Barisone Trial This Month

?? Her posts are what we are speaking of.


Oh no, she’s totally innocent of lying and threatening people, her admitting to doxxing people is just a nothing burger, her lies aren’t lies but are just exaggerations, her various arrests were all misunderstandings, she has never had drama in other places, would never ever EVER attempt to belittle people and what they do for a living, follow strangers around a store videoing to post video making fun of them, and falsely reporting people to various agencies.

It’s clear and apparent the problem is actually all of us and everyone she has ever encountered because all of humanity is quite jealous of her.

Anyone who posts even the slightest criticism is part of an anti LK cabal and are all obeying MBs psychic commands from prison.

Is that right?


I’m pretty sure for me, it would feel like landing on the ground a lot. Lol.

I don’t know how those people stay on those cutting horses half the time. It’s pretty remarkable.


Well, OJ was found not guilty in a court of law, so… there’s that.


Absolutely…I can only hope that decent people are not rooting for a similar result.


I have to commend you on your superior searching skills. I can rarely find anything when I use the search function here.


Decent people want justice to be served. ALL AROUND.


He was found liable in a court of law on a civil suit.


That doesn’t change the accuracy of my statement.


No. Have you found a screen shot of that Facebook post yet?


I have solid gold.


All the crew from 48 Hours (that Bilinkas contacted - he loves free tv exposure) have access to many facts, filings, and interviews on this case from both sides. They do this leading up to the trial, during the trial and post trial. Not saying IM is connected to 48 Hours but it is possible for several people to have a lot of information from the defense and the prosecution.[quote=“rothmpp, post:2615, topic:770123, full:true”]
Frankly, I think you’re really good a spinning a story and there are enough people on here who believe you to keep your posts coming. Nothing you have posted here that is actually verifiable at this point is information that can’t be found online if you’re good at researching.

From a defense team that has been incredibly good at staying out of the court of public opinion up to this point - four days before opening arguments, I find it nearly impossible to believe that you have access to a “tremendous amount of evidence” from them. The defense would not be sharing information not subject to discovery with someone who has demonstrated their inability to keep their “ooooh - look what I know that you’ll learn shortly!!” attitude in check, especially since you end up sharing it eventually.

If you’re getting the information from a prosecution source and posting in an online BB, someone’s going to lose their job if your indiscretion comes to light.

You may end up being a major player who does have all the info, only time will tell. And if so, there are plenty of people who’ll never trust you with any substantial information again.

Your statement is accurate. And you, of course, are free to believe whether or not justice was served in that matter. I don’t believe justice was served in that case nor in the Trayvon Martin case nor in the Kyle Rittenhouse case…or in many other cases.
No matter what the verdict in the Barisone case…guilty or innocent…we will all draw our own conclusions.


No doubt. Many have already done so, it seems.


I am glad I am not the only one.


Which would hold more weight if IM had not been posting since at least March 2020. Of course it is possible that someone from 48 hours is feeding IM information to rile up posters on this board, but again, I don’t find that particularly likely. Plus is MB’s defense team really sharing a bunch of information with a info-tainment crew before the trial?


sure, why not.

Wait, what? Well that’s odd. I actually know who David Dow contacted to begin with, and it wasn’t anyone on the defense or prosecution team. It also wasn’t anyone who posts here! I’ll share that little secret after the episode airs! :wink:


How long does it usually take from the resolution of the case until the episode airs?


Information an insider would know and self admitted to be helping the defense by posting here.

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