Barisone Safe Sport Update

What was the date on that post?




Wow. Very interesting.


I am told that if I was a member of the USEF that I cannot contract with a banned member to come to my private facility (or go to their’s) for a lesson. Is that correct? My private contract with another private individual is not fair game for the USEF/SS–at least it would be a tough sell in a courtroom.

I believe there is a similar problem with the USEF/FEI policy that says that upper level riders can not participate in competitions outside the jurisdiction of the FEI. This came up last year with the Snaffle Bit Association/World Equestrian Center in Ocala. These types of restrictions work in other countries, but tend to run into problems in with US law.


Seems odd that person planted in place that knew all this stuff was not a witness in the criminal trial. Surely they could have provided some proof there was a plot or whatever.


Well, there is also the manipulation of information given to the police to catch perjury for a trial……but MB was harassing her by calling 911?

And what was this about leaving? Not until she had “justice”?


I never understood it either. One would think she would be helping her to find a place.

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Because they are not smart enough to figure out how to get 4 or 5 horses to another barn …. Or themselves to a hotel or a families house… whoops they are not allowed on family property…. I am tired of discussing this. The LK’s are Krazy. Now bad things and criminal behavior makes sense. I could never understand how someone g/ could do something to harm another person intentionally - But it is being played out in technicolor! Wow.


That is one very, very bizarre post, in a world of bizarre posts. I mean, it’s no wonder MB broke.


I saw that when it was public. I wish she would have gone.

What if she was calling looking for a place and the hidden recordings either missed half the conversation or were misinterpreted?


This is what we’ve been saying all along.

LK wasn’t the victim, she was the puppeteer.

Until she wasn’t.


Add that to the LK post about only needing 3 shots or bullets and it gets even more disturbing,


In theory, yes. In practice, no. Have a read of some of the SafeSport threads in the other forums and you’ll find many examples of those with permanent bans who still teach, train, coach, associate with current members and even get paid large sums of money to give clinics.


“In theory”–you mean as per USEF policy? " In practice" you are saying they don’t follow the policy. Of course not, the reason people get around it is precisely because the USEF is well aware that their policy is beyond the legal scope of their authority and they can’t challenge people who don’t follow it without risking someone pushing back and exposing it.

You are proving my point here.

You are admitting that this organization that claims they provide “due process” for the accused has policy that is willfully ignored–probably because it is illegal–and apparently everybody knows it. This is why the reality is that as serious as the transgressions dealing with them outside the law is highly problematic. This is the very definition of a kangaroo kourt and no amount of lipstick will change it. This has alway been my fundamental problem with SS.


this is my belief about this poster. I don’t necessarily believe they are connected to the players in this saga at all. Until you have met someone like this you tend not to understand it.


The very sad thing is the original prosecutor had all this information in discovery and did nothing. They all fawned all over the Kanareks and their revolving door of lawyers. What a shame.

There’s no way all this won’t be introduced in the civil trials.

By the way, I wonder if this screenprint made it into the package sent to USEF?

But wait, she was just kidding and lying, right?


Phew. Thank you for a great post. Some good insight there.


She testified she met him as a teenager and their relationship started in 2015.