This article just came out.
Interesting stuff. The trial should be even more so…
This should be interesting…
I wish him well with his trial. It is so hard for me to think about him reliving his childhood traumas. Thank you MHM for the latest update.
Ok, I’m no LK sympathizer but you’ve got to see how ridiculous this sounds…
I don’t know anything about Barisone’s childhood, do you?
That’s irrelevant. Worrying about someone having to relive childhood trauma, while he’s on trial for shooting someone point blank?
Ridiculous. He can put on his big boy pants, just like he did when he picked up the pistol and faced off with LK.
Wow. In two sentences you belittled and dismissed another poster’s feelings, and convicted Barisone with a twisted narrative. Way to go!
Love that the judge schooled them on their want to use two defenses which contradict each other.
Might want to pick one and focus on that if they want a chance of defending this man.
There is absolutely no doubt in anyone’s mind that Barisone shot LK.
What his motive was or if it was in any way justified is what’s at question.
What I’m not worried about is whether or not poor widdle Barisone is going to have to “relive some childhood traumas” during his attempted murder trial. He was enough of a bad boy to bring a pistol to an altercation. He can suck it up.

Ok, I’m no LK sympathizer
But you sure seem to be a Barisone hater. So, your feelings about Barisone are relevant, but @clipper’s aren’t. Got it.
By the way, “he picked up the pistol and faced off with LK” is a twisted narrative, whether you see it or not.
But that’s exactly what he did. He got a gun, and went to her place of residence.
By the way, I think LK more than had something REALLY bad coming her way - she spent her life terrorizing people just because she believed she could. She’s also a freeloader who needs to get a job and work for her money.
But the facts are the facts, and I’m not a sympathizer to a guy who couldn’t control his emotions and instead shot someone point blank.
So, in short, I’m not sympathetic to either side. One goaded, and the other took the bait. I’m not worried about the guy who inflicted serious bodily harm on another human, nor am I worried about LK and her scorched earth way of handling herself. They both deserve to sit in the hot seat and account for their actions.
But that’s exactly what he did. He got a gun, and went to her place of residence.
But the facts are the facts
Hm, well, I guess we like to misstate facts where they are convenient.
The shooting took place on his property. The property at the time had multiple parties in residence but I believe it is a misstatement of what is known to say that he “went” to her residence when her residence and his residence were the same place.
And that’s enough for my participation in these threads.
He went to her “area” of residence then. It didn’t happen where he was staying, he went to where she was staying.
But if semantics are what we’re going to go for, I think I’ve made my point.
Perhaps everyone should wait to see what the jury decides as they are the ones who will hear all the relevant evidence presented by both sides. I don’t know either the victims or the defendant. I’ll wait til the media reports on the trials proceedings to form an opinion.
That’s the dream We all won’t have to wait much longer.
I for one and VERY interested in how the defense is going to present their case. Going to be super interesting to follow.
Do you (g) think COTH will send someone to cover the trial?

That’s irrelevant. Worrying about someone having to relive childhood trauma, while he’s on trial for shooting someone point blank?
Ridiculous. He can put on his big boy pants, just like he did when he picked up the pistol and faced off with LK.
The point of the article was that he could have avoided the trial by taking a plea deal that would have given him a maximum of a ten year sentence (8.5 years until possible probation). Assuming credit for time served, he could have taken a deal for 6 years! Instead, he decided to put everyone through the trial and risk a much longer sentence.
LK had no opportunity to avoid the trial, just MB.
Also, the stuff about his childhood trauma is “alleged” by the defense lawyer. I’m not sure I believe it. YMMV, of course.
He’s the one who shot at two people (yes, he’s admitted it); he’s the one who made the decision to go to trial.