hu?
How do you feel about the threats that Lauren Kanarek made to the additional people while sharing those texts? I am sure that since it is Lauren it is OK with you? Nothing your buddy Lauren does is ever bad.
You are wrong (still/again). Clearly you have not actually tried or know anyone who has actually tried. And it is not FOIA in this situation.
Is anyone saying this?
This is the same guy that Lauren Kanarek refused to leave his property when asked to leave.
The same can be said for your denial about the stuff that Lauren Kanarek has admitted to doing, is still doing, and there is plenty of proof of.
You are wrong. At least in this case. I know that Lauren has said time and time again that you can, but like has been pointed out, Lauren Kanarek lies on social media.
No, one can not obtain the evidence. The state will not release private texts under FOIA. You can only obtain copies of what was used in the criminal trial.
Usually they black the numbers out when they release the information, but thank you for that info. I always thought they gave anything obtained. I do know they sometimes won’t include stuff based on the investigation.
If these text messages were so damning, or even real, why didn’t they ask MHG about them when she was on the stand?
They asked MHG questions about horse abuse based on other text exchanges she had with Michael, but not these. I would think the homosexual ones would have been a priority to include: if they were real. I also noticed they didn’t pull out Lauren’s texts and ask her about that exchange that she claims is sexual harassment. I think that would have been a priority for the prosecution to provide evidence of as well.
I seem to recall Lauren couldn’t even provide any specific examples of bullying or whatever at the trial except to be told she couldn’t use a bridle that didn’t belong to her when she tried to use it without asking.
Lots of very logical reasons to believe that this is all more of the same BS from Lauren. In fact, the language used sounds a lot like some of LK’s more colorful statements about Eggbutt and GJ.
Let’s say all the texts are real. I don’t see anything criminal in them. If MB sent homophobic crude texts, well, not a position I agree with, condone, or language I would accept around me, but in no way proves he’s a “murderer.” No evidence of horses actually being abused either. I can’t count the times I’ve said I was going to turn a horse into glue or kill the dog that ate 1/2 my couch, but never laid a finger on either one in anger.
LK on the other hand testified under oath that she lies on social media and had planned to “finish the bastard.” She’s certainly still trying to do that, while MB is simply trying to move on with his life.
It’s not even that. The state’s/Lauren’s theory was that Michael came down and shot her because she was she was exposing all of this bullying, sexual harassment, and other stuff on social media. If these texts were real, or otherwise as claimed, they would have been evidence the state would not have passed up; it would be vital evidence for character and motive.
Instead they got “This doesn’t belong to her [about the bridle]”.
When they tell you who they are, believe them. LK testified that she lies on social media so there is zero chance I will believe anything she produces.
We must ask ourselves at this point, what is LK trying to achieve? She must have been “over it” enough to decide to drop her civil suit against MB and ask him to drop his.
Ask yourself why. Maybe in a civil suit all her messages would be exposed. Other things she’s done. Google searches she has made. All sorts of stuff.
Would you drop a lawsuit against the guy who allegedly shot you? Would you?
She is a lie. Everything she does and says, lie. The cartoon of a wealthy, accomplished, talented, dressage rider is a cartoon and a ruse. Lies.
And she’s not done because she will never be done. So yes, anything that comes from her… the truth or texts, is likely altered and faked.
I’m not sure her infamy is all that widely known outside a relatively small circle. If someone went to a dressage show and asked 10 random people if they knew what she did I’m not sure how many would actually know.
You can bet your last dollar that Lauren knows how and is using AI. I bet I could type “create a homophobic conversation and make it look like it came from a provider’s log” into chat gpt and get a great facsimile of the real thing. Not seeing that happened here but it’s certainly possible and maybe would take me a minute.