Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

How does that mesh with the time LK told everyone here on this BB that she had subpoenaed the Chronicle and they had already disclosed everyone’s real identity, or whatever it was?

That seems to me like a lot more than leaving out context. And that’s just the one we know about from first hand knowledge.


Welcome to paradise!

Buckle up!


The exact statement was that it “….is negligent at best to allow your gun to go missing and endanger a couple of 12 year olds.“. There were other references to having heard RC and MB’s discussion when she gave him the gun.


Or told her friend she got cameras when she (says she) didn’t


That might sound outlandish under different circumstances. But after what we’ve heard in court lately, that totally makes sense.


Was there only one ear witness? Did other people at the farm hear shots? I wonder because MB may have already been unconscious and we don’t know that the shots heard were the shots that hit LK if no one else heard them. Maybe they were done after the fact to fabricate a story since ED was on the line. Someone needs to make a timeline.


Projection. I think she will sue COTH and demand our identifying information. So, therefore, not really a lie.

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I literally winced when I heard him use that word.


Maybe there are some sort of devices that won’t be detected like an old fashioned cassette tape recorder?

I wondered if MHG father heard the shots, the shouting, or anything else


She said she had already done it. Maybe with the assistance of the global top 5 blue chip law firm.


Well, that sounds quite a bit like the behavior at the root of the trial we’re discussing now. So maybe it would be better not to do that.

But it’s a free country, do whatever you like.


I think she lies, tells the truth, manipulates, and leaves out context as suits her needs.


It’s about the Dressage Hub website. People on these forums… most specifically in the Dressage forums… REALLY don’t like the lady who runs the Dressage Hub website.

Also… there is a guy with the last name Peronace. If you talk about this guy… the forum will immediately react. Intensely.

If you really are Susan… well… none of this is news to you. :rofl:


I’ve only skimmed through today’s testimony, and not going back to read a couple thousand posts so if some of this has already been discussed I apologize.

I actually think Deininger presents better than Bilinkas. He follows trial rules better and more concise in his questioning. I also think the judge does a good job keeping order in his court and keeping the attorneys following the rules.

It’s really sad to hear the various witnesses who’ve known MB for many years and had so many good things to say about him. He kept his life together well for all those years, perhaps because his ex wife handled so many things so that he could concentrate on training and coaching? And he no longer had that. However, the witnesses weren’t intimately involved with him every day and MHG did testify that he had mental issues before LK and RG were on the scene. Like many people, he could keep his professional appearances up around all those other people and privately speak with her about his depression and other issues. I’m leaning toward temporary insanity so far based upon how people have described him before, and the week leading up to the shooting. The whole situation was such a nightmare. I think he was insane for not evicting 6 months earlier.

MB had a lot of things to stress him out - his finances, running the farm, trying to perform business duties he’s never had to do in the past, having to pay out nearly a million to his ex wife when he didn’t have a lot of liquid assets. Again, it was very poor business practice to allow LK and RG back on the farm, poor business not to have any contracts. He even told his attorney right up until the day of the shooting he didn’t want to file eviction, he just wanted to scare her into leaving. And the witness saying MB had millions of dollars, who had no real idea of MB’s financial situation and monthly bills, when obviously those were not liquid millions or he wouldn’t have bee so stressed out about finances.

So I’m wondering, if MB is found not guilty due to insanity, and based upon his appearance and demeanor in court along with how his mental state was so diminished leading up to the shooting, wouldn’t it be better for him to be checked into a mental facility to get the help it appears he needs? If he’s just turned loose back into society, what if he falls apart very easily again because now he’s lost so much more than simply having a bad boarder, has paid over $600,000 in legal fees, etc. Who’s to say he won’t black out again, if that’s what happened, and go violent on someone else. Mental health is a real problem in this country (and many others) and part of the problem is that people don’t get the mental health treatment they desperately need, as so evidenced in this entire situation. (MB not the only person with mental health issues)

There are and have been millions of people who go through horrific domestic problems, such as divorce and custody cases, where the couple or other people are driving each other insane and ruining each other financially - worse than a problem boarder would be in my opinion. If people could get off with murder or attempted murder and simply set free after such an event without some kind of confinement in a a mental facility in order to get help, we’d be seeing many more violent situations that could be explained or excused away with an insanity verdict.


And totally backtracked to “will do it”. She may have had a “lawyer” looking into it that had asked/demanded that CotH volunteer the info under threat of suit…which never got follow through.


The boyfriend reminds me of too many tenants I’ve had who have a million excuses for why they can’t pay the rent. He believes himself more than anyone else, and was a little too arrogant to even notice he’d been caught out in a lie or three. For example, he clearly stated he only worked enough to cover the board for the extra horse. BUT, he had a bill, and Lauren wouldn’t let him present it! AND, MB owes him tens of thousands of dollars for work that was so unsafe he personally dictated a letter to LK to the building inspector to come check out the work he’s owed thousands for. PLUS, early on direct exam, he testified about doing rewiring in the barn. Rewiring that is now putting Lauren’s horses at risk that he had to call the fire marshal for. He’s a piece of work.

I’ve known and had loved ones that have dealt with addiction. The lies, the cons, the games are painful when you’re dealing with it. And he, even in his own testimony, admitted to “relapsing” during that timeframe, “not at the farm.” I would have guessed addict before he admitted to it, and he just oozes that he’s concerned about his next hit and how to finance it.

*edit to change my sentence about rewiring from the ridiculous autocorrect to requiring


Let’s all stay on target here and not get the thread closed. And welcome to the new posters. There are a couple years worth of threads on this topic on this forum, and Lauren makes multiple appearances in them. If you have a free hour or 10, perusing them might give you some more information about the victim in this case. She’s quite the talker…




I referred her to the same way, since that way it’s easier for everyone to know who it is instead of trying to remember a specific name 3000 posts later. Lol.

And welcome to the BB!