Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26




Justia may have left out some important details and it’s a shame to rely on an incomplete source when the actual documents have been linked in the thread.


I assume they mean Declaratory Judgment - not Delcaratory Judgment.


Because it is not Chris Deininger making the spelling/typing error, I am sure it is OK and there is a good reason for it.



Good help is hard to find.


Thanks, @trubandloki .

It looks like Farm Family and its parent company American National are countersuing for a summary dismissal of the suit and for their legal costs.

That explains the nature of the counter suit.

You are very welcome. We all know you refuse to read actual documents and this was the easiest way to show that you were once again incorrect.

Clearly the whole google law degree thing is once again failing people.

A counterclaim for dismissal is not what you described before as them countersuing Michael, though I suppose we could easily compare that to the whole police report post. Accuracy is over rated.



Thanks for showing your work. I am certain he appreciates it, as we all do.


As I read it, American National is submitting a request that the judge dismiss Barisone’s suit and counter suing tor their legal expenses incurred.

If they were just asking the judge for a summary dismissal but not requesting reimbursement of their legal costs, would it be considered a counter suit? I don’t think so, but IANAL.

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If you’re referring to me, my preferred pronoun is “she”. I was assigned female at birth, and have never identified otherwise.

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Oops sorry.


He just makes it all up as he goes. CH, a motion to dismiss is not a counter suit. It’s a motion. A counter suit would require
you know what, I know you know the difference. Yours is a typical gaslighting tactic of Supreme insistence that the silly women here are gullible to being bullied. Either that or not being fed the updates on the insurance suit leaves you twisting in the wind snd you just make it up, but either way, just, knock it off.


If you’re referring to me, my preferred pronoun is “she”. I was assigned female at birth and have never identified otherwise.

As I said in a subsequent post, I think the countersuit is the demand for reimbursement of legal costs incurred, rather than the request for summary dismissal.

But they’re related; if the filing of the suit was particularly frivolous, ANIC is more likely to be awarded their legal costs.

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MB’s suit is not frivolous


You seem very agitated with your postings today.

Something about MB’s lawsuit with the insurance company really seems to bother you. Why would that be, one has to wonder. It’s strange.

It seems to Pony that it’s more than you’re standard disclaimer that “It’s a discussion board and you’re here to discuss”.

But I am just a horse of course pondering thoughts while munching my hay.



Stir, stir, stir the pot
merrily on the board
Whats an H to do
when they’re wrong again


Someone here is trying to appear more innocuous than usual, or should I say anodyne. Definitely a sea lion looking for chum.


Wrong. Asking for attorney’s fees reimbursements is not a cross claim, whether you personally can’t tell the difference or not. And why would you think its frivolous? The suit is a legitimate question, whether its granted or not is to be seen, but just because something isn’t granted doesn’t mean it was frivolous. If it was frivolous, the court wouldn’t have heard the case. Assigning nasty adjectives to the lawsuit and attorneys involved, is low, even for you, CH.


I can see that if MB is going to once again receive monies from his insurance policies and Lauren isn’t there to get any, it would agitate the Kklan and @CurrentlyHorseless to no end. Remember Lauren howling about how MB received a damages check for the water damage to the farm house? And how she and her laundry boy deserved money from it? Then she claimed that MB had comitted insurance fraud when she didn’t get any? Then there was their whole original plan to sue MB for some kind of contract breach or something they referred to in their texts, which would have been covered by his liablilty policy, I would think, and then, in the Civil suit, it was all about the insurance companies settleing with them, only they only got the one settlement, and didn’t get anything from the other two parties’ insurances before they had to drop their suit, because the other parties weren’t going to settle for any dollar amount. I think it is making them pretty frustrated that Michael is exercising his insurance policies and they aren’t there to lay any claim to it. That well explains @CurrentlyHorseless’s agitation about this suit, and desperate attempts to minimize its merit, marginalize its structure and demonize its attorneys.

Be less obvious, CH. Your innards are showing.