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Barisone Safe Sport Update

That’s a major assumption you are making. My understanding is that SS does a preliminary investigation / evaluation of any report and then decides whether to drop it, pass it in to the NGB, or investigate itself.

We know SS received a report filed by LK against MB, and given the timelines it seems likely they had not even begun a preliminary investigation when the shooting happened. The shooting resulted in an automatic suspension pending the outcome of the criminal trial.

Now the trial is complete, the automatic suspension is lifted, and a new temporary suspension is in place while SS begins the process of investigating the claims. As far as we know they could still decide to pass it it off to the USEF, or decide the claims are serious enough to warrant the case staying with SS.

I don’t see any reason to assume this investigation is about the shooting and not the original claim filed by LK.


The bolded statement is true and is the crux of the issue. Eggbutt and her friends just don’t want to believe it and will tear down and abuse any poster who has the audacity to state it. Labeling the poster a “troll” is the least of the abuse.

The “news” that SS had changed MB’s status to “temporary suspension” and the no contact order was discussed in the previously closed thread. It happened, when, last Tuesday? Wednesday?

@Moderator_1 when closing the last thread on Friday said the “topic” could be revisited when there was a new development, specifically giving “results of MBs psychiatric evaluation” as a for instance.

The change in MBs status in the SS list is not a new development. MBs psychiatric evaluation has not occurred. Why do the moderators instructions not apply to you @MHM?


:rofl: :joy: :snowflake: :snowflake:

This thread will be a lot more informative if we do not go down the same rabbithole as on the now closed thread. Sometimes the ignore option is the best route to go.


There is no rule that says if a defendant doesn’t remember committing a crime, his only choice is to plead not guilty by reason of insanity. I’m not sure where that idea came from.


Either way, it seems SS is in a position to receive all of the discovery from the criminal trial. I guess we’ll see how much SS thinks of those recordings after all since they are part of that discovery. Also, I wonder what they’ll think of LK’s testimony and all the SM. I wonder just how damning and extensive, and potentially how illegal, the plan to destroy MB really was and how SS will react to such things. Also, I wonder if SS will care about the whole stalking of MHG’s children as claimed in the police suit as it is pretty clear that claim came from LK/RG’s devices that were confiscated by the police.


It’s been known for 6 months that MB was pleading NGRI. That means they knew the options for a verdict were Guilty (in this case, permanent ban without investigation), or NG or NGRI. If it was NGRI, obviously SS needs to do their own investigation. The criminal justice system has decided he should not be in prison, but has determined he was delusional WHEN HE SHOT A STUDENT. Even if he had been determined to be NG as opposed to NGRI, I think SS would need to investigate to determine their take on the situation. Their standards in terms of burden of proof are different (lower) from those of the criminal justice system.

Do you imagine that in the six months leading up to the trial, SS did not develop a contingency plan as to whether it would investigate if the verdict was NGRI?

Complaints of bullying are routinely passed to the NGOs. Violations of the SS code having to do with serious physical violence, such as NEAR FATAL GUNSHOT WOUNDS TO THE CHEST, are not passed on the the NGO.

The SS suspension list that was posted in the previous thread before it was closed by the moderator clearly said that this investigation was being adjudicated by SS, USEF.

Also, Eggbutt has informed us that LKs bullying complaint against MB was dismissed. Don’t you believe her?


If SS is conducting an investigation on LK, there is so far no temporary suspension of her. SS only uses temporary suspensions during investigations in which the target is considered a clear danger to others.

So either SS is not investigating LK or the allegations against her are considered less serious than those against MB, which makes sense, SINCE SHE DIDN’T SHOOT ANYONE.

Re bolded. The claims in MBs suit against the police came from MB, not from the police!


Honestly, based on the Jaffer article, this seems a lot like a formality to me. A hoop they have to jump through before dropping everything.


My thoughts exactly.


I would think every case is different. I don’t think that it follows that LK is not being investigated because she doesn’t have a temporary suspension at this point in time. There is enough information from court records to warrant an investigation. Plus there are complaints from within the US equestrian community on her problematic behaviour.

She may not be under investigation, but I wouldn’t bet money on it.


You can laugh all you want because you just proved what you post here is not truthful and cannot be trusted.

That is on you and no one else.


:snowflake: :snowflake: :joy: :rofl:

I did not even say that she was not under investigation. I said that if she is under investigation by SS, what she is being investigated for is less serious than what MB is being investigated for. SS only issues a temporary suspension during investigations of targets they consider a present threat to the community.


Exactly. I only PM with people who are known to me to be “friendlies”.

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I would agree.

In considering this we have to remember that in some ways MBs case is unique.

Most of the time or at least much of the time, those adjudicated NGI are people far removed from reality. They were cray cray then and they are cray cray now. Those are the types you want to stay institutionalized.

But MBs case was more of a case of a vulnerable person being driven to insanity and once removed from the constant barrage of harassment and torment was again back into reality though despondent and possibly depressed.

In light of this both the criminal justice system and SS and USEF should decide that MB poses no menace and rightfully should return to full freedoms and permissions.


You wrote that if she were under investigation she would have a temporary suspension (she is obviously a danger to others).

You are splitting hairs here. Why am I not surprised.


Bumped for @Wilbury_Pie

ETA. Perhaps I should have said “if she were considered by SS to be a clear danger to others.”

You, @Wilbury_Pie, may put her on your own temporary suspension list if, in your opinion, she is clearly a danger to others.

Good grief. It never occurred to me that I needed to specify that of course the SS list reflects the assessment by SS, not the assessment of anonymous posters in COTH!


Presumably they also have the report filed against LK by MHG and / or MB to evaluate, and all those issues you mention will be relevant now that they are a matter of public record.