Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Will Taylor allow Bilinkas to question her about recording devices?


Mines on

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Mine just went on - phew.

Oh my!!! She is lying now…




I have drug addict family members who have identical facial tics as LK. It’s interesting that that of all things can transcend.


LK had offered RG’s services to deal with the property upkeep and such, to defray the expenses of LK’s horses and housing her and her boyfriend. LK felt that she was not getting what her father was paying MB for - he was apparently picking up the tab for the equines and refused to pay for housing for her and RG at that time - and that has been a sticking point with her. That’s why she repeatedly said here that MB owes her a massive amount of $$$$$ and why she spoke of MB and RG discussing settling a bill owed by MB, just before she was shot. I get the impression that the idea was that her father would eventually open up his wallet and replace MB’s elderly patrons who owned the farm and had financed his efforts in the past.


Edited a spelling error and post went poof. Sorry. Must’ve fat fingered it (phone).


Lauren’s Cross:
Transcript shown - where you played a video of your statement in preparation for the trial? - Yes

Was there anything in that video statement that was inaccurate? - I can’t remember exactly. I think when I said how many shots fired. I think the number of shots fired.

Didn’t you say 5? - I might have said 6. I’m not sure.

So you said 3, 4, 5 shots a few months after? Your recollection is different today? - Yes.

You spoke to your boyfriend and father after the fact? - Yes

Was Rob in room during that statement? - No

In your statement you said you had a problem remembering the incident. (Some confusion)

Prosecution - Was September 5th - Transcript states December 5th - typological error and maybe confusion


He’s doing a good job of impeaching her testimony.


It displays the same items that are being presented on the larger screens, or items that the witness is being asked to review.


Sociopaths are like that too.


He isn’t impeaching her, he is refreshing her recollection. Personally I don’t think its very effective. The mess up of not knowing the date and her being correct about it did not look great.


What did she do for lunch??? She is now rambling and all over the place…


And slurring her words.


Impeaching as in pointing out her testimony can’t be counted on for accuracy. She is not a credible witness.


Highlights of LK’s cross-examination 1:45 - 2:00:

I missed the first few min because of a phone call.

Admits to plan to destroy MB and plan to destroy everything MHG held dear. Says this happened “at a certain point after being bullied.”

LK says she was not asked to leave in July.

Convo with LK, MB, MHG, RG, and JK. MHG began meeting with “Y’all need to leave.” (I missed what date this was–did I hear April? Really bad time to need to multi-task! ) In that meeting, MB told MHG multiple times to STFU because this was his business arrangement.

Things started to turn bad in July.

Have all your statements to prosecutors been truthful? Yes.

Have you hidden anything from them? No

Discussion of 9/5/2019 statement to prosecutor about this case, which in the transcript is apparently labeled 12/5/2019. (Missed some of this due to another phone call, argh.) First time LK talked to prosecutors. When asked if she told pros that “it’s a bit shady in my mind,” she said she was on pain meds and doesn’t remember the interview.

Doesn’t recall telling the pros she disappeared after the shooting. When asked about this, she said she meant she disappeared mentally.

Denies running around the house after the shooting, maybe just in a small circle. Denies physically disappearing.


Shocked the prosecution isn’t objecting to let her finish her answers.


Wonder if this story is true about the spitting. That’s wild.

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Oh boy, LK is becoming the LK we’ve seen here. Back tracking, new facts peppered here and there. She does seem different now than before lunch.