Barisone Pleads Not Guilty

It refers to evidence. Transcripts of police interviews, reports from forensics, transcripts of recordings maybe. In this case, there’s probably screen shots/captures of various postings or texts, etc. This is normal. Hell, I was a witness in a DUI/hit and run and there were hundreds of pages of evidence in that case, and it was far simpler than this one. I’m not sure why this would be cause to wonder about anything, it’s pretty normal…


Can it be both? Sure feels like both.


I am guessing the person asking does not know what normal in a criminal case is, that is why they were asking.


Oooh this is perfect, just yesterday I was thinking how much I wished the original thread was open so I could thank everyone that has provided info on landlord/tenant issues. Me and my bf are having issues with our current landlord who has decided to add on a bunch of ridiculous rules as well as change the language of the lease to where we are “guests” instead of “roommates” or “tenants” (we are renting a room in his house), and all the info over there has helped us be able to deal until the move in date for our new apt later this month. The issues all started with a girl of course, the fiancee visiting over the holidays and deciding she wanted to change everything so we are essentially limited to being in the kitchen and our bedroom. But we know that what he is trying to pull now isn’t actually legal and wouldnt hold up. So thanks to everyone that explained things!

June 14, that actually isn’t too far. Wow.


Question for the lawyers here. If the trial is set for June, what is that March 2 court appearance for?

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Not a lawyer, but I think it is a Pre-Trial Hearing.
[h=2]What’s a Pretrial Hearing?[/h] A pretrial hearing is a meeting between parties to a case that happens prior to the beginning of a trial. The parties involved may include the plaintiff and their attorney, the defendant and their attorney, and the judge or magistrate.

At times, other parties may be included, as well. Pretrial hearings help to clear up any issues and administrative details that can be handled prior to trial, which then frees the parties up to focus on the real legal issues of the case without the distractions.

As such, they benefit all parties involved. Pretrial hearings may be used in both criminal and civil cases. They are often required by the court, although either party to the case may request that a pretrial hearing be set.


It appears Ms. LaLa is taking her attorney’s advice and keeping mum. Good for her. Gives her more time to ride her 5 or 6 horses and get ready for Wellington.


That may be a premature assessment, time will tell.


Green does not look good on you.


It will definitely be interesting to follow, so one can hear all the sides of the story. We have only heard one. So it will definitely be interesting to watch.


Ah, the trolling has begun.


I’m very interested to see what the other side of the story is. I can’t imagine how they can twist it into anything but attempted murder.


So much doesn’t make sense to me.


Yep, you received answers, but this is pretty standard in a murder case. Even the picture I saw with something like 12 police cars at the crime scene - each of those will likely have a report. Interviews in the formal transcribed format can take hundreds of pages for fairly insignificant witnesses. Every single person spoken to, officer action, photo taken, etc., has to be shared with the defense as discovery - and it meant thousands of pages in the relatively simple murder case I worked back when I worked for a lawyer. Now that there is social media, even horse records and contracts around the property, the other calls to law enforcement made, etc., the prosecution would be hiding something illegally if they didn’t produce thousands of pages. We used cardboard file boxes to store all disclosure with case names, and once categorized and catalogued we would easily have 20 or more boxes. That was in the 90s, and lawyers had to have storage to keep all their files. These days I don’t know how much is catalogued electronically instead.

Also, all Safe Sport records and personnel who touched this have also probably been pulled in to make it even more fun.


No doubt. We were sued as part of a auto accident and the subpoenaed medical records alone were thousands of pages. And that was for a case that eventually settled for less than $10k pre-trial.

Word of advice if you are ever the plaintiff in some sort of injury related case - all, and I mean ALL of your medical records are subject to discovery. I know more about the man who tried to sue us than probably even his wife or doctor, since he saw multiple ones who apparently did not share findings with each other. There is not enough bleach to undo the damage to my brain after reading through some of the discovery files.


My guess, and keep in mind I have no knowledge of anything so it’s just a guess, is that the defense will introduce things like her Facebook posts claiming to have multiple personalities and how she isn’t responsible for what “they” do, that she has guns and isn’t afraid to use them etc., whatever evidence they have of a viscous dog on the property and any other evidence they can use as threats.

The defense is likely to claim that he took the gun in the event he needed it for self defense and not because he intended to kill her. As someone said previously attempted murder requires proof of intent. That might be hard to prove. And although I could be wrong, I just don’t believe that there are audio recordings of MB and others plotting murder and how to dispose of bodies. Again I could be wrong but if I heard someone plotting to kill me I wouldn’t be sitting on that evidence and waiting around for them to do so.


No jealousy or envy here, Kiddo. I’ve got all the horses I need PLUS my sanity.


And I look fabulous in green!:smiley:


I refuse to believe that any of this is even real until YankeeDuchess arrives. :cool:

