Barisone Trial This Month

I clearly remember it as well, along with the discussion after which was quite extensive.

Ooops, posted too soon, I now see all the proof.


Apparently MBā€™s lawyer felt statements made by MB on the day of the shooting to the police and at at the hospital are very detrimental to his defense or he wouldnā€™t have tried to have them not admissibleā€¦and failed.
MB lawyer probably has better awareness of how much of a ā€œburgerā€ these statements are than the MB apologists here.


I disagree. I believe Bilinkas played a gambit, knowing full well the statements would be admitted, so he could get testimony from the two cops on the record before the trial.

By the way, please donā€™t assume anyone here is an ā€œMB apologistā€ anymore than YOU are an LK apologist.


Disclaimer - I have no inside information on this stuff, no legal knowledge, etc.

I would guess the defense team wanted them kept out because it was one less unrelated prejudicial thing to deal with, not because they are a huge deal.


Truly insane. The child sounds like a holy terror at best.


Yes, just as has been done on these threads, the statements can be slanted to benefit the prosecution or explained away by the defense. It would be different if heā€™d said, ā€œOh my, Iā€™m so sorry I conspired to murder two people during the day this afternoonā€


To me, not a lawyer, admission of the ā€œI had a good lifeā€ comments will beg the question what that means or refers toā€¦

Which opens up admission of all of the drama of the preceding weeks and/or months by all parties.

How am I wrong?


I donā€™t disagree.


I think the relevance of the statements is purely in terms of assessing whether he was sane or insane at the time, given the insanity plea.


Donā€™t have to apologize for a victim(that has been trashed online for years) of a violent crime.
Have to admire the devotion to this man, as weird and delusional it isā€¦.
Good luck at the trial. I agree anything can happen.


Pleaseā€¦ She brought 90% of the online responses on herself. Iā€™m making no comment about her status as a shooting victim before you accuse me of victim blaming, Iā€™m talking about her ā€œbeing trashed onlineā€ only. If sheā€™d been remotely reasoned in her responses back in the fall of 2019, there likely would have been an entirely different tone to the conversations here. Instead she trashed almost everyone and hurled insults and threats and continues to double down over and over again.


And also if he remembers what he did that day. He made additional comments at the hospital and wrote a letter I believe that might indicate he is lying about not remembering anything. If so, the jury may not believe anything else he claims.

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Imagine LK was the one who said ā€œI had a good lifeā€ after shooting MB. Posters would be quoting it and claiming smoking gun from the roof tops.

It really is quite incredible to see how nearly every single piece of evidence against MB is turned into some magical fairy story of unimportant or proof he isnā€™t guilty in this thread.

Wild stuff. Canā€™t wait for trial :slight_smile:


This statement misunderstands the insanity claim.
Someone explained it back several threads ago and hopefully they will chime in, but basically as I understand it the break in his sanity created a very specific gap of awareness/memory.
And yes, I believe its a known, understood, documented phenomenon.


So posters can bash, call someone every name in the book but when that person retaliates and is quite possibly suffering from PTSD they are the bad one? Right.

Glass housesā€¦throughout this thread. Constantly.


It is also, extremely convenient. :sunglasses:


Ya know, I donā€™t post on these threads but maybe once or twice. But, Iā€™ve read most of them. I disagree with this assessment. I have done NO bashing or name calling of anyone, but at one point was subjected to sarcasm and hatefulness (for lack of a better term) of ā€œthat personā€. Often, the discussion is pretty even-keeled, and then she is the one that starts the nastiness. So, itā€™s not at all one-sided.


She came online to respond to what was being said about her. Not going to argue whether that was the best approach or that her responses were always appropriate (the comments towards her were beyond inappropriate).
Sometimes it is difficult to turn the other cheek.


Nope, not at all. Iā€™ve said all along that had she not started from the very beginning calling every poster basically a lying piece of trash, and said something to the effect of ā€œI appreciate that this is a very confusing situation. I am still very much recovering from the shooting and Iā€™d appreciate if if everyone could respect my privacy and wait until legal proceedings have time to sort themselves out to before speculating on the events leading up and on the day of the shooting.ā€. If that had happened, the tone would have been much more sympathetic towards LK and there would probably be many fewer threads and long discussions. But itā€™s not the way she went with it. Like all of us, sheā€™s got to own the repercussions of her behavior when it comes to her online behavior.


I didnā€™t say anything about her at all, but made some legal comment. Even if angry, wouldnā€™t just shoot up the town. Sorry, but she was downright mean.